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1. REVEREND JOHN DAVID SIBERT (say 1755 – 1820/30)
In 1762 some twenty thousand acres on Hard Labor Creek in present-day Greenwood and McCormick Counties in South Carolina were laid out as a buffer between the Cherokee Indians and low-country plantations. Land was granted to 56 people, and by autumn 1765 there were about 250 settlers, mostly German Palatine immigrants. The colonial government ordered a log house built for the colonists, and it appears that as early as 1769 the congregation of the St. George Lutheran Church was organized there. It petitioned the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations for a Lutheran minister. It is not known what the result of this request was; perhaps it was not immediately granted, and the congregation was forced to rely on clergymen from other denominations.
Luther J. Beeson claims that the Reverend John David Sibert came to America not long before the Revolutionary War. He married a Miss Wilmore of Virginia and bought a farm on Hard Labor Creek in Abbeville District, now in McCormick County, and at some point, he became the minister of St. George’s Lutheran church. After the Revolutionary War, the church opened as a Lutheran church with John David as its pastor. [1]
According to John David’s son David, John David was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. Probably he was a soldier in the local militia; his son David recounts how on one occasion he was forced to hide from the British in a hollow log until he was almost famished. [2]
It is not known how long after the war John David remained with St. George Lutheran Church, but he left before 4 January 1788, when the church was incorporated with a different pastor. Apparently, John David and some of the congregation had converted to Methodism, and moved down the road to form the Tranquil Methodist Church in Troy which was built about one mile northwest of the St. George’s Church on the Troy-Edgefield road. According to Beeson, [3]
Hard Labor CreekJohn Cook of Jasper Co., Miss. stated that when he was a small boy he heard the Reverend Sibert preach in this church and that his German accent was so strong that he could hardly understand him. Harmon Gable who lived to be over one hundred years old, told his son who is now living in this locality that he often heard the Reverend Sibert preach, clad in long hose and knee breeches with silver buckles at the knees.
It might seem implausible that John David was first a Lutheran minister and then a Methodist minister, but we have corroboration from G. D. Bernheim. [4]
Little else is know about John David. It seems likely that he received his theological training in Germany, and was sent to America to be a minister to the German colonists. He may have arrived in America before the Revolutionary War, as Beeson asserts. Fighting continued in the South Carolina backcountry through 1781, and he had surely arrived by then as his son said he was a soldier.St. George's Lutheran Church on Hard Labor Creek was also visited by Rev. R. J. Miller in his missionary tour in 1811, and the following is his report concerning this church: "Sunday, November 10th. I preached in a German meeting-house on Hard Labor Creek, where my appointments were to commence; here was a formerly Lutheran congregation, but no remains of it are found; here the Methodists and Baptists have pulled each other out of the pulpit. Every person seemed attentive; here is the full proof of the necessity of missionary preaching. The former Lutheran minister became a Methodist."
Beeson claims that John had nine children: John H., who died in Lincoln County, Georgia on 19 March 1860, leaving his large estate to the children of his brother Frederick and his sister Susan Crooks; David, born in October 1793; George, born in 1798; Frederick; Rosa, who married a man named Galloway and moved to Alabama; Rachel, who married a man named Lee and died at an advanced age in Alabama; Leah, the twin of Rachel, who died young; and Susan who married a man named Crooks. [5] Beeson, however, is confused. John David Sibert of Abbeville had two sons. One was David, who referred to John David as his father. The other was George, with whom John David and his wife are said to have lived after David moved to Alabama. John David is probably the father of Rosa, Rachel and Leah, who are not named in John H.'s will.
Abbeville County was created within the Ninety-Six District in 1785. In 1800 Abbeville County was renamed Abbeville District and in 1868 it again became Abbeville County. In 1897 it lost parts to the newly formed Greenwood County. It lost more parts to Greenwood in 1898 and to the newly formed McCormick County in 1916. Probate records exist back to 1772 but most other records were lost in fires in 1872 and 1873. The old map at the top is from 1886; the modern Google map depicts Hard Labor Creek and its surroundings.
John David appears as John Sybert, aged over 45, in the 1820 census. He was living in Abbeville in a household with four other people: a male aged 16 to 25 and three females, one over 45, one aged 16 to 25 and one aged ten to 15. These may have been his wife and George and two daughters, perhaps Rosa and Rachel. Listed immediately after John in the census is David Sybert, no doubt his son David. David is described as between 16 and 18. This is probably an error as David was 26 at the time. He was living with two free white females 16 to 25. As David was not yet married, it is unclear who the young women were. Perhaps they were housekeepers or relatives. [6]
John David's birth date is unknown. If he was born in, say, 1755, then he would have been 26 at the end of the war, 38 when David was born and 43 when George was born. A much later birth date seems inconsistent with being a minister at the end of the war and possibly having arrived in Hard Labor Creek some years before the end of the war. A much earlier birth date is possible but would make him an unusually old father. Beeson says that John David and his wife were alive and living with their son George when David Sibert married on 29 November 1820 and then left for Alabama. [7] They were probably dead by 1830 when they do not show up living with George in the 1830 census.
To summarize, John David Sibert was born say 1755. He probably died between 1820 and 1830, probably in Abbeville County. He is said to have married a Miss Wilmore. She probably died between 1820 and 1830, probably in Abbeville County.
Children of John David Sibert and Unknown Wilmore (order uncertain):
+ | 2. | David Sibert was born in October 1793, probably in the Ninety-Six District. He died on 11 July 1873 near Keener Alabama. He married Elizabeth Cook. |
+ | 3. | George Sibert was born in 1798, probably in the Ninety-Six District. He died on 15 July 1865 in Abbeville County. He married Adeline Lasseter. |
4. | Rosa Sibert (probably) married Unknown Galloway. She moved to Alabama. | |
5. | Rachel Sibert (twin) (probably) lived to an advanced age and died in Alabama. She married Unknown Lee. | |
6. | Leah Sibert (twin) (probably) died young. |
11 September 1959 letter from H. P. Sibert to "Ray".
1. Luther J. Beeson, Sibert Family (Mobile: Acme Press, 1928), 3. South Carolina Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, A History of the Lutheran Church in South Carolina (Columbia, SC: R.L. Bryan Co., 1971), 803, Reverend David Sibert was pastor after the Revolutionary War.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 3.
3. Beeson, Sibert Family, 3. History of the Lutheran Church, 803.
4. G.D. Bernheim, History of the German Settlements and the Lutheran Church in North and South Carolina (Philadelphia: Lutheran Book Store, 1872), 364–5.
5. Beeson, Sibert Family, 3–4.
6. "1820 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry ( > SC > Abbeville > Abbeville, image 45.
7. Beeson, Sibert Family, 3–4.
Old map created 1886, in William and Alexander Keith Johnston, Encyclopædia Britannica, 9th edition, volume 22, facing page 286. In the public domain.
John Sybert of Lincoln County Georgia It is useful to consider the source of Beeson's confusion with respect to John David's children. At the time that John David was living in Abbeville, there was another John Sybert, living across the Savannah River in Lincoln County, Georgia. This John was probably the John Sebert who was a Revolutionary Soldier from Georgia. [1] He had 200 acres in Captain Sybert’s district in Lincoln, Georgia, and was taxed there between 1799 and 1806. He owned 450 acres in Captain Glay’s district in Lincoln and was taxed there in 1818. [2] He appears in the 1820 census in Lincoln. [3] He was probably the father of the John Sibert who married Peggy Wellmaker on 21 February 1828 in Wilkes County, Georgia. [4] This younger John is undoubtedly the John H. Sybert who was living in Lincoln in 1830 and 1840. In 1850 John H. Sybert, born about 1798 in Georgia, was living in Lincoln with his wife Margaret, born about 1808 in Georgia. [5] In 1855, John had 425 acres and 13 slaves in Lincoln and was referred to as the executor of the estate of Thomas N. Jones, deceased, the agent for Henry J. Crook and Job Wellmaker and the administrator of the estate of William Nichols. [6] He wrote his will on 18 March 1860 and it was probated on 2 April 1860. He left his estate to his wife Margaret and the children of his brother Frederick Sybert and his sister Susan Crook. He called two of Susan’s children Lucinda Jones and Mary Ann Nichols. He named Eli Wellmaker and Henry Crooks his executors; Henry Crooks was appointed administrator. [7] Frederick E. Sybert, born about 1802 in Georgia, was a farmer who died of pneumonia in Morgan County, Alabama in 1850. [8] He married Rebecca Wade on 22 January 1821 in Warren County, Georgia. [9] He died intestate, but his estate papers name various children. [10] This family can be summarized as:
An earlier southern census entry is also relevant. The 1790 federal census has a John Sybert living in Orangeburg, South Carolina in a household consisting of one free white male 16 and over, two free white males under 16 and two free white females. [11] It is unlikely that this is John David, but it might be John Sybert of Georgia, or it could be some other John Sybert, related or unrelated. Endnotes: 1. "Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia Vol. I," database with images, Ancestry, image 268. |
2. DAVID SIBERT (John David1) (1793 – 1873)
David Sibert was probably born in October 1793 in Ninety-Six District, Alabama. He died on 11 July 1873, age 79 years and nine months, and is buried in the Duck Springs Cemetery in Duck Springs, Etowah County, Alabama. He married Elizabeth Cook on 29 November 1820 in Abbeville District. [1] Elizabeth is said to be the daughter of Henry Phillip and Margaret Susanna (Lightfoot) Cook. She died on 8 August 1863 and is buried in the Duck Springs Cemetery. [2] The inscription on her gravestone says she was 80 years old when she died. This is undoubtedly an error, as it would make her in her mid-fifties when her last child was born, and it is inconsistent with census entries that have her born in 1788 or, more plausibly, 1792. Elizabeth's father may have been Henry Cook of Abbeville. Inventory was taken on the estate of Henry Cook of Abbeville on 13 October 1801, and it amounted to 5,559 dollars. The estate was probated in 1807. His administratrix was Susanna Cook, presumably his widow. In 1800 Susannah Cook, aged between 26 and 45, was living in Abbeville with a boy under ten, two boys 10 to 15 and two girls under ten. [3]
Beeson says [4]
David Sibert in the year 1819 went to St. Clair Co. Alabama took up land in the neighborhood of the present site of Asheville and built a house. He returned to Abbeville District, South Carolina, and married Elizabeth Cook, oldest child of Henry Phillip Cook and his wife Margaret Susanna (Lightfoot) Cook on 29 Nov. 1820. He began his long journey to his farm in St. Clair Co. Alabama, with his wagons, household goods, cattle, and the necessary tools for pioneer life. He took with him his mother-in-law, Margaret Susanna (Lightfoot) Cook Clark, then the widow of her 2nd husband, Henry Clark, and their charming young daughter Martha Clark. They stopped in Georgia in 1821 and made a crop, arriving in St. Clair Co., Alabama early in the year 1822. At their first meeting Curtis G. Beeson fell in love with Martha Clark, and they were married on July 29, 1822 at the home of David Sibert. David Sibert and his brother-in-law, Curtis G. Beeson, lived near neighbors in St. Clair County. The widow Clark lived with the Siberts until they moved to Big Wills Valley, DeKalb co. about 1836. Then she lived with Curtis G. Beeson and family until her death April 11, 1847 at age 83. David Sibert purchased from the Cherokee Indians a village with about 80 acres of cleared land around it, located in Big Wills Valley about two miles west of Keener, Ala. The pride of the village was a large log house covered with thatch. The trees for this house had been hacked down by the Indians with stone axes and the bark peeled off. David Sibert and his family moved into this house and began a pioneer life again. He and his two oldest sons, John W. and Henry built the first mill in Big Wills Valley on Will's Creek. The mill stones for grinding wheat and the bolting cloth were purchased in France and shipped to Mobile and up the river to Wetumpka and were hauled about a hundred and fifty miles to the mill site. The mill stones for grinding corn were made from the millstone grit rock found in Lookout Mountain nearby. The building was a two-story structure made of hewn timbers and sided first with split laths. The mill had turbine wheels which were made by John W. and Henry Sibert. In order to supply the inhabitants of Wills Valley with flour and corn meal the mill had to be operated day and night and frequently on Sundays. Flour was turned out by this mill until 1918 when it was abandoned by the owner.
David Sibert was an enterprising citizen, a good farmer, and he owned several slaves. He was a local Methodist preacher. He died in his home 16 July 1873, and is buried beside his wife, Elizabeth Cook, in Duck Springs Cemetery in Big Wills Valley about 12 miles north of Gadsden, Alabama.
David was appointed Justice of the Peace in St. Clair County on 18 March 1829 and again on 14 May 1832. In 1830 he was described as being between 30 and 39 years old and living in St. Clair County. His household consisted of three free white males and two free white females under five years of age, two free white males between five and nine and a free white female between 30 and 39. These were probably his wife Elizabeth and his children John, Henry, Martha, George, Jasper, Hiram and Mahuldah. He also owned one slave. [5]
In 1840 David Sibert lived in DeKalb County, Alabama. His household consisted of one free white female under five, two free white males and one free white female between five and nine, one free white male and two free white females between ten and 14, two free white males between 15 and 19 and one free white male and one free white female between 40 and 49. These were probably his wife Elizabeth and his children John, Henry, Martha, George, Jasper, Mahulda, Julia, William and Mary Ann. On 1 May 1845 four certificates were deposited in the land office at Lebanon showing that David had purchased four plots of land, one of about 160 acres, one of 80 acres and two of 40 acres in what was later Etowah County. On 2 September 1850 he bought a fifth parcel of 40 acres. [6]
In 1850 David was a farmer living in DeKalb County with Elizabeth and Julia A, age 18., William, age 16, and Mary A, age 11. He owned real estate worth 3,000 dollars. According to the Alabama state census, in 1850 D. Sibert was living in DeKalb County in a household consisting of one free white male over 45, one free white male 18 to 21, one free white female over 21, two free white females under 21 and eight slaves. In 1860 David was living in Duck Spring, DeKalb County with Elizabeth and Julian, age 27. He had a personal estate of 3,500 dollars and real estate worth 18,969 dollars. He was a farmer, and in 1860 he owned 480 acres of land, four horses, one mule, three milk cows, four oxen, 17 other cattle, 25 sheep and 100 pigs. He grew wheat, corn, oats and cotton. He owned 15 slaves. [7]
David Sibert registered to vote in Baine County [a temporary name for Etowah] in 1867. In 1870 David was living with his daughter Mary H. Beeson and her family in Attalla, Etowah County. He had a personal estate of 4,000 dollars. He owned a farm with 480 acres; he had a horse and grew corn and oats. [8]
David is described as a leading man in the Methodist Church in Wills Valley in the early years of its existence. [9]
Children of David Sibert and Elizabeth Cook:
+ | 7. | John Wesley Sibert was born on 1 February 1822 in Alabama. He died on 10 May 1868. He married Nancy Unknown. |
+ | 8. | Henry Sibert was born on 4 April 1823 in Alabama. He died on 27 November 1892. He married Dorcas Edwards. |
+ | 9. | Martha Sibert was born on 30 May 1824 in Alabama. She died on 28 March 1905. She married William C. Waddell. |
10. | George W. Sibert was born on 1 December 1825 in St. Clair county. He died on 20 August 1847 in Keener. [10] | |
+ | 11. | Jasper Sibert was born on 10 November 1827 in Alabama. He died on 21 January 1915 in Craigshead County, Arkansas. He married first Rebecca Brown. He married second Nannie H. Farrar |
12. | Hiram Sibert (twin) was born on 25 or 26 February 1829. He died on 14 October 1835. | |
13. | Mahuldah Sibert (twin) was born on 25 or 26 February 1829. She died on 28 June or 18 January 1841. | |
14. | Jacob Sibert was born on 12 January 1831. He died on 3 April 1831. | |
15. | Julia Ann Sibert was born on 10 July 1832. She died on 12 January 1863 in Keener. She is buried in the Duck Springs Cemetery. She married Arthur A. Parr about 1860. Arthur was born on 27 June 1820 in Georgia. He died on 23 February 1879 and is buried in the Greenwood Baptist Church Cemetery. He was a school teacher. He was a corporal in Company G of the 49th Alabama Infantry. [11] | |
+ | 16. | William Joshua Sibert was born on 17 October 1833 in St. Clair county. He died on 29 July 1909 in Gadsden. He married Marietta Ward. |
+ | 17. | Mary Ann Frances Sibert was born on 13 September 1838 in Keener. She died on 16 July 1905 in Keener. She married Captain William Baker Beeson. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 4–5, birth date, wife's name and marriage date and place. "Rev. David Martin Sibert," webpage, Findagrave (, no. 7355481, death date from inscription (photo).
2. "Elizabeth Cook Sibert," Findagrave, no. 7355482, date from inscription (photo).
3. "South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records, 1670–1980," database with images, Ancestry > Abbeville > Probate Records, Boxes 19–20, Packages 390–455, 1782–1958, images 258–66. "1800 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > Abbeville > Not stated, image 53.
4. Beeson, Sibert Family, 4–5.
5. "Alabama Civil Appointments, 1818–1939," database with images, Ancestry > M881666, images 4402–3. "1830 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AL > St. Clair > Not Stated, image 37. "1840 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AL > DeKalb > Not Stated, image 38.
6. "U.S., General Land Office Records, 1796–1907," database with images, Ancestry > Alabama > Etowah, images 337, 363, 541, 721, 98.
7. "1850 U.S. Federal Census," Ancestry > AL > DeKalb > Division 25, image 50, David, 57, and Elizabeth, 62, both born in South Carolina; the children born in Alabama. "Alabama State Census, 1820–1866," database with images, Ancestry > 1850 > DeKalb, image 18. "1860 U.S. Federal Census,"database with images, Ancestry > AL > DeKalb > District 3, image 2, David, 66, and Elizabeth, 68. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850–1880," database with images, Ancestry > AL > Agriculture > 1860 > DeKalb > Division 3, image 1. "1860 U.S. Federal Census — Slave Schedules," Ancestry > AL > DeKalb > District 3 > image 1.
8. "Alabama, Voter Registration, 1867," database with images, Ancestry > Baine-Etowah > election district 34 > precinct 12 > vol. 1, image 30. "1870 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > Alabama > Etowah > subdivision 42, image 113, David age 76. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules, 1850–1880" > AL > Agriculture > 1870 > Etowah > Subdivision 42, image 13.
9. Anson West, A History of Methodism in Alabama, (Nashville: Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1893), 517.
10. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5. "George W. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 7355489.
11. "Biographies," DeKalb County, Alabama Genealogy Trails (, entry for William J. Sibert, Julia's husband's name. "Arthur A. Parr," Findagrave, no. 57325725, birth and death dates from inscription (photo). "Julia Ann Sibert Parr," Findagrave, no. 6796047, birth and death dates from inscription (photo). "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > District 3, image 55, Arthur's profession, birth place and years married.
3. GEORGE SIBERT (John David1) (1798 – 1865)
George Sibert was probably born in 1798 in Abbeville District, South Carolina. He died there on 15 July 1865. He married Adaline Lasseter in 1823. Adaline was the daughter of Isaac and Faithy Lasseter. She was born in 1808 and died in May 1889. [1]
In his will, probated on 25 June 1834 in Edgefield County, South Carolina, Isaac Lasseter left his substantial property to his wife Faithy and his children, except for Adaline. He said [2]
I give to my son in law George Seybert husband of my daughter Edaline the [sic] of five dollars to be [smudged] my executors paid to him or his heirs if demanded he having been by me heretofore apportioned.Beeson says [3]
[George] married Adeline Lasseter when she was fifteen years of age against the wishes of her parents who gave her no property. She was from a prominent wealthy family … He began life a poor man cultivating his father’s farm but by industry and good management he amassed a fortune and became one of the wealthiest and most influential men in that part of the state.
In 1830 George Sybert lived in Abbeville. His household consisted of one (free white) male and one female between 30 and 39, one male and two females under five and two females between 20 and 29. He owned nine slaves. In 1840 G. Sybert lived in Abbeville. His household consisted of two (free white) males under five, one male and three females between five and nine, one female between 30 and 39 and one male between 40 and 49. He owned 14 slaves. [4]
In 1850 George and Adaline Sibert lived in the Savannah River Regiment in Abbeville. They were living with Isaac, Elizabeth, age 16, John, age 14, George, age ten, Louisa, age nine, Sarah, age seven, Martha, age five, Isabella, age three, Wesley, age two, and Mary, age 18. George owned 19 slaves. He owned 697 acres with a value of 3,000 dollars. He had eight horses, one mule, eight milch cows, 16 other cattle, seven sheep and 100 pigs; he grew wheat, corn and oats. [5]
In 1860 George and Adaline ("Ann") lived in Indian Hill, Abbeville with Elizabeth, Jas. H., Geo. M., Louisa, Sarah, Martha, Isabella, Wesley and Victoria. George was a farmer with a personal estate of 8,960 dollars and real estate worth 68,205[?] dollars. He owned 42 slaves. [6]
In 1880 Adaline was living with her daughters Elizabeth and Vickie in Indian Hill. [7]
Children of George Sibert and Adaline Lasseter:
+ | 18. | Isaac Lasseter Sibert was born on 12 November 1826 in South Carolina. He died on 12 May 1913. He married Sarah Patterson Lyon. |
+ | 19. | Caroline ("Carrie") Rachel Sibert was born 20 January 1830 in South Carolina. She died on 12 September 1882. She married Reverend Anthony G. Harmon. |
20. | Elizabeth ("Lizzie") W. Sibert was born in 1833 in South Carolina and she died in 1904. She is buried with her sister Vickie in the Mount Vernon Methodist Church Cemetery in McCormick County, South Carolina. She apparently never married. [8] |
+ | 21. | John Henry Sibert was born on 14 August 1836 in South Carolina. He died on 14 July 1917 in Bradley, Greenwood county, South Carolina. He married Laura A. Lyon. |
+ | 22. | George Moore Sibert was born on 11 December 1839 in Abbeville. He died on 11 October 1918 in Bordeaux, Abbeville. He married Margaret Lyon. |
+ | 23. | Louise Sibert was born in 1841 in South Carolina. She died in 1878 or 1879. She married Lawrence Pembroke ("Pem") Guffin. |
+ | 24. | Sarah ("Sallie") Sibert was born on 13 February 1843 in Abbeville county. She died on 3 December 1923 in Charleston. She married Lemuel Guffin. |
+ | 25. | Susan Isabelle Sibert was born on 28 June 1846 in Edgefield County, South Carolina. She died on 29 December 1939 in Bordeaux. She married first William Andrew Pennal. She married second Charles Oscar Mayson. |
+ | 26. | David Wesley Sibert was born on 11 February 1848 in South Carolina. He died on 25 January 1917. He married Mary Elizabeth Ferguson. |
+ | 27. | Martha ("Mattie") Lavania Sibert was born on 23 August 1850 in South Carolina. She died on 6 November 1934 in Greenwood county. She married Colonel James Harrison Mason. |
+ | 28. | Victoria ("Vickie") Sibert was born in 1850 in South Carolina. She died in 1886. She married Kelly Harrison. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13.
2. "South Carolina Wills and Probate Records" > Edgefield County, image 432.
3. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13.
4. "1830 U.S. Federal Census"> SC > Abbeville, Not Stated, image 47. "1840 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > SC > Abbeville > Not Stated, image 89
5. "1850 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Savannah River Regiment, image 17, George, age 50, and Adaline, age 42. It is not clear who Martha and Mary Sibert are. "1850 U.S. Federal Census — Slave Schedules," database with images, Ancestry > SC > Abbeville, Not Stated, images 59–60. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > SC > Agriculture > 1850 > Abbeville > Savannah, image 3.
6. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville, Not Stated, image 84, the enumerator appears careless, names are misspelled and ages are incorrect."1860 U.S. Federal Census — Slave Schedules" > SC > Abbeville, image 69.
7. "1880 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > SC > Abbeville > Indian Hill > E.D. 4, image 13.
8. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13. "Elizabeth Sibert," Findagrave, no. 110784091, dates from inscription (photo).
7. JOHN WESLEY SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1822 – 1868)
John Wesley Sibert was born on 1 February 1822, probably in St. Clair County, Alabama, and he died on 10 May 1868. [1] He married Nancy Unknown. She was probably born about 1826 in Tennessee.
An excerpt from a letter from Hamilton P. Sibert, written 6 November 1959, says
I found the old David Sibert bible. IT IS NOT FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. It is not written in German. It is an American bible printed in 1825. It has written in large ink letters in the front and in the back, "DAVID SIBERT. HIS BIBLE." There is listed therein the birth dates and dates of death of all of the children that died before David did. Someone entered his date of death. Also date of his wife. Also that David was 79 Yrs 9 mos. old. … The name on this bible is spelled "SIBERT". ... I have been asking you about John Wilmore Sibert, first child of David, born 2-1-1822. [Beeson] says died in Ark 5-10-1868 leaving a small family. This death date is in the above bible, but does not show where he died. Wonder how Beeson got the Ark reference? The David Sibert bible lists the first born on that date, 2-1-1822, as John Wesley Sibert in the first birth date column. In the 2nd column on the same page he is listed as John W and on the death column page he is listed as John W. Wonder how Beeson got the Wilmore? All of the other names tally in succession as now shown in the book. Your "Grannys" name is spelled in two places as "Martha Jain".
In 1850 John and Nancy were living in Division 25, DeKalb County, Alabama with Elizabeth M. and Malissa J. John was a farmer with real estate worth 2,000 dollars. On 1 December 1852 a certificate was deposited in the land office at Lebanon showing that John W. had purchased a 40-acre plot of land in what was later Etowah County. On 15 July 1854 he bought a second parcel of 40 acres. In 1860 John and Nancy were living in Lebanon, Division 2, DeKalb County with Elizabeth M., Malissa J. and William J. John was a farmer with a personal estate of 4,200 dollars and real estate worth 6,000 dollars. In 1860 he owned 280 acres of land; he had two horses, one mule, three milk cows, four working oxen, eight other cattle, three sheep and 30 pigs; he grew wheat, corn, tobacco and cotton. He owned two slaves. [2]
John was commissioned Justice of the Peace of DeKalb County on 10 June 1856. [3]
John was a Confederate soldier. [4] He was a private in the Ninth Regiment, Alabama Cavalry (Malone's). [5] He was a private in Company E of the 12th Regiment of the Alabama Infantry. He enlisted on 20 July 1861 for a period of 12 months, but was discharged on 7 October 1861 for disability due to rheumatism. He described himself as 5'10" with a dark complexion, blue eyes and black hair. [6]
John owned Sibert’s Mill, the first mill in DeKalb County, Alabama. [7]
Children of John Wesley Sibert and Nancy Unknown:
29. | Elizabeth M. Sibert was born about 1847 in Alabama. |
30. | Malissa J. Sibert was born about 1848 in Alabama. | |
31. | William J. Sibert may be the William J. Sibert, a single farmer born in Alabama, who died in May 1880, age 30, in Harrison, Boone County, Arkansas. [8] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5. Beeson calls him John Wilmore Sibert and says he died in Arkansas, leaving a small family.
2. "1850 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Division 25, image 51. This census says that John was born about 1822 in South Carolina, Nancy was born about 1826 in Tennessee, Elizabeth M. was born about 1847 in Alabama and Malissa J. was born about 1848 in Alabama. According to the Alabama state census, in 1850 J. W. Sibert was living in DeKalb County. His household consisted of six (white) people: two males under 21, one male between 21 and 45, two white females under 21 and one white female over 21. "Alabama State Census" > 1850 > DeKalb, Image 11. "U.S. General Land Office Record" > AL > Etowah, images 1248, 1309. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Division 2 > De Kalb, image 6. This census says that John W. was born about 1822 in South Carolina, Nancy was born about 1826 in Tennessee, Elizabeth M. was born about 1847 in Alabama, Malissa J. was born about 1848 in Alabama and William J. was born about 1851 in Alabama. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > AL > Agriculture > 1860 > DeKal > Division > DeKalb, image 3.
3. "Alabama Civil Appointments" > M881666, image 3011.
4. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5 and Northern Alabama: Historical and Biographical (Birmingham: Smith and Deland, 1888), 369–70.
5. Historical Data Systems, "Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861–1865," database, Ancestry, entry for John W. Sibert.
6. "Civil War Service Records," database with images, Fold3 ( > Confederate > AL > Twelfth infantry > S > Sibert, John.
7. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5.
8. "U.S. Federal Mortality Schedules, 1850–1880" > AK > Boone, image 4.
8. HENRY SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1823 – 1892)
Henry Sibert was born on 4 April 1823, probably in St. Clair County, Alabama. He died on 27 November 1892 and is buried in the Plunkett Cemetery in Collinsville in DeKalb County. [1] He married Dorcas Edwards. She was born on 17 February 1821 and died on 1 March 1901 in Collinsville. She is buried in the Plunkett Cemetery. Dorcas is said to be the daughter of Jesse and Elizabeth (Carleton) Edwards. [2]
On 13 April 1897 the heirs of the estate of Henry Sibert were F.I. Beavers; J.A. Chaney, wife of J.M. Chaney of Collinsville; D.J. Sibert of Thirty Nine in DeKalb County; J.D. "Jeff" Sibert of Tuckerman, Arkansas; James and Cassie, the children of Robert E. Sibert; Dave and Burmah, the children of David Sibert; and Dorcas, his widow. [3]
In 1850 Henry and Dorcas were living in Division 25 in DeKalb County with Fadeva I,. age three, and new-born Nell. Henry was a farmer with real estate worth 400 dollars. In 1860 Henry and Dorcas were living in Lebanon, Division 2 in DeKalb County with Fadeva, age 13, Robert, age 12, Dolphus, age ten, David, age six, and Julia, age two. He had a personal estate of 2,000 dollars and real estate worth 1,000 dollars. Henry was a farmer, and he had 204 acres of land. He owned four horses, three cows, four oxen, three other cattle, 16 sheep and 54 pigs. The value of his livestock was 800 dollars. He grew wheat, corn, oats and tobacco. [4]
Henry enlisted as a private in Company G of the 31st Alabama Infantry Regiment. This regiment was organized on 16 March 1862 and on 6 to 7 April 1862 it was part of Brigadier General J. C. Breckinridge's First Brigade (under Colonel R. P. Trabue) at Shiloh. Henry was captured on 7 April and was held as a prisoner of war at Camp Douglas, Illinois. He was sent to the prison hospital. He suffered from erysipelas from 14 June to 20 July and from debilitas from 20 to 27 July. [5] Camp Douglas was noted for its terrible conditions and high death rate. Almost all of the prisoners were gone by September; most because they had taken an oath of allegiance to the United States, had been exchanged or died. Henry later enlisted as a private from DeKalb in Company K of the Third Confederate Cavalry. It appears that Henry was part of the group of Confederates who raided a Union wagon train on 28 December 1863 in Charlestown, Tennessee as Henry was captured there on that date. He was sent to Louisville, Kentucky on 14 January 1864 and to Rock Island, Illinois three days later. He was released on 19 June 1865, and his name appears on a list of those who signed an oath of allegiance. He was described as 45 years old, six feet tall, having a "fresh" complexion, dark brown hair and gray eyes. [6]
In 1866 Henry lived in Township 9 in DeKalb County. His household consisted of one male over 20, three males aged ten to 20, one male under ten, one female over 20, one female aged ten to 20 and one female under ten. In 1870 Henry lived in Collinsville with Dorcas, Robert, Rodolphus J, age 18, David E., age 16, Julia A., age 14. and Jeff D, age eight. He had real estate worth 2,000 dollars and a personal estate of 1,000 dollars. His farm included 200 acres of land and had a value of 200 dollars. He owned two horses, one mule, two cows, two oxen, eight other cattle, five sheep and 25 pigs. He grew wheat, corn, oats and tobacco. In 1880 Henry was a retired merchant in Beat 6 in DeKalb County. He is described as "maimed, crippled, bedridden or otherwise disabled." He was living with his son Robert, age 28. He had 160 acres worth 800 dollars. He had two horses, three cows, three other cattle, 36 pigs and 24 poultry. His livestock was worth 800 dollars. He made butter and grew corn, oats, wheat and sorghum. He had an apple and peach orchard. He and Dorcas had possibly divorced, and Dorcas was living with her daughter Julia and Julia's husband. [7]
Children of Henry Sibert and Dorcas Edwards:
+ | 32. | Fadeva Italy Sibert was born on 23 March 1847 in Alabama. She died on 27 May 1918. She married Asbury Woodville Beaver. |
+ | 33. | Robert E. Sibert was probably born about 1848 in Alabama. He died before 23 November 1896. He married Rebecca Oliver. |
+ | 34. | Adolphus Jessie Sibert was born on 22 or 23 February 1852 in Collinsville. He died on 24 April 1929 in Fyffe in DeKalb County. He married Martha Elizabeth Simpson. |
+ | 35. | Reverend David Erastus Sibert was born on 1 October 1853. He died on 2 December 1890. He married Josephine Elrod. |
+ | 36. | Julia A. Sibert was born on 9 July 1858 in Alabama. She died on 14 September 1900. She married James Maburn Chaney. |
+ | 37. | Reverend Jefferson D. Sibert was born in April 1862 or 1864 in Collinsville. He died on 27 July 1931 in Dade County, Florida. He married Victoria Crowley. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 35. Henry was probably born in Alabama, despite the 1850, 1860 and 1870 censuses saying that he was born in South Carolina. "Henry Sibert," Findagrave, no. 20431071, birth and death dates from inscription (photo).
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 35. "Dorcas Edwards Sibert," Findagrave, no. 118266763.
3. "Alabama, Wills and Probate Records" > DeKalb Probate Court Records, Box 10, Folders 12-66, Sears, J M - Swader, Francis, 1836-1916, Henry Sibert.
4. "1850 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Division 2.
5, image 66, Henry and Dorcus both age 27. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Division 2, image 98, Henry age 39 and Dorcus age 40. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > AL > Agriculture > 1860 > DeKalb > Divison 2, image 27.
5. "Civil War Service Records," Fold3 > Confederate Records > AL > 31st Regiment > S > Sibert, Henry.
6. "Confederate Service Records," Ancestry > Third Confederate Cavalry > O–S, images 1561–72. "
"Alabama State Census" > 1866 > DeKalb, image 26. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Township 9 > Range 7, image 9, Henry and Dorcus, age 48. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > AL > Agriculture, 1870, DeKalb, Township 9, image 7. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > Alabama > DeKalb > Beat >, E.D. 58, image 3, Henry age 58. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > AL > Agriculture > 1880 > DeKalb > Township 9, image 6. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb, Beat 6, E.D. 56, image 8, Dorcas is referred to as divorced.
9. MARTHA JANE SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1824 – 1905)
Martha Jane Sibert may have been born on 30 May 1824, probably in St. Clair County, Alabama. She is said to have died on 28 March 1905 and to be buried in the Hicks Cemetery in Lonoke, Lonoke County, Arkansas. She married William C. Waddell on 24 September 1844 in DeKalb County, Alabama. William is said to be William Lemuel Clayborn Waddell, the son of John David and Unknown (Beason) Waddell. He was born on 7 April 1815 in Greensville, Pitt County, North Carolina. He died on 9 August 1871 in Prairie County, Arkansas. [1]
John S. Waddell was the administrator of W.C. Waddell’s will on 20 September 1871, and he and M.J. Waddell posted a bond on that date. [2]
In 1860 William and Martha J. were living in Des Arc, White River, Prairie County, Arkansas with John T., Daniel E., Mary E., Julia M., Albert H., William, Jasper K. and Laura. W.C. was a farmer with a personal estate of 1,600 dollars and real estate worth 1,500 dollars. According to the Alabama state census, in 1866 Henry lived in DeKalb County. His household included one male under ten, three males ten to 20, one male over 20, one female under ten, one female ten to 20 and one female over 20. In 1870 William and Martha were living in Hickory Plain in Prairie County. Henry was a farmer with real estate worth 900 dollars and a personal estate of 500 dollars. They were living with John, Mary, William, Jasper, Louisa and Emily Waddell. Emily is described as a house servant and "idiotic."[3]
In 1880 Martha was a widow living with her son Jasper in White River in Prairie County. In 1900 Martha was living with her daughter Mary in Lonoke in Lonoke County. She had had 12 children and four were living. [4]
Children of William Lemuel Clayborn Waddell and Martha Jane Sibert: [5]
38. | John S. Waddell was born in January 1846 in Alabama. He died on 9 February 1913 in Fairview, Graham County, Arizona. He married Henrietta Caroline Holliday. Children: Martha Ann; John Sybert; Harry Claybourn; Charles Jasper; Wiley Middleton; Wilmoth Newton. | |
39. | David Edmond Waddell is said to have been born on 7 May 1847 in DeKalb County, Alabama. He probably died young. | |
40. | Mary Elizabeth Waddell was born on 24 November 1848 in Alabama. She died on 26 December 1922. She married Samuel Houston Parker. Children: Mattie E., Mary, William Jacob, Josephine, Florence. |
41. | Julia Ann Martha Waddell is said to have been born on 7 April 1850 in Alabama and to have died on 22 July 1865. |
42. | Albert Henry Waddell is said to have been born on 17 October 1851 in Alabama and to have died on 22 October 1862. | |
43. | William R. Waddell was born on 25 December 1854 or 1855 in Alabama. He died on 30 March 1935. He married Martha Jane West. Children: Laura Forest; Mary L;. Beulah B.; William Turner; David Drew; Velma Verr; Sadie J.; Lola Dea; Milton; Lowell; Albert R. |
44. | Jasper R. Waddell was born about 1856 or 1858 in Alabama. He probably died before 1900, when his wife remarried. Jasper is probably the J.R. Waddell of Des Arc, Prairie, Arkansas, born about 1858, who married Georgia Rodgers of Lonoke in Lonoke County on 30 January 1898 in Lonoke County. Georgia Ann is said to be the daughter of George Henry and Lurenia Emeline (Butler) Stewart. She was born on 8 December 1876 in Lonoke and died on 2 July 1953 in Safford, Graham County, Arizona and is buried in the Safford City Cemetery in Safford. She is said to have married first John Clinton Rogers and to have married third John Wesley Parker on 26 January 1900. John is said to be Jasper's nephew, the son of his sister Laura. [6] In 1870 Jasper was a laborer and living with his parents in Hickory Plain. In 1880 Jasper was a farmer in White River in Prairie County. [7] |
45. | Laura Waddell was born about 1858 or 1859 in Alabama. She married L.B. Parker on 11 January 1876 in Prairie County. Children: Miriam Elizabeth; John Wesley; Matilda Tennessee; Jasper Claybourn; Lela Dovie. |
46. | Susan Waddell (twin) is said to have been born and to have died on 18 July 1860 in Prairie County. |
47. | Hasky Waddell (twin) is said to have been born and to have died on 18 July 1860 in Prairie County. |
48. | Josephine Valentine Waddell is said to have been born on 19 July 1861 in Prairie County and to have died there in November 1862. | |
49. | Clayborn Lafayette Wesley Waddell is said to have been born on 23 July 1867 in Prairie County and to have died there on 26 September 1868. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5, Martha's birthdate and husband's last name. The 1860 census says she was born about 1825; The 1870 census says she was born about 1821; the 1880 census says she was born about 1824; the 1900 census says she was born in May 1820. "Martha Jane Sibert Waddell," Findagrave, no. , 93725523, birth, death and marriage dates and husband's name .
"DeKalb County, Alabama Marriage Index, 1836–1916," database, Ancestry, entry for William Waddel. Northern Alabama, 369–70, husband's name. "William Lemuel Clayborn Waddell," Findagrave, no. 93725230, birth and death dates and places and parents' names.
"Arkansas, Wills and Probate Records, 1818–1998," database, Ancestry > Prairie Administration Vol E 1866-94, Test Vol E 1865-1933, Bonds Vol E 1865-94, Guardian Vol A, E, 1853-96, image: 299.
"1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Prairie > White River, image 21, William was born about 1815 in South Carolina. Martha Jane was born about 1825, John T. was born about 1846, Daniel E. was born about 1847, Mary E. was born about 1848, Julia M. was born about 1850, Albert H. was born about 1851, William was born about 1853, Jasper K. was born about 1856 and Laura was born about 1858, all in Alabama. "Alabama State Census" > 1866 > DeKalb,image 26.
"1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Prairie > Hickory Plain, image 6, says that William was born about 1815 in Georgia. Martha was born about 1821, John was born about 1846, Mary was born about 1849, Wm. was born about 1854, Jasper was born about 1856 and Laura [Louisa?] was born about 1869, all in Alabama. Emily was born about 1844 in Georgia.
"1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Prairie > White River > E.D. 245, image 26, Martha born about 1824 in Georgia. "1900 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AK > Lonoke > Lonoke > E.D. 87, image 18, Martha born in May 1820.
5. David's birth date; Julia and Albert's birth and death dates; Susan, Hasky, Josephine and Clayborn's birth dates and death dates and places from their Findagrave pages, accessed from their father's page.
6. "Arkansas, County Marriages Index, 1837–1957," database, Ancestry, entry for J.R. Wadell, wife's name, their ages, residences and marriage date and place. "Georgia Ann Stewart Parker," Findagrave, no. 93189581, parents' names and details of other husbands, birth and death dates from inscription (photo).
7. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Prairie > Hickory Plain, image 6.
"1880 U.S. Federal Census" > Prairie > White River > E.D. 245, image 26.
11. JASPER SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1827 – 1915)
Jasper Sibert was born on 10 November 1827, probably in St. Clair County, Alabama. He died on 21 January 1915 in Craigshead County, Arkansas. He is buried in the Shilo Cemetery in Jonesboro in Craigshead County. He married first Rebecca Brown on 16 November 1848 in Saint Clair County, Alabama. Rebecca was born about 1829 in Alabama and she died in 1891. He married second Nannie H. Farrar on 22 November 1891 in Jonesboro. Nannie was born in February 1840 in North Carolina. She died on 23 February 1929 in Greene County, Arkansas. [1]
Jasper died intestate. J.N. Sibert was appointed administrator of his estate on 9 March 1915. [2]
For some reason exempt from frontline service, Jasper appears on a 25 July 1863 list of those drafted for the Home Guard of the 27th Militia Regiment, DeKalb County. [3]
Jasper was a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in Arkansas. He was ordained on 2 October 1870. [4]
In 1850 Jasper, Rebecca B. and David R. were living in Division 25, DeKalb County, Alabama and Jasper was a farmer. According to the Alabama state census, in 1850 J. Sibert was living in DeKalb County. His household consisted of five people, a (white) male 21 to 45, a male under 21, a female over 21 and two slaves. [5]
On 15 November 1852 a certificate was deposited in the land office at Huntsville showing that Jasper had purchased 40 acres in St. Clair County. On 2 April 1857 a certificate was deposited in this land office showing that Jasper had purchased 120 acres in St. Clair County [6]
In 1860, Jasper and Rebecca were living in Ashville, Township 13 Range 3 East, St. Clair County with David R., age ten, Albert H. age eight, John W., age four, Julian M., age two, and Jasper H., age ten months. Jasper was a farmer with a personal estate of 3,000 dollars and real estate worth 3,463 dollars. Jasper's farm had 360 acres and he had a horse, a mule, four milch cows, two working oxen, two other cattle and 14 swine. He grew corn and sweet potatoes. He owned two slaves. In 1866 Jasper was living in Township 10 in DeKalb County. His household consisted of one male over 20, two males aged ten to 20, two males under ten, one female over 20 and one female under ten. In 1870 Jasper and Rebecca were living in Salem, Greene County, Arkansas with D.R., A.H., John W., Julia A. and James N. Jasper was a preacher and a farmer with real estate worth 1,000 dollars and a personal estate of 300 dollars. In 1880 Jasper and Rebecca were living in Poland in Greene County with John and James. Jasper was a minister. In 1900 Jasper and Nannie were living in Powell, Craighead County, Arkansas and Jasper was a farmer. [7]
Children of Jasper Sibert and Rebecca Brown: [8]
+ | 50. | David R. Sibert was born on 23 September 1849 in Alabama. He died in 1896. He married Mary Hicks. |
51. | Albert Henry Sibert was born on 22 September 1851. He died on 10 November 1875 in Arkansas. He is buried in the Shilo Cemetery in Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas. [9]
In 1870 Albert was living with his parents in Salem and working as a farmer. [10] |
52. | William H. Sibert was born on 16 October 1853. He died in 1854 in Arkansas. | |
53. | John W. Sibert was born on 1 February 1855. He died in 1900 in Arkansas. In 1880 John was living with his parents in Poland and working as a farmer. [11] |
54. | Unity Harriet Catherine Sibert was born on 13 April 1856. She died that year in Arkansas. | |
+ | 55. | Julia Marietta ("Mary") Sibert was born on 16 October 1857 in Alabama. She died on 10 January 1934. She is buried in the Shilo Cemetery in Jonesboro, Craighead County, Arkansas. She married Thomas Jefferson Faulkner. |
56. | Jasper Newton Sibert was born on 28 August 1859. He died in 1860 in Arkansas. | |
57. | Rufus N. Sibert was born on 6 March 1861. He died in 1864 in Arkansas. | |
58. | Josephus Sibert was born on 18 December 1862. He died in 1864 in Arkansas. |
+ | 59. | James ("Jim") N. Sibert was born on 29 November 1864 in Alabama. He married Hattie N. Arledge. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5, 9, birth and death dates, wives' names and year of first marriage and second marriage date. "Rev. Jasper Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711416, dates from inscription (photo). "Arkansas Wills and Probate Records" > Craighead > Admin Letters, Vol B, 1913-1922; Admin Bonds, 1907-1923, image 3, death date ("on or about"). "Arkansas Death Index, 1914–1950," database with images, Ancestry > 1914–1915 > S, image 54, death date and place. "Alabama Marriage Records, 1805–1967," database with images, Ancestry > St. Clair > 1818–1868, image 94, first marriage date and place. "Rebecca Brown Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711415, "Rebecca wife of Rev. Jasper Sibert died January . 4, 1891," inscription (photo). Jasper and Rebecca's birth months and states are in the 1900 census (note 7). "Arkansas Death Index" > 1924–1933 > S, image 225, Nannie's birth date and death date and place.
2. "Arkansas Wills and Probate Records" > Craighead Admin Letters, Vol B, 1913-1922; Admin Bonds, 1907-1923, image 34.
3. "Alabama, Civil War Soldiers, 1860–1865," database, Ancestry, entry for Jasper Sibert.
4. Northern Alabama, 369–70. Beeson, Sibert Family, 5, "a Methodist minister." "Jasper Sibert Ordination Paper" on "Rev. Jasper Sibert," Findagrave.
"1850 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Division 25, image 51, Jasper was born about 1828, Rebecca B. was born about 1829 and David R. was born about 1850, all in Alabama. "Alabama State Census" > 1850 > DeKalb, image 20.
6. "U.S. General Land Office Records" >AL > St. Clair, images 2127, 2254.
"1860 U.S. Federal Census" > Alabama > St. Clair > Township 13 Range 3 East, image 5, Jasper age 32, Rebecca age 31, the whole family born in Alabama.
"U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > Alabama > Agriculture > 1860 > St. Clair > Township 1, images 3–4. "1860 U.S. Federal Census — Slave Schedules" > AL > St. Clair > Townships 11–13, image 4. "Alabama State Census" > 1866 > DeKalb, image 32.
"1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Greene > Salem, image 16, Jasper and Rebecca born about 1827, D.R. born about 1850, A.H. born about 1851, John W. born about 1856, Julia A. born about 1858 and James N. was born about 1865, all in Alabama. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Greene > Poland > E.D. 102, image 18. This entry says that Jasper and Rebecca were born about 1828, John was born about 1855 and James was born about 1866, all in Alabama. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craigshead > Powell > District 2, image 14.
8. The birthdates of the children and the death years of the children (except Julia and James) are in Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
9. "Albert H. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711407, "Albert H. son of Rev. J. and R. Sibert born Sept. 22, 1857 died Nov. 10, 1875," inscription (photo).
"1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Greene > Salem, image 16.
11. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Greene > Poland > E.D. 102, image 18.
16. WILLIAM JOSHUA SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1833 – 1909)
William Joshua Sibert was born on 17 October 1833 in Gadsden, Etowah county, Alabama. He died of bronchitis associated with malaria on 29 July 1909 in Gadsden. He and his wife are buried together in the Forrest cemetery in Gadsden. He married Marietta Ward on 28 September 1856 in DeKalb county. [1]
William was appointed postmaster in Porterville, DeKalb, Alabama on 29 October 1857. [2]
In 1860, William Sibert was a 26-year-old farmer with real estate worth 3,000 dollars and a personal estate of 2,767 dollars. He lived in District 3 in DeKalb County with his wife Marietta, age 19, his daughter Charlsie, age one, and Elizabeth Ward, age 44 and born in South Carolina. He owned one slave. He had six horses, two milch cows, two working oxen, three other cattle, 16 sheep and 14 swine. He grew wheat, corn, oats, cotten, potatoes and sweet potatoes. He produced wool and butter. [3]
William enlisted in Company I of the Tenth Regiment of the Alabama Volunteers when it was organized on 4 June 1861 in Montgomery, and was elected second lieutenant. He was promoted to first lieutenant on 2 September 1861, but resigned because of ill health on 1 October 1861. [4] On 10 May 1862, William enlisted from Gadsden as a private in Captain Moragnes's Company of Alabama Volunteers. The company was subsequently known as Company G, 48th Alabama Infantry. He fought with the 48th Infantry in the Confederate victories at Cedar Mountain on 9 August 1862 and Second Manasses on 30 August 1862. He was wounded at Manasses and appears, as a sergeant in Company G, on a 24 September morning report of the Alabama Hospital in Richmond, suffering from vulnus sclopetarium: a gunshot wound. He was furloughed for 40 days. William was listed as absent on detached service after 24 June 1863; his injury made him unfit for duty in the infantry. In November 1864 he was a private serving as a wagonmaster with the 48th Infantry near Richmond. [5]
"[William] and a few of his companions did not surrender at Appomattox, but concluded that since they were mounted they would make a run for it across country to Alabama. The General [William L. Sibert] tells of the horse that his father rode back from the scene of the surrender. The tip of one ear had been shot off and one eye was out." [6]
After the Civil War, William farmed for two years, but the wound he suffered during the war caused him to give up farming. He came to
Gadsden in 1867 and was in the hotel business until 1879. He then turned to the mercantile business. His first business was called Barrett
and Sibert, his next was Sibert and Ward. He was also a partner in Sibert and Blair, wholesale and retail hardward dealers.
In 1870, William was 36 and keeping a hotel in Gadsden. He had a personal estate of 500 dollars. His household included Marietta ("Mary E."), age 28, and Charlsie, age 11, Luther, age 8, Sam H., age 5, Martin D., age 3, and Elizabeth Ward, age 55. In 1880, William was a 46-year-old hotel keeper in Gadsden. His household included Marietta (37), Luther (19), Samuel (16), Martin (13), Fannie (7) and Olin (1). In 1900, William was a 66-year old merchant in Gadsden. Marietta W. was 58. They lived with Frances (26) and Olin W. (21 and working as a salesman). Marietta had had 10 children and five were living. [8]
Photo of gravestone by Maria Gilliland
Photo of William Joshua Sibert and his family
William and Marietta's children Martin, George, Terrie, John and Willard are buried together in the Forrest Cemetery in Gadsden. [9]
Children of William Joshua Sibert and Marietta Ward: [10]
+ | 60. | Charlsie E. Sibert was born on 15 April 1859 in DeKalb county. She died in August 1915 in Gadsden. She married first William W. Wright. She married second A. John Blair. |
+ | 61. | Major General William L. Sibert was born on 12 October 1860 in Gadsden. He died on 16 October 1935 in Bowling Green, Warren, Kentucky. He married first Mary Margaret Cummings. He married second Juliette Roberts. He married third Evelyn Clyne Bairnsfather. |
+ | 62. | Samuel Houston Sibert was born on 15 April 1864 in Gadsden. He died on 12 February 1936 in Gadsden. He married Emma L. Penney |
63. |
![]() Martin was a graduate of the University of Alabama and Lehigh University. He was commissioned justice of the peace in Gadsden on 17 October 1892 and 11 November 1895. He was a lawyer and editor in Gadsden. He never married. [12] |
64. | George Sibert was born on 9 May 1869. He died in 1870. | |
65. | Terrie (Teri) Sibert was born on 15 April 1871 in Gadsden. He (she?) died in 1875. | |
66. | Frances Bessie ("Fannie") Sibert was born on 5 March 1873 in Gadsden. She died between 1910 and 1928. In 1910 Francis was living as a boarder with Christina Hicks, the daugher of her cousin Fadeva Sibert (no. 32) and Christina's husband Walter. [13] |
67. | John Ward Sibert was born on 20 March 1877 in Gadsden. He died in 1887. | |
+ | 68. | Olin Ward Sibertwas born on 23 December 1878 in Gadsden. He died on 27 February 1941. He married Emily Walker. |
69. | Willard J. Sibert was born on 24 October 1882 in Gadsden. He died in 1883. |
1. Sibert Family, 6, Williams birth, death and marriage dates. Death certificate, "William J. Sibert," Alabama Center for Health Statistics, #101-09-13327, official certified copy, 18 September 2015, death date,place and cause, parents David Sibert and Elizabeth Cook Sibert. Joshua's birth month and state are in the 1900 census (note 8). "William Joshua Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88975254, birth and death years in inscription (photo). "Alabama, Compiled Marriages from Selected Counties, 1809-1920," database, Ancestry, entry for William J. Sibert, marriage date and place.
2."U.S., Appointments of U. S. Postmasters, 1832–1971," database, Ancestry, entry for William J. Sibert.
3."1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKal > Division 2, image 6. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > AL > Agriculture > 1860 > DeKalb > District 3, image 14.
4. "Civil War Service Records," Fold3 > Alabama > Tenth Infantry > S > Sibert, W.J. Northern Alabama, 370, cause of resignation.
5. "Civil War Service Records," Fold3 > Alabama > Forty-eighth Infantry > S > Sibert, William J. Northern Alabama, 370 and Edward B Clark., William L. Sibert: The Army Engineer (Philadelphia: Dorrance & co., 1930), 19, the wound made him unfit for service.
6. Clark, William L. Sibert, 20–21
7. Northern Alabama, 370. Clark, William L. Sibert, 19.
8. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah, Township 12 > Range 6, image 14."1880 U.S. Federal Census," Ancestry > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > E.D. 71, image 9.
"1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > District 148, image 3.
9. "Martin David Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88974934, their birth and death years from inscription(photo). Terrie is called Terie.
10. Beeson, Sibert Family, 10, Martin, George, Terrie, Frances, John and Willard's birthdates and Martin, George, Terrie, John and Willard's death years in. It is presumed that these last seven children were born in Gadsden. Beeson refers to Frances as deceased."
11. His Findagrave page gives his death date and place.
12. Beeson, Sibert Family, 10. "Alabama Civil Appointments" > M881666, images 4404–5, commissioned justice of the peace.
13. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Fulton > Atlanta Ward 3 > District 67, image 27, Francis age 38, born in Alabama.
17. MARY ANN FRANCES SIBERT (David2, John David1) (1838 – 1905)
Mary Ann Frances Sibert was born on 13 September 1838 in Alabama. She died on 16 July 1905. She married Captain William Baker Beeson on 2 December 1857 in DeKalb County. William was the son of Alford and Fanny (Baker) Beeson. He was born on 2 October 1829 in Alabama and he died on 5 December 1924 in Keener, Alabama. Mary and William are buried in the Duck Spring Cemetery in Duck Spring in Etowah County. [1]
In 1860 William and Mary were living in Duck Spring with David, age two, and Julia, age three months. William was a farmer with a personal estate of 1,110 dollars and real estate worth 889 dollars. [2]
William was a soldier in the Confederate army. He enlisted as a captain in Company E, 27th Alabama Infantry Regiment. He also served as an officer in Company G of the 49th Alabama Infantry Regiment. He was promoted to full colonel on 1 May 1862. He was mustered out on 31 March 1865 at Smithfield, North Carolina. [3] He fought at Shiloh. He was wounded at Port Hudson, captured and sent to Johnson's Island. After his exchange he took part in the fighting around Alabama, the battles of Kinston and Bentonville and surrendered at Greensboro, North Carolina. [4]
After the war William bought his father-in-law’s farm. [5]
In 1866 William was living in Township 10, DeKalb County. His household consisted of two males over 20, two males under ten, one female over 20 and two females under ten. In 1870 William and Mary were living on their farm with Mary's father and their children David, age 12, Julia, age ten, Naomi, age nine, John, age seven, Jasper, age three, and Fannie, age two. The farm was worth 1,000 dollars and had 160 acres. William had three horses, two mules, four milk cows, four oxen, eight other cattle, 20 sheep and 50 pigs; he grew corn. In 1900 William and Mary were living in Duck Springs with their children Martha, age 28, Eleanor, age 23, and Malcolm, age 20, and William was a farmer. They had been married for 42 years and Mary had had 11 children and nine were living. [6]
After his wife's death William sold his farm and went to live with his youngest son. [7]Children of William Baker Beeson and Mary Ann Frances Sibert:
70. | David Marcus Beeson was born on 25 September 1858 in Keener. He died on 18 July 1882 in Gadsden. He was buried in the Duck Springs cemetery. [8] Marcus received his LL.B. from the University of Alabama in 1880, and was a lawyer and the mayor of Gadsden at the time of his death. [9] |
71. | Julia Elizabeth Beeson was born on 30 January 1860 in Keener. She died on 22 March 1940 in Bienville Parish, Louisiana. She married Sidney Algernon Conger. | |
72. | Naomi Jane Beeson was born on 2 October 1861 in Keener. She died on 22 February 1924. She married Dr. Horace Puckett McWhorter. | |
+ | 73. | John Wesley Beeson was born on 31 March 1866 in Keener. He died on 6 July 1956 in DeKalb county, Georgia. He married first Annie Pauline Foster. He married second Rosa Laura Foster. |
+ | 74. | Jasper Luther Beeson was born on 30 August 1867 in Etowah county. He died on 10 January 1943. He married Anna Leola Selman. |
75. | Fannie Charlsie Beeson was born on 30 August 1869 in Keener. She married Edwin T. Bruce. | |
+ | 76. | Martha Ada Beeson was born on 30 December 1871 in Keener. She died on 11 March 1911 in China. She married Wilmoth Alexander Farmer. |
+ | 77. | William James Beeson was born on 16 February 1874 in Big Will's Valley, Keener. He died on 5 September 1951 in Los Angles County, California. He married Auline Moore. |
78. | Eleanor Cornelia Beeson was born on 6 December 1876 in Keener. She died on 19 January 1971 in Mobil, Alabama. She married Dr. John Coleman O'Gwynn. Eleanor attended the Marengo Female College. [10] |
+ | 79. | Malcolm Alfred Beeson was born on 20 June 1879 in Big Will's Valley, Keener. He died in September 1971. He married Effie Harrison. |
80. | Mary Summers Beeson was born on 12 December 1881 in Keener. She died on 2 May 1885. She is buried in the Duck Springs cemetery. [11] |
1. "Mary Ann Frances Sibert Beeson," Findagrave, no. 7355504, birth and death dates and "wife of W.B. Beeson" in inscription (photo). Beeson, Sibert Family, 6, Mary Ann's birth and death dates, her husband's name and birth and death dates, their marriage date and his parents' names. "Capt. William Baker Beeson," Findagrave, no. 7355501, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). Mary Ann and Willilam's birth months and states in the 1900 census (note 6). "Alabama Marriage Indexes, 1814–1935," database with images, Ancestry > DeKalb–Escambia, image 24, W.B. Beeson and Mary A.F. Sibert, marriage dage and place.
"1860 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > District 3, image 27, William, age 30, Mary Ann, age 22.
3. "U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles,"Ancestry, entry for William Baker Beeson, citing data compiled by Historical Data Systems of Kingston, MA from various sources.
4. Memorial Record of Alabama, vol. 1 (Madison, WI: Brant & Fuller, 1893), 1013.
5. Jasper Luther Beeson, Beeson Genealogy (n.p.: n.p., 1988), 28.
6. "Alabama State Census" > 1866 > DeKalb County, image 31. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AL> Etowa > Subdivision 42, image 113, William age 40, Mary age31."1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowa > Duck Spring > E.D. 156, image 14.
Beeson, Beeson Genealogy, 28.
8. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "David Marcus Beeson," Findagrave, no. 7355516, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
9. Thomas Waverly Palmer, A Register of the Officers and Students of the University of Alabama, 1831–1901 (Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama, 1901), 17.
10. "Alabama, Surname Files," database with images, Ancestry > Bedsole–Bell, images 136.
11. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Mary Summers Beeson," Findagrave, no. 7355509, birth and death date in inscription (photo).
18. ISAAC LASSETER SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1831 – 1913)
Isaac Lasseter Sibert was born on 12 November 1831 in South Carolina and he died on 12 May 1913. He married Sarah ("Sallie") Patterson Lyon on 16 December 1856. Sarah was the daughter of Thomas J. and Margaret Carson (Wideman) Lyon. She was born on 16 April 1835 or 1837 in South Carolina. She died on 7 February 1911. Isaac and Sarah are buried in the Sunset Hill Cemetery in Valdosta, des County, Georgia. [1]
In 1860 Isaac and Sarah were living in Dorns Gold Mine, Abbeville, South Carolina with Ida A, age 2. Isaac was a farmer with a personal estate worth 6,300 dollars and real estate worth 6,300 dollars. [2]
Isaac enlisted as a private in Company A of the First South Carolina Cavalry on 23 May 1863 from Abbeville for "three years or the War". In September and October 1863 he was absent, having been sent to South Carolina for a horse. At the end of the year it was noted that he had been absent without leave but had since returned with a satisfactory excuse. On 26 February 1864 he was detailed at Brigade 2 and on 25 April 1864 he was sent "on horse detail." He returned by June 1864. [3]
In 1880 Isaac and Sarah were living in Cokesbury, Abbeville, South Carolina with their children Ida age 22, John, age 19, George, age 14, and Arthur, age 7. Isaac was a farmer. In 1900 Isaac and Sarah were living in Quitman, Brooks County, Georgia and Isaac was a farmer. Their son George and his wife Nelly F. lived with them, along with their children Lorena E., George C., Ruth and Leonard. Their son Arthur also lived with them. Sarah had had five children and three were living. [4]
On 31 August 1907 Isaac applied for a Confederate soldier's Indigent Pension. He said that he was born in 1831 in Abbeville and that he lived in Quitman and had been a resident of Georgia for about 12 years. He had enlisted in Company A of the First South Carolina Regiment in 1863 and served for two years. He said that he was with his company when it surrendered. He applied on the grounds of age and poverty: he had been unable to work for ten years; he owned no property, and was supported by his son. His application was rejected on 4 October 1907 on the grounds that he had served from South Carolina and was not a bona fide resident of Georgia. [5]
In 1910 Isaac and Sarah were living with their son George and his family in Military District 663, Lowndes, Georgia. Sarah had had five children and three were living. [6]
Children of Isaac Lasseter Sibert and Sarah Patterson Lyon:
+ | 81. | Ida Augusta Sibert was born in November 1857 in Abbeville. She married John S. McArthur in 1890 in College Park, Georgia. |
82. | John Lyon Sibert was born in March 1861 in Abbeville. He died in 1894. He married Mary Walker in 1892 The census says that he was 19 in 1880. | |
+ | 83. | George Leonard Siebert was born on 12 January 1866 in South Carolina. He died on 26 July 1947. He married Cornelia ("Nelly") F. Unknown. |
84. | Elizabeth Victoria Sibert was born in October 1869 and died in 1874. [7] | |
+ | 85. | Arthur Hampton Sibert was born on 1 September 1872 in Abbeville. He married Minna June Etter on 19 September 1901. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13, Isaac's birth and death dates, his wife's name and marriage dates, Sarah's birth and death dates. Isaac and Sarah's birth months and states from the 1900 census (note 4). "Isaac Lasseter Seibert," Findagrave, no. 107578491, birth and death year in inscription (photo). "Sarah P. Seibert," Findagrave, no. 107578458, death date in inscription (photo). On 9 December 1860 I.L. Sibert and Sallie P. Sibert acknowledged the receipt of 874.14 dollars, their share of the estate of Sallie's father, Thomas J. Lyon. "South Carolina, Wills and Probate Records">, Box 148, packages 4183–4267 > 1782–1958, image 150. "Thomas Jefferson Lyon," Findagrave, no. 88711590, wife's name.
2. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Not Stated, image 91.
3. "Civel War Service Records," Fold3 > Confederate > SC > First Cavalry > S > Sibert, J.L.
4. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Cokesbury, E.D. 12, image 35. "1900 U.S. Federal Census," Ancestry > GA > Brooks > Quitman > E.D. 5, image 19.
5. "Georgia, Confederate Pension Applications, 1879-1960," database with images, Ancestry > Brooks > S, images 53–56.
6."1910 United States Census" > GA > Lowndes > Militia District 663 > E.D. 125, image 19.
7. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13.
19. CAROLINE ("CARRIE") RACHEL SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1830 – 1882)
Caroline Rachel Sibert was born on 20 January 1830 in South Carolina. She died on 12 september 1882. She married Reverend Anthony G. Harmon. Anthony was born on 26 March 1824. He died on 6 February 1888. Anthony and Caroline are buried together in the McCormick City Cemetery in McCormick, McCormick County, South Carolina. [1]
In 1860 Anthony G. and Carrie were living in Dorns Mines, Bordeaux, Abbeville with George T., age 10, Oscar M., age five, and William D., age four. Anthony was a farmer with real estate worth 2,500 dollars and a personal estate of 5,500 dollars. Anthony owned 299 acres of land. He had two horses, two milch cows, two working oxen, eight other cattle, 18 sheep and 18 swine. He grew wheat, corn cotton, potatoes, sweet potatoes and hay and produced butter. In 1870, "Alex" and C.R. were living in Bordeau, Abbeville with their children S. F, age 20., O.M., age 16, Wm. D., age 14, L.E., age six, J.S. and J.A., age four, and M.A., age two. A.G. was a farmer, S.F. and O.M. worked on the farm and Wm. D was at school. A.G. had real estate worth 1,500 dollars and a personal estate of 500 dollars. In 1880 A.G. and Caroline were living in Bordeau, Abbeville with their children L.E, age 18, John S., age 16, James A., age 16, Clinton G., age 14, and Mary A., age 13. A.G. was a minister and farmer. [2]
Children of Anthony G. Harmon and Caroline Rachel Sibert: [3]
86. | Reverend George Thomas Harmon was born on 12 April 1850 in Abbeville. He died on 28 May 1915, age 65, in Williamstown, Anderson, South Carolina. He married Margaret Seibles. Margaret was born on 24 June 1842. She died on 7 October 1906. George and Margaret are buried in Williamston Memorial Park. Children: Lavinia Harmon married Unknown Stokes, George Thomas. [4] | |
87. | Oscar M. Harmon was born about 1854 in Abbeville. He died in June 1870. [5] | |
88. | Walter Douglas Harmon was born in April 1856 in McCormick County. He died, a 66-year-old widower, on 13 December 1922 in Augusta, Georgia and was buried in the City Cemetery in Augusta. He married Caroline Unknown about 1877. She was born about 1856. He was buried in the City Cemetery in in Augusta. Children: Rufus, born about 1880; Clinton, born about 1884; Eula, born about 1887; Douglas, born about 1888; Bertha, born about 1889; Maggie, born about 1890; Annie, born about 1893. [6] | |
89. | Elizabeth ("Lizzie") Ella Harmon was born on 15 November 1861 in Abbeville County. She died on 31 August 1953, age 91, in North Augusta, Aiken County, South Carolina. She married James Alonzo Creighton. James was born on 12 June 1859 in McCormick in McCormic County and he died on 3 November 1937 in Augusta. James and Elizabeth are buried together in the Sunset Hill Cimetery in North Augusta. Children: George Clifton, Bertha Frances, James Alonzo, Alma E., Etta (married J.M. Buckner), Wilbur Harmon, Vera (married Lucius Beckman), John Thomas. [7] | |
90. | John Sibert Harmon (twin) was born on 20 or 21 July 1863 in McCormick County. He died in 1890. | |
91. | Reverend James Alston Harmon (twin) was born on 20 or 21 July 1863 in McCormick County. He died on 22 December 1942 and is buried in the Riverside Cemetery in Macon, Bibb County, Georgia. He married first Minnie Lee Fuller on 10 May 1888 in New Orleans. He married second Mamie Unknown about 1897. Mamie was born in August 1869 in Georgia. James was a Methodist minister. Children: Carrie, born about 1888; Purcy, born about 1890; Thomas Leon, born about 1899; George F., born about 1903; Mamie, born about 1907. [8] | |
92. | Reverend Clinton G. Harmon was born on 5 June 1865 in South Carolina. He died on 8 September 1910 and is buried in the Masonic Cemetery in Trinidad, Las Animas County, Colorado. He married Elizabeth Bryan. Children: Thornton. [9] | |
93. | Mary Adaline ("Addie") Harmon was born about 1866 in South Carolina. She died in 1957 and is buried in the McCormick City Cemetery. [10] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 13, Caroline's birth and death years. Anthony's approximate birth date in the 1880 census. "Carrie R. Harmon," Findagrave, no. 130871947, birth and death dates from inscription (photo). "Rev. A.C. Harmon," Findagrave, no. 130873234, birth and death dates from inscription (photo).
2. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Not Stated, image 38, Anthony G. age 36, Carrie R. age 30. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > SC > Agriculture > 1860 > Abbeville > Calhoun Mills, images 3–4."1870 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Bordeau, image 30, "Alex," age 40, C.R., age 40. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Bordeau, E.D. 5, image 16, A.G., age 56, C.R., age 50.
3. Beeson,
Sibert Family, 13, names George T. Coney, Walter D., Reverend James A., John Sibert, Augustus [!], Reverend C.G., Lizzie (Creighton) and Addie.
4. "Georgia, Deaths, Index, 1914–1940," database with images, Ancestry, entry for Walter Douglas Harmon, death certificate, date of death, age, birth place, marital status, parents' names (Caroline Rachel Sibert). "Rev. George T. Harmon," Findagrave, no. 26014539, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Margaret Seibles Harman," Findagrave, no. 26014515, birth and death dates and husband's name in inscription (photo). Children from their Findagrave pages, accessed from their fatheer's.
5. "Southern Christian Advocate Obituaries, 1867–1878," database, Ancestry, entry for Oswald Miconius [!] Harmon, death and obituary notice from the Southern Christian Advocate, 2 September 1870, birth date and place, death month, parents' names.
"South Carolina, Death Records, 1821–1965," database with images, Ancestry > 1950–1961 > 1953 > Aiken, image 399, death date, place, age, husband's name. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Orangeburg > Orangeburg > District 67, image 27, Elizabeth's birth month. "Elizabeth H. Creighton," Findagrave, no. 111307545, birth and death years from inscription (photo). "James Alonzo Creighton," Findagrave, no. 111307641, birth and death dates. Names of his children in an obituary on his Findagrave page, and their facebook pages, accessed from his Findagrave page. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta Ward 5 > District 73, image 17, family members' approximate birth years.
. "Georgia, Deaths, Index," entry for Walter Douglas Harmon, death certificate, death date, place, marital status and age; birth month and place; burial place; parents' names.
8. "U.S., Passport Applications, 1795–1925," database with images, Ancestry > Emergency Passport Applications (issued abroad) > 1877–1907 > 1895 > 1896 > vol. 17, image 195, birth date (July 21), place and occupation."James A. Harmon," Findagrave, no. 56628972, birth (July 20) and death dates and title in inscription (photo). "New Orleans, Louisiana, Marriage Records Index, 1831–1964," database, Ancestry, entry for James A. Harmon, record of first marriage. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Pulaski > Hawkinsville > District 41, image 9, first three children, second wife's name, date of birth and years married. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Lowndes > Militia District 663 > District 124, image 10, last two children.
9. "Rev. Clinton G. Harmon," Findagrave, no. 95116745, birth and death dates and title in inscription (photo). "Arizona, Death Records, 1887–1960," database with images, Ancestry > Coconino > 1929, image 1214, death certificate for Thornton Harmon, parents' names.
10. "Mary Adaline Harmon," Findagrave, no. 130868232, years on her website.
21. JOHN HENRY SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1836 – 1917)
John Henry Sibert was born on 14 August 1836 in Abbeville. He died of "old age" on 14 July 1917, age 79, in Bradley, Greenwood County, South Carolina. He married Laura A. Lyon on 8 May 1866. Laura was probably the sister of John's brother Isaac's wife Sarah Lyon. She was born on 27 December 1838. She died on 14 March 1888 in Augusta, Georgia. John and Laura are buried together in the Horeb Baptist Church Cemetery in Troy, Greenwood, South Carolina. [1]
John was described as 5'9" tall with a dark complexion and grey eyes. [2]
John and his brother George enlisted on 15 April 1861 from Abbeville as privates in Capt. P. H. Bradley's Company C, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers. John was admitted as patient to the Chimborazo Hospital No. 1 in Richmond on 24 April 1862. He was discharged from C Company on 31 May 1862 as he was transferring to a company of cavalry. [3]
In 1880 John and Laura lived in Whitehall, Abbeville, South Carolina with their children George T., age 13, James I. age 11, Mattie L., age 9, Margaret, age 7, John H., age 5, and Nancy L. and Leonard M., age 5. John was a farmer. In 1900 John was widowed and living in Bradley, Greenwood, South Carolina, where he rented a farm. His children Mattie, Nannie L., Maxwell and Sadie lived with him. Maxwell and Sadie were working as farm laborers. In 1910 John was living in Bradley with his children Mattie, Nannie, Maxwell and Sarah. Mattie, Nannie and Maxwell were working as farm laborers. [4]
Children of John Henry Sibert and Laura A. Lyon:
+ | 94. | George Thomas Sibert was born on 4 March 1867 in South Carolina. He died on 6 February 1934 in Greenwood, South Carolina. He married Mary Elizabeth McCrary. |
+ | 95. | James Isaac Sibert was born on 11 October 1868 in South Carolina. He died on 22 August 1902. He married first Emma Bracknell. He married second Lora Babb. |
96. | Mattie L. Sibert was born on 27 September 1870 in Bradley, South Carolina. She died of heart disease on 16 September 1931, age 61, in Augusta and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. She never married. [5] |
97. | Margaret ("Maggie Eula") Sibert was born on 31 July 1873 in Greenwood, South Carolina. She died on 7 March 1953, age 83, and was buried in the Oakland Cemetery in Concord, North Carolina. She married L.C. Stinebeck. [6] Children: (i) L.C. died young. (ii) Margaret married Unknown Roberts. [7] |
+ | 98. | John Winton Sibert was born on 4 June 1876 in South Carolina. He died on 14 August 1946. He married Ethel N. Armstrong. |
99. | Nancy Lou ("Nannie") Sibert (twin) was born on 24 September 1879 in Abbeville County, South Carolina. She died of pneumonia on 7 November 1930, age 51, in Augusta, Georgia and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery in Augusta. She never married. [8] |
100. | Leonard Maxwell Sibert (twin) was born on 24 September 1879. He died on 4 August 1952, age 73, and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. [9] Leonard was described as of medium height and build with blue eyes and brown hair. [10] In 1920 L. Maxwell, was in the trucking business and was living in Augusta with his sisters Mattie, Nannie Lou and Sarah. [11] |
101. | Sarah Sibert was born on 15 September 1882. She died on 13 August 1945, age 62, and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. [12] |
1. "John Henry Sibert," Findagrave, no. 93533852, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Laura A. Lyon Sibert," Findagrave, no. 93533862, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "South Carolina, Death Records" > 1900–1924 > 1917 > Greenwood, image 303 (of death certificate), date and place, cause, age, parents' names ("Adine Allister"). Beeson, Sibert Family, 14, spouse's name and marriage date. Birth places are in daughter Nannie Lou's death certificate.
2. "Civil War Service Records," Fold3 > Confederate records > SC > 7th Infantry > S > Sibert, John.
3. Ibid.
"1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > E.D. 15, image 32. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC. "1910 U.S. Federal Census," Ancestry > SC > Greenwood > Bradley > E.D. 73, image 42.
5. "Georgia, Death Index, 1919–1998," database with (some) images, Ancestry > 004593533, image 43, birth and death dates and places, cause of death, burial place, parents' names.
6. "North Carolina, Death Certificates, 1909–1976," database with images, Ancestry > Cabarrus > 1957 > March, image 3. Margaret's birth and death dates and places, her parents' names, her husband's name, her burial place.
7. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15.
8. "Georgia, Death Index" > 004128344, image 343 (of death certificate), birth and death dates and places, cause of death, burial place, parents' names.
10. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917–1918, database with images" Ancestry > GA > Augusta City > 2 > Draft Card 5, image 197. His birth year is given as 1880.
11. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta Ward 6 > E.D. 102, image 7.
12. "Sarah Sibert," Findagrave, no. 141894930, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
22. GEORGE MOORE SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1839 – 1913)
George Moore Sibert was born on 11 December 1839 in Abbeville, South Carolina. He died of heart disease on 11 October 1918, age 78, in Bordeaux, McCormick, South Carolina. He is buried in the McCormick City Cemetery in McCormick. He married Margaret Lyon on 20 February 1866. Margaret was the daughter of Thomas J. and Margaret C. Wideman. She was born on 29 March 1849 in McCormick. She died on 11 April 1928 in McCormick county. Margaret is buried in the McCormick City Cemetary. [1]
In 1860 Geo. M. was a 20-year-old farmer living with his parents in Indian Hill, Abbeville. [2]
George and his brother John enlisted on 15 April 1861 from Abbeville as privates in Capt. P. H. Bradley's Company C, Seventh South Carolina Volunteers. After serving a year, George enlisted as a private in Company G of the Second South Carolina Cavalry. He served with this company for the rest of the war. [3] George's gravestone says, "Co. G / 2 S C Cavalry / CSA."
In 1870 George and Mag. were living in Indian Hill with their daughter Adeline and a three-month-old son. George was a farmer. He owned 180 acres worth 670 dollars. He had three mules or asses, one milch cow, five other cattle and five pigs. He grew wheat and Indian Corn. In 1880 George and Margaret were living in Indian Hil with their children M. Ada, William H., Geo. Miller and Sarah Lou. George was a farmer and the three older children were in school. In 1900 George and Margaret were living in Troy, Greenwood, South Carolina with their children George M., Thomas J., Virginia R., Leon L., Lou L. and John L. George was a farmer. Margaret had had 11 children and nine were living. Thomas was a clerk in a grocery; the other children, except John, were in school. A cousin named Henry Morely and a farm laborer lived with them. In 1910 George M. and Margaret were living in Bordeaux with their daughter Leon L. George was a farmer. [4]
On 21 May 1918 William L. Sibert wrote, "I went up to see Cousin Geo. M. Sibert at McCormick, S.C.; he is now 79 years old and lives about 6 miles from the place that our greatgrandfather lived."
Children of George Moore Sibertand Margaret Lyon: [5]
+ | 102. | Margaret Adaline Sibert was born on 4 May 1867 in South Carolina. She married Edgar Lee Ralls. |
103. | Unknown Son Sibert was born on 11 December 1868. He died on 3 January 1869. | |
104. | William Wesley Sibert was born on 7 March 1870 in McCormick county, South Carolina. He died of locomotor ataxia, said to have resulted from malnutrition that he duffered twenty years before, on 7 July 1944 in Sumter county, South Carolina. He married Burnetta ("Bonnie") St. Clair Brown. Bonnie was born on 12 September 1877 and died on 16 April 1961. William and Bonnie are buried in the Sumter Cemetery in Sumter. [6] In 1940 William and Bernice B. lived in Sumter, Sumter county, South Carolina and William owned a drug store. [6] |
+ | 105. | George Miller Sibert was born on 7 August 1872 in South Carolina. He married Julia Helen Brown. |
+ | 106. | Thomas Jefferson Sibert was born on 12 December 1874 in South Carolina. He died on 4 July 1960. He married Mary Alice Corley. |
+ | 107. | Sarah Lee Sibert was born on 4 May 1877. She married George Ernest Holland. |
108. | Mary Carson Sibert was born on 12 April 1879. She died on 22 September 1879. | |
+ | 109. | Virginia Reid Sibert was born on 4 September 1880 in South Carolina. She died on 15 July 1971 in Washington. She married Joseph Z. Sexton. |
+ | 110. | Leon Lyon Sibert was born on 12 June 1883 in rural McCormick county. She died on 21 February 1971 in South Carolina. She married Moses Tolmon Traylor. Moses, the son of Oliver Alexander and Mamie Frances (Patterson) Traylor, was born on 21 December 1881. He died of pneumonia on 5 February 1830 in Augusta. Moses and Leon are buried int he McCormick Cemetery in McCormick. [7] Leon was a merchant and farmer. [7] |
+ | 111. | Louise Solomon Sibert was born on 6 August 1887 in South Carolina. She died on 11 October 1975. She married George Clarence Patterson. |
+ | 112. | John Lyon Sibert was born on 2 October 1892 in Troy, South Carolina. He died on 19 June 1954 in McCormick, McCormick county and is buried in the McCormick Cemetery. He married Lucia Pearle Smith. [8] John was a soldier in World War I. [8] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14, George's birth and death dates and Margaret's birthplace. "George Moore Sibert," Findagrave, no. 26450310, birth and death dates in inscription. "South Carolina, Death Records," entry for Geo. M. Sibert, birth and death dates and places, cause of death. Same database, entry for Margrett C. Sibert, born 9 March . This says she died on 11 April 1929 but was buried in 1928[!], parents' names.
"Margaret Lyon Sibert," Findagrave, no. 326450456, birth and death dates.
2. "1860 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville, not stated, image 84.
3. "Confederate Records," Fold3.
4. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Indian Hill, image 10. "U.S., Selected Federal Census Non-Population Schedules" > SC, Agriculture, 1870, Abbeville, Indian Hill, image 2. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Indian Hill > district 4, image 14. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Troy > Greenwood > district 77, image 33. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Abbeville > Bordeaux > district 6, image 26.
Beeson, Sibert Family, 15–16.
6. "William Wesley Sibert," Findagrave, no. 131548540. "Bonnie Brown Sibert," Findagrave, no. 131548598. "South Carolina Death Records" > 1944 > Sumter, image 277. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Sumter > Sumter > 43-29, image 33.
7. "South Carolina, Delayed Birth Records, 1766–1900," database with images, Ancestry > delayed birth records > BC_7 1883–1884, image 1306. "Leon Sibert Traylor," Findagrave, no. 84810635. "Moses Tolmon Traylor," Findagrave, no. 84810685. "George Deaths" > 4122601, image 833.
8. "U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims," entry for John Lyon Sibert. "John Lyon Sibert," Findagrave, no. 84810451. "U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards" > SC > Sumter county > Draft card S, image 204. "South Carolina, Death Records" > 1954 > McCormick county, image 33.
23. LOUISE SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1841 – 1878/9)
Louise Sibert was born in 1841. She died in 1878 or 1879. She married Lawrence Pembroke "Pem" Guffin in South Carolina. Pem was killed by shooting in the billiard saloon in the Abbeville courthouse on 27 September 1880.The New York Times called the murder "a premeditated act to remove a fearless and influential opponent from the road to Democratic success." [1]
On 20 December 1876 Lawrence P. Guffin testified that he owned substantial property in Abbeville and that his grandfather had come there from Ireland. He said that he joined the Confederates as an independent scout when he was 13 and they called him "Babe." [2]
Pem was from one of the oldest Abbeville families. He was associated with the Republican party and was elected to the state legislature. He was elected County Commissioner in 1870. He was sheriff from 1872 to 1876. [3]
Children of Lawrence Pembroke Guffin and Louise Sibert:
113. | Mary "Mollie" Guffin was born on 14 February 1869. She died on 9 January 1909. She married Payton S. Borum. | |
114. | Anna Alberta Guffin was born about 1870. She married Richmond Eric Fletcher. | |
115. | James Rowland Guffin was born about 1871. He died on 15 June 1931 in St. Thomas, Mississipi County, Arkansas. He is buried in the Louise Chapel Cemetery in Joiner, Mississipi County. [4] | |
116. | Charles Bingley Guffin was born on 27 February 1873 in Abbeville. He died on 12 February 1934 in Memphis, Shelby, Tennessee. He is buried in the Louise Chapel Cemetery. [5] In 1930 C.B. was a single 58-year-old cotton farmer in Mcgavock, Mississippi County. [6] |
117. | Willie Guffin1 |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14, her birth and death dates and her husband's name. "The Latest Southern Murder," New York Times, 4 October 1880, 1, her death dates. "Latest Southern Murder."
U.S. Senate, Miscellaneous Documents for the Second Session of the [44th] Congress, Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1877, 270.
3. "Latest Southern Murder."
4. "James Rowland Guffin," Findagrave, no. 145898876.
5. "C.B. Guffin," Findagrave, no. 146220778.
6. "1930 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AK > Mississippi > Mcgavock > E.D. 31, image 9.
24. SARAH ("SALLIE") SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1843 – 1923)
Sarah Sibert was born on 13 February 1843 in Abbeville county. She died on 3 December 1923 in Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. She is buried in the Beaufort Baptist Cemetery in Beaufort, Beaufort, South Carolina. She married Lemuel L. Guffin in South Carolina. Lemuel was born on 28 April 1844. He died on 23 May 1889. He is buried in the Beaufort Baptist Cemetery. [1]
Lemuel was Pem's brother. He was a customs house official in Charleston. [2]
In 1900 Sarah was a widow living with her son-in-law William B. Nipson, her daughter Eula and their two children on Main Street in Summerville, Dorchester, South Carolina. She had had three children and they were all living. In 1910 Sarah was living with her son Charles on Hancock Street in Beaufort. In 1920 Sarah was a widow living with her son Charles in Beaufort. [3]
Children of Lemuel L. Guffin and Sarah Sibert:
118. | Dr. Charles M. Guffin, M.D. was born on 16 or 20 May 1866 in Abbeville county. He died, unmarried, of diabetes on 11 June 1923 in Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. He is buried in the Beaufort Baptist Cemetery. [4] Charles graduated from the Medical College of South Carolina in Charleston in 1893. [4] In 1900 Charles was living with his brother George on Bay Street in Beaufort. He was a physician. In 1910 Charles was living with his mother on Hancock Street in Beaufort. He was a medical doctor. In 1920 Charles was a physician, living with his mother on Ring Street in Beaufort. He had a general practice. [4] |
119. | Eula Guffin [5] | |
120. | George Elliott Guffin was born on 13 July 1870. He died on 4 October 1928 in Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. He married Harriet "Hattie" Crocker. [5] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14, only gives the years. "South Carolina, Death Records," Only gives her birth year. "Sarah L. Guffin," Findagrave, 16 January . 2012, #83548446, dates on gravestone. "L. L. Guffin," Findagrave, 16 January . 2012, #83548447, dates on gravestone.
2. "Latest Southern Murder." "A Wild Story from the South," New York Times, 11 April 1884.
3. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Dorchester > Summerville > district 69, image 26. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Beaufort > Beaufort Ward 1 > district 61, image 1. "1920 U.S. Federal Census " > SC > Beaufort > Beaufort > district 63, image 23.
4. Beeson,"Dr. C. M. Guffin," Findagrave, 16 January . 2012, #83548447, dates on gravestone, born 20 May. "South Carolina, Death Records." Son of L.L. Guffin and Sallie Sibert, born 16 May. "Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804–1929," database, Ancestry. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Beaufort > Beaufort > district 4, image 58. "1910 U.S. Federal Census." "1920 U.S. Federal Census."
5. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14.
25. SUSAN ISABELLE SIBERT (George2, John David1) (b. 1846)
Susan Isabelle Sibert was born on 28 June 1846. She married first William Andrew Penal on 16 April 1875. He died on 22 December 1877. She married second Charles O. Mayson in October 1879. Charles was born about 1850 in South Carolina. He died on 28 September 1898. [1]
In 1880 Charles and Isabella lived in Hibler, Edgefield, South Carolina and Charles was a farmer. [1]
Children of William Andrew Penal and Susan Isabelle Sibert:
121. | Charles William Penal was born on 15 July 1876 in McCormick, South Carolina. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Edgefield > Hibler > 53, image 8.
26. DAVID WESLEY SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1848 – 1917)
David Wesley Sibert was born on 11 February 1848. He died on 25 January 1917. He married Mary Elizabeth Ferguson on 24 December 1872. Mary was born on 24 November 1852. She died on 28 May 1885 in Lincolnton, Georgia. [1]
Children of David Wesley Sibert and Mary Elizabeth Ferguson:
122. | Lillie Sibert was born on 25 May 1874. She married Eugene Bismark Moore. | |
123. | George Franklin Sibert was born on 12 May 1880. He died on 21 July 1912. [1] | |
124. | Flora Corinne Sibert was born on 20 March 1883. She married Thomas Seals | |
125. | Unknown Sibert was born on 26 May 1885 and died on 1 June 1885. [1] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14.
27. MARTHA LAVINIA ("MATTIE") SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1850 – 1934)
Martha Lavinia Sibert was born on 23 August 1850 in South Carolina. She died on 6 November 1934 in Greenwood County, South Carolina. She married James Mayson on 10 February 1869. James was born on 3 September 1832 in South Carolina. [1] He died on 28 July 1900 in South Carolina. [1] James and Martha are buried together in the Mount Vernon Methodist in McCormick County. [1]
James was a confederate soldier. [1]
In 1870 James and Martha were living in Hibler, Edgefield, South Carolina and James was a farmer with real estate worth $600 and a personal estate of $215. [2] In 1880 James and Martha L. were living in Hibler with their children Addie S., age eight; George R., age 4 and Isabell C., age one. James was a farmer. [3] 1900 James and Martha L. were living in Hibler with their children Rupert, a 23-year-old farmer; Cora, a 19-year-old dressmaker; Jasper; an 18-year-old farm laborer and Janie, age 13. George was a farmer. Martha had had ten children and five were living. [4] In 1910 Mattie was living with her daugher Susan and her family in Callison, Greenwood, South Carolina. She was a widow and four of her ten children were living. [5] In 1920 Mattie was living with Susan and her family in East Greenwood in McCormick County. [6]
See 11 September 1959 letter from H. P. Sibert to "Ray".
Children of James Mayson and Martha Lavinia Sibert:
126. | Adaline Susan Mayson was born on 1 March 1873 in South Carolina. She died on 22 March 1951. She married Robert Thomas Mayson. | |
127 | George Rupert Mayson was born in September 1876 in South Carolina. [4] He died on 18 February 1958 and is buried in the Bold Spring Cemetery in Greenwood County. He married Leila Flinn. [7] In 1900 Rupert was living with his parents and working as a farmer. [4] George was of medium height and medium build with dark hair and blue eyes. [7] |
128. | Isabell C. Mayson was born about 1879 in South Carolina. [3] She probably died by 1900. | |
129. | Cora Mayson was born in June 1880 in South Carolina. [4] Either Cora or Janie probably died by 1910. In 1900 Corra was living with her parents and working as a dressmaker. [4] |
130. | Jasper James Mayson [1] was born in South Carolina in May 1882 [4] or on 25 June 1880 or on 25 June 1878. He died on 14 January 1970 and is buried in the Mount Vernon Methodist Church cemetery in McCormick County. He married Julia Reams. [8] in 1900 Jasper was living with his parents and working as a farm laborer. [4] Jasper was of medium height and build with black hair and blue eyes. He was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from 1928 to 1932. [8] |
131. | Janie Mayson [1] was born in October 1886 in South Carolina. [4] Either Cora or Janie probably died by 1910. | |
132. | Unknown Mayson died before 1900. [4] | |
133. | Unknown Mayson died before 1900. [4] | |
134. | Unknown Mayson died before 1900. [4] | |
135. | Unknown Mayson died before 1900. [4] |
1. "Col James Harrison Mayson," Findagrave, (Findagrave, 24 Nov. 2012), #10121738, birth and death dates on gravestone. Confederate marker. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14, wrong date. "South Carolina, Death Records," daughter of George and Adalline Alaster Sibert. "South Carolina, Marriage Index, 1641–1965," database, Ancestry.
2. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Edgefield > Hibler, inage 19.
3. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Edgefield > Hibler > district 43, image 2.
4. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Edgefield > Hibler > district 113, image 3. Says Martha was born in August 1853 in South Carolina, but this must be an error.
5. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > Greenwood > Callison > district 75, image 8.
6. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > McCormick > East Greenwood > district 94, image 12.
7. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > SC > Edgefield Co. > Draft Card M, image 24. "South Carolina, Death Record" > 1950–1961 > 1958 > Edgefield.
8. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > SC > Edgefield Co. > Draft Card M, image 215. "Jasper James Mayson," Findagrave, no. 110790802.
28. VICTORIA ("VICKY") SIBERT (George2, John David1) (1850 – 1886)
Victoria Sibert was born in 1850 in South Carolina. She died in 1886. She married Kelly Harrison. [1]
Children of Kelly Harrison and Victoria Sibert:
136. | Eula Mell Harrison [1] was born about 1885 in South Carolina. She married Lemuel Alford Wren. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14.
32. FADEVA ITALY SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (1847 – 1918)
Fadeva Italy Sibert was born on 23 March 1847. She died on 27 May 1918. She married Asbury Woodville Beaver on 6 January 1867. Asbury was born on 5 May 1846. He died on 10 August 1910 in Collinsville Alabama. [1]
Children of Asbury Woodville Beaver and Fadeva Italy Sibert. [2]
137. | Rufus Cornelius Beaver was born on 2 March 1868 in DeKalb County. He died on 5 September 1938 in Boaz, Marshall county, Alabama, age 70. He marrried Helen Kirby. [3] Rufus was a rural mail carrier. [3] |
138. | Ada Elonza Beaver was born on 31 December 1869. She died on 25 August 1918 in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery in Boaz, Marshall county, Alabama. [4] On 5 July 1918 Ada was declared insane and sent to the Bryce Hospital in Tuscaloosa. Her brothers L.A. and C.C. Beaver were witnesses. She died soon after admission. [5] |
139. | Flora Christina Beaver was born on 25 February 1872. She died on 14 August 1947 in Boaz. She married Walter Theodore Hicks on 28 April 1897 in Fulton County, Georgia. [6] | |
140. | Davida Ella Beaver was born on 16 February 1874. | |
141. | Lemuel Asbury Beaver was born on 12 August 1876. He died on 10 November 1947 in Alabama City. He was buried in the the Hillcrest Cemetery. He married Hattie V. Unknown. She was born on 1878 and died in 1972. [7] Lemuel was short and stout with black hair and grey eyes. He was a farmer and a brick mason. [8] |
142. | Bertha Blanche Beaver was born on 22 November 1878. She died on 27 August 1913, age 34, and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery. She married Unknown Dorsey. [9] | |
143. | Beatrice Vivian Beaver was born on 20 October 1880. | |
144. | Cullen Crandall Beaver was born on 5 May 1883 in Collinsville. He died on 27 September 1948 in Fulton, Georgia and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery. [10] Cullen was of medium height and build with brown hair and blue eyes. He was a carpenter. [11] |
145. | Ernest Earl Beaver was born on 19 October 1885. He died on 17 February 1910, age 24, and is buried in the Hillcrest Cemetery. [12] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6.
2. The birthdates of the children and Flora's husband's last name are given in Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. Beeson says Rufus was born in March.
3. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, 1881–1974," database, Ancestry, entry for Rufus Cornelius Beavers.
4. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Ada E. Beaver. "Ada E. Beaver," Findagrave, no. 63533805.
5. "Alabama, Wills and Probate Records" > Marshall > Probate Files Index, Box 30, Insane Multiple Listing–Smith, Elphy, images 297–8.
6. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index, " entry for Christine Beaver Hicks. "Georgia, Marriage Records From Select Counties, 1828–1978," database, Ancestry, entry for Walter Theodore Hicks.
"Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for L.A. Beaver. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AL > Marshall > Draft Card B, image 180. "Lemuel A. Beaver," Findagrave, no. 63533809.
8. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards."
9. "Bertha Beaver Dorsey," Findagrave, no. 63534299.
10. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for Cullen Beaver. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936–2007," database, Ancestry, entry for Cullen Crawford [!] C. Beaver. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" >AL > Birmingham City > 1 > Draft Card B, image 198. "Cullen Beaver," Findagrave, no. 63533806.
11. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards."
12. "Ernest E. Beaver," Findagrave, no. 63533807.
33. ROBERT E. SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (c. 1848 – 1896)
Robert E. Sibert was probably born about 1848 in Alabama. He died before 23 November 1896. He married Rebecca Oliver on 28 February 1884 in DeKalb County Rebecca was born in January 1843 in Alabama. She died on 25 January 1917 in Cherokee County. She married second Jessie Brown on 15 December 1896 in Cherokee County. Jessie was born in June 1824. [1]
In 1900 Rebecca, age 57, was living with her husband Jessie Brown, age 65, and her children James, age 10, and Cassie P., age 8, in Stafford, Cherokee County, Alabama. In 1910 Rebecca was living in Brindley, Cherokee County with Jessie, her son James W. and his wife Mandy R. [2]
Children of Robert E. Sibert and Rebecca Oliver: [3]
+ | 146. | James W. Sibert was born on 11 October 1889 in Collinsville. He died on 20 September 1947 in Cherokee County. He married Amanda Rebecca Bobo. |
147. | Cassie P. Sibert was born on 30 June 1891 in Alabama She died on 30 March 1981, age 91, in Floyd County, Georgia and is buried in the Oaknoll Memorial Gardens in Rome, Floyd County, Georgia. She married Horace E. Tolbert on 24 March 1903 in DeKalb County. Horace. Horace, the son of Newton J. and Rebecca (Ellis) Tolbert, was born on 2 March 1884. He died in 1944 and is buried in the Beulah Baptish Church Cemetery in Boaz, Marshall County, Alabama. [4] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Robert E. Sibert, marrige record. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Cherokee > Stafford > E.D. 126, image 3, birth months of Rebecca, Jessie, James and Cassie. "Alabama, Select Marriage Indexes, 1816–1942," database, Ancestry, entry for Rebecca Sibert, second husband's name and marriage date "Alabama, Death Index, 1908–1959," database, Ancestry, entry for Beckie Brown.
2. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Cherokee > Brindley > E.D. 11, image 11.
3. Children's names in Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Alabama Marriage Records," entry for Cassie Sibert.
4. "Cassie Sibert Tolbert," Findagrave, no. 66061888, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Horace E. Tolbert," Findagrave, no. 29423001, birth and death dates, parents' names. "Alabama, Marrriage Indexes, 1814–1935,"Ancestry, entry for Cassie Sibert, date and place, husband's name. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for Cassie S. Tolbert, age, date and place.
34. DOCTOR ADOLPHUS JESSIE SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (1852 – 1929)
Adolphus Jessie Sibert was born on 22 or 23 February 1852 in Collinsville. He died on 24 April 1929, age 77, in Fyffe, DeKalb county. He married Martha Elizabeth Simpson on 1 January 1882 in DeKalb county. Elizabeth, the daughter of James and Susie (Tyner) Simpson, was born on 2 August 1858 in Fyffe, Alabama. She died on 25 June 1934, age 75, in Fyffe. Adolphus and Martha are buried together in the Mount Zion Cemetery in Fyffe. [1]
Adolphus was a medical doctor. [1]
Children of Adolphus Jessie Sibert and Martha Elizabeth Simpson:
148. | Vivian H. Sibert was born on 13 February 1833. She died on 27 December 1982, age 99. She married George P. Baily. George was born on 1 May 1878. He died on 6 June 1956. They are buried together in the Mount Zion Cemetery. [2] | |
+ | 149. | David M. Sibert was born on 25 December 1884. He married Eppie B. Wilson. |
+ | 150. | Horace Paul Sibert was born on 7 August 1887. He married Bertie Dickerson. |
+ | 151. | Jessie Carl Sibert was born on 15 September 1889. He died on 17 December 1967 in Piedmont, Calhoun county. He married Laura B. Ryan. |
1. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," database, ( citing a name index of records acquired from the Alabama department of health, , birth date, death date and place, parents' names, wife "Lydia"[!]. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Adolphus Jessie Sibert," Findagrave, no. 42900444. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974,", Martha's death date and place and parents' and husband's names. "Martha Elizabeth Simpson Sibert," Findagrave, no. 42900396. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Dolph Sibert. "Alabama, Marriage Index," entry for D.J. Sibert.
2. "Vivian Sibert Bailey," Findagrave, no. 42900319. "George P. Bailey," Findagrave, no. 42900270.
3. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974,", death date and place and parents' names. "Jessie Carl Sibert," Findagrave, no. 17739499, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Laura B. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 15967983, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
35. REVEREND DAVID ERASTUS SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (1853 – 1890)
David Erastus Sibert was born on 1 October 1853. He died on 2 December 1890, age 37, and is buried in the Salem United Methodist Church Cemetery in Geraldine, DeKalb county. He married Josephine ("Josie") Elrod on 25 August 1887 in DeKalb County. Josephine, the daughter of Doctor William Addison and Hester Jane (Wilbanks) Elrod, was born on 12 March 1864 in DeKalb county. She died on 4 December 1947, age 83, in Nashville, Tennessee and is buried in the Mount Olivet Cemetery in Nashville. [1]
David left an estate of 150 dollars. Josie was granted guardianship of her two children David and Burmah. [1]
Children of David Erastus Sibert and Josephine Elrod:
+ | 152. | David Erastus Sibert was born on 3 July 1888. He married Mary Virginia Holland. [2] |
153. | Burmah Elizabeth Sibert was born on 13 February 1890. She married Lewis G. Moses on 24 June 1922 in Birmingham, Alabama. Lewis was born on 4 July 1882. [3] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 7, birth and death dates, wife's name and birth date, marriage date. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for David E. Sibert, marriage record."Alabama, Willis and Probate Records," database with images, Ancestry > DeKalb > Probate Court Records > Box 10, Folders 12–16, Sears, J.M. – Swader, Francis, 1836–1916, images 245–60. "Rev. David E. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 641546696. "Josephine "Josie" Elrod Sibert," Findagrave, no. 157945420.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
3. Elizabeth's birthdate, husband's name and birthdate and their marriage date in Beeson, Sibert Family, 8. Her husband's name and marriage date and place in "Alabama Marriage Records, 1805–1967," Ancestry > Jefferson > 1921–1923, image 171.
36. JULIA A. SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (1858 – 1900)
Julia A. Sibert was born on 9 July 1858. She died on 14 September 1900. She married James M. Chaney on 21 May 1876. J.M. was born on 20 February 1852 in Collinsville, Alabama. [1]
In 1910 James was a widowed farmer living in Section, Jackson county with his children John H., age 28, Edna P., age 26, Ollie C., age 22, Jessie V., age 20,and "Etoile," age 16 and his granddaughter Julia M. Strawn, age nine. In 1920 James was a farmer living in Section with his childrenn Edna and Maburn. [1]
Children of J.M. Chaney and Julia A. Sibert: [1]
154. | John Henry Chaney was born on 24 July 1880 in Collinsville. He died on 7 February 1959 in Centerpoint, Jefferson county and is buried in the Collinsville Cemetery. He married Regina (Graves) Swalley on 29 June 1919 in Birmingham. Regina, the daughter of John Henry and Emma Jackson (Hamill) Graves, was born on 13 July 1886 in Gadsden. She died on 7 February 1955 in Birmingham and is buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in Birmingham. She married first Edwin E. Swalley. [2] John Henry was tall and slender with brown eyes and hair. His World War I draft registration card says, "Left leg of 4 inches below knee." He completed one year of high school. [2] |
155. | Daisy Ruth Chaney was born on 17 April 1882. She died on 25 June 1902, age 20, and is buried in the Smith's Chapel United Methodist Church Cemetery in Whitesboro, Etowah county. She married John Thomas Strawn on 13 May 1900 in DeKalb county. John, the son of William and Sarah (Pruitt) Strawn, was born on 24 November 1874. He died on 23 September 1970, age 95. He married second Alice Hester Unknown. [3] | |
156. | Edna Pearl Chaney was born about 1884 in Alabama. She died on 7 April 1966 in Scottsboro, Jackson county. [4] | |
157. | Olive Clyde Chaney born about 1886/8 in Alabama. She died on 17 July 1962, age 76, in Scottsboro. Olive Clyde Chaney, age 24, married Robert Franklin Gamble on 4 February 1912 in Jackson county. Robert, the son of Robert Frank Gamble and Tennesse Moore, was born on 27 September 1888. He died on 5 November 1972 and is buried in the Cedar Hill Cemetery in Scottsboro. [5] | |
158. | Jessie Van. Chaney was born on 15 December 1889. She died on 18 May 1944, age 54, in Section, Jackson county. She is buried in the Collinsville Cemetery. She married W. Lloyd Green, the son of T.H. and Willie (Poole) Green. He was born on 28 January 1885 and died on 25 February 1962 in Scottsboro. He is buried in the Section United Methodist Church Cemetery. [6] | |
159. | Maburn Etoile [?] Chaney was born on 6 February 1894 in Collinsville. [7] Maburn was discribed as tall and slender with gray eyes and black hair. On his World War I draft registration card he said that he had weak eyes. [7] In 1930 Maburn E. and Edna P. lived in Section and Maburn was a postmaster. |
160. | Dewey Chaney was born on 11 March 1898. He died on 20 July 1898, age four months, and is buried in the Collinsville Cemetery. [8] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 7. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Jackson > Section > dist. 45, image 14 "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Jackson > Section > dist. 47, image 20.
2."U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AL > Birmingham City> 1 > draft card C, image 186. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for John Henry Chaney. "Alabama, Select Marriages Indexes," entry for John H. Chaney. "John Henry 'Buck' Chaney," Findagrave, no. 100108230. "Regina Graves Chaney," Findagrave, no. 121394428. "1940 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AL > Jackson > Birmingham > 68–164, image 21.
3. "Daisy Ruth Chaney Strawn," Findagrave, no. #53758437. "Alabama, Select Marriage Indexes," entry for Daisie R. Chaney. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for John T. Strawn. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AL > Jackson > draft card S, image 668.
4. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Edna Pearl Chaney.
5. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for Olive C. Chaney and Robert Gamble. "Alabama, Select Marriage Indexes," entry for Olive Clyde Chaney. "Robert Frank Gamble," Findagrave, no. 101367564.
6. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Jessie Van Green. "Jessie Chaney Green," Findagrave, no. 100105985, with obituary. "W. Lloyd Green," Findagrave, no. 48316940.
7. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards"> AL > Jackson > draft card C, image 182. "1930 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AL > Jackson > Section > dist. 31, image 28.
8. "Dewey Chaney," Findagrave, no. 100108135.
37. REVEREND JEFFERSON DAVIS SIBERT (Henry3, David2, John David1) (1864 – 1931)
Jefferson Davis Sibert was born in 1864 in Collinsville. He died on 27 July 1931 and is buried in the Miami City Cemetery in Miami, Dade county. Jefferson Davis of Walcott county Arkansas married VictoriaVirginia Crowley of Walcott by a 12 May 1887 marriage bond. Victoria was born on 1 October 1866 in Miami, Florida. She died in 1942 in Miami and is buried in the Miami City Cemetery. [1]
In 1900 Jefferson and Victoria were living in Junction, Lane county, Oregon, with their children Elna, age 12, Olin, age 7 and Cecil, age three, all born in Arknasas. Victoria had had five children and three were living. In 1910 Jefferson and Victoria were living in Miami with their children Olin D., age 17, Williametta, age ten and J.D., age seven. Victoria had had seven children and three were living. In 1930 Jefferson and Victoria were living in Miami with their son Jefferson, their son-in-law Archie J. Miller, their daughter Bilye Miller—an artist—and their granddaughter. [1]
Children of Jefferson Davis Sibert and Victoria Virginia Crowley: [2]
161. | Elna M. Sibert was born on 12 March 1890 in Arkanas. She died in 1910 in Miami and is buried in the Miami City Cemetery. [3] | |
+ | 162. | Doctor Olin Davis Sibert was born on 10 February 1894 in Arkansas. He died on 25 July 1964 in Georgia and is buried in the Crest Lawn Cemetery in Atlanta. He married Martha May Ballard on 30 May 1919 in Atlanta. Martha was born in 1889 and died in 1967. She is buried in the Crest Lawn Cemetery. [4] Olin Sibert was a dentist. [4] Children of Olin and Martha Sibert: Olin Davis Sibert, Jr. was born on 25 April 1920 in Griffen, Georgia. He died on 1 July 2009 in DeKalb county, Georgia and is buried in the Crest Lawn Cemetery. He married Sarah Oslin. Sarah, the daughter of Robert A. and Blanche (Parks) Oslin, was born on 10 August 1923 and died on 9 October 2004. She is buried in the Crest Lawn Cemetary. Olin apparently had no children. [4] |
163. | Cecil Sibert was born about 1897 in Arkansas. He probably died by 1910. | |
164. | Williametta "Billye" Orieta Sibert was born on 19 February 1900 in Junction. She died on 7 December 1996 in Nueces county, Texas. She married first Archie Joshua Miller on 27 December 1922 in Atlanta. They divorced in 1933. She married second Royal Bartlett Saulfrank on 24 June 1933 in Norfolk, Virginia. Royal, the son of John and Nina (Bartlett) Miller was born on 2 January 1893 in Marlboro, Massachusetts. He died on 10 June 1974 in Pinellas county, Texas. Archie married first Mary Elizabeth Unknown. They divorced in 1933. [5] |
165. | Jefferson Davis Sibert was born on 27 March 1904. He died on 29 June 1990 in Miami and is buried in the Miami City Cemetery. He married Anne Lain Cail. Anne, the daughter of Robert and M. Bertha Cail was born on 22 September 1907 and died on 15 August 1991. [5] Jefferson was a lawyer in Miami. [6] |
Beeson, Sibert Family, 7. "Arkansas, County Marriages Index," entry for Jefferson D. Sibert. "Rev. Jefferson Davis Sibert, Sr.," Findagrave, no. 40276173. "Victoria Virginia Crowley Sibert," Findagrave, no. 402761173. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > OR > Lane > Junction > dist. 109, image 3. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > FL > Dade > Miami > dist. 54, image 23. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > FL > Dade > Miami, dist. 54, image 4.
2. The childrens' birth dates and Jefferson Davis, Jr.'s career in Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
3. "Elna M. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 40275644.
4. "Dr. Olin Sibert, Sr.," Findagrave, no. 203446792. "Martha May Ballard Sibert," Findagrave, no. 203446823. "Olin Davis Sibert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 50673459. "Sarah Oslin Sibert," Findagrave, no. 115969778.
5. "U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935–2014," database, Ancestry, entry for Billye Sibert. "Florida Divorce Index, 1927–2001," database with images, Ancestry > 1933 > M, image 5 and S, image 1. "Texas, Death Index, 1903–2000," database, Ancestry, entry for Billye Sibert. "Virginia, Select Marriages, 1785–1940," database, Ancestry, entry for Williametta Orieta Miller. "Florida, Death Index, 1877–1988," database, Ancestry, entry for Royal Bartlett Saulfrank.
6. "Jefferson Davis Sibert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 40280263. "Anne Lain Cail Sibert," Findagrave, no. 40279928.
50. DAVID R. SIBERT (Jasper3, David2, John David1) (1849 – 1896)
David R. Sibert was born on 23 September 1849. He died in 1896. He married Mary Hicks. [1]
In 1870 Mary E. Hicks (probably this Mary) was 16 and living with her parents Joseph and Margaret in Powell, Craighhead county, Arkansas. [1]
In 1880 David R. and Mary E. (age 26 and born in Arkansas) were living with their children Sarah E., age six, and Louisa and Mary F., both three, in Powell. [1]
Children of David R. Sibert and Mary Hicks: [2]
166. | Sarah E. Sibert was born about 1874 in Arkansas. | |
167. | Louisa Sibert (twin?) was born on 1877 in Arkansas. She died on 16 June 1952 and is buried in the Trinity Cemetery in Bono, Craighead county. She married Lawrence O'Connor on 25 December 1896 in Sedgwick county, Arkansas. Lawrence, the son of Lawrence and Elinor O'Connor, was born on 13 June 1872 in Obion, Tennessee. He died on 14 December 1938 in Shady Grove, Arkansas and is buried in the Trinity Cemeter. [3] | |
168. | Mary Sibert (twin?) was born about 1877 in Arkansas. She married Unknown O'Connor. She may be the Mary E. O'Connor who was born in 1877, died on 18 May 1972 and is buried in the Trinity Cemetery. [4] | |
169. | Minnie Sibert married Unknown Tenneson. | |
170. | William Jasper Sibert was born on 28 August 1881 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. He died of "heat exhaustion" on 1 July 1952 in St. Louis; at the time he was a widower. [5] William Jasper's World War I draft registration card says that he was short, with dark eyes and hair; he worked in a factory and his closest relative was Minnie Lee Tenneson. His World War II draft registration card says that the person who will know his address is Minnie Tenneson. [5] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9. "1870 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > Powell, image 2. "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > Powell > dist. 49, image 22.
2. The childrens' names and last names of the daughters' husbands in Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
3. "Arkansas, County Marriages Index," entry for Lou Sibert. "Lue O'Connor," Findagrave, no. 7136741. "Lawrence O'Connor," Findagrave, no. 7136704.
4. "Mary E. O'Connor," Findagrave, no. 8383189.
5. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1942" > AK > Craighead county > draft card S, image 214. "U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards," database with images, Ancestry > AK > Shaver, James Francis–Simmons, John Wesley, image 3013. "Missouri, Death Certificates, 1910–1969," Missouri Digital Heritage, (, entry for William J. Sibert, image of death certificate.
55. JULIA ANN MARIETTA ("MARY") SIBERT (Jasper3, David2, John David1) (1857 – 1934)
Julia Ann Marietta Sibert was born on 16 October 1857. She died on 10 January 1934 in Craighead County. She married Thomas Jefferson Faulkner. Thomas was born on 10 January 1853 in Tennessee. He died on 4 December 1929 in Craighead county. Julia and Thomas are buried in the Shilo Cemetery in Jonesboro, Craigshead county. [1]
Thomas is said to have been a veterinian. [1]
In 1880 Thomas and Julia were living in Greene, Poland county, Arkansas with their children James W., age 4, Leona L., age three and Charles S., age seven months. [1]
In 1900 Thomas and Julia were living in Poland county with their children Maggie, age 15, Mary, age 11 and Otis C., age 5. Thomas was a farmer and Julia had had seven children and six were living. [1]
Children of Thomas Jefferson Faulkner and JuliaAnn Marietta Sibert: [2]
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Poland > dist. 35, image 20. "Dr. T.J. Faulkner," Findagrave, no. 24711069. "Julia Ann Marietta "Mary" Sibert Faulkner," Findagrave, no. 24711077. "Arkansas, Death Index, 1914–1950," entry for Mary Sibert.
2. Childrens' names in Sibert Family, 9.
3. "James Thomas Faulkner," Findagrave, no. 24711073. "Arkansas, County Marriages Index," entry for J.T. Faulkener. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AK > Craighead county > draft card F, image 31.
4. "Leona L. Fields," Findagrave, no. 97473227. "George W. Fields," Findagrave, no. 97473227. "Ivan Charles Fields," Findagrave, no. 96565923. "California, Death Index." "U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Riley Henry Fields, mother Leona Faulkner. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > Jonesboro Ward 1 > dist. 38, image 41.
5. "Charles Savage Faulkner," Findagrave, no. 40617029. "U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for Charles Savage Faulker. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AK > Craighead > draft card F, image 30. "Arkansas, County Marriages Index," entry for Chas. Faulkner. "1920 U.W. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > dist. 36, image 13.
6. "1900 U.S. Federal Census." "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Mississippi > Leachville > dist. 35, image 4. "John Walter Watkins," Findagrave, no. 121709293.
7. "1900 U.S. Federal Census." "Mary Elizabeth Faulkner Smith," Findagrave, no. 151421550. "Andrew Jackson Smith," Findagrave, no. 151421656.
8. "1900 U.S. Federal Census."
59. JAMES ("JIM") N. SIBERT (Jasper3, David2, John David1) (1864 – 1940)
James N. Sibert was born on 21 November 1864. He died on 20 August 1940. He married Hattie N. Arledge in 1891. She was born in December 1870. [1]
James was a school teacher and a farmer. [1]
In 1900 James and Hattie were living in Powell, Craighead county, Arkasnas with their children Llewillyn, age four, and Ariosta, age two. James was a farmer, Their nephew Charly Faulkner lived with them and worked as a farmhand.
In 1930 James and Hattie had been married 39 years. They were living in Powell with their children Ariosta, age 32, Marcus A., age 25, and Orville, age 21; their daughter-in-law, Dixie M., the wife of Marcus, and four grandchildren. James was a farmer. [1]
Children of James N. Sibert and Hattie N. Arledge: [2]
178. | Augustus Sibert was born on 22 February 1894. He died on 6 April 1894. | |
+ | 179. | Llewellen Sibert was born on 9 January 1896. He died on 17 June 1956. He married Wilodean Pickler. Wilodean, the daughter of W.A. and Emma (Garrett) Pickler, was born on 8 April 1898 in Tennesee. Both Llewellen and Wilodean died on 17 June 1956 are are buried in the Shilo Cemetery. [3] Llewellen and Wilodean died instantly of "multiple crushing injuries" in a highway accedent in St. Augustine, St. Augustine county, Texas. [1] |
180. | Ariosta Sibert was born in May 1898 in Jonesboro, Arkansas. He died on 15 February 1970. [4] He enlisted in the army in World War II in Little Rock as a private. He was a farmer with two years of college. [4] |
+ | 181. | Marcus Aurelius Sibert was born on 13 May 1903 and died on 4 March 1969. He is buried in the Lakeside Cemetery in Des Arc, Priarie county, Arkansas. He married Dixie May Schultz on 20 January 1926. [5] |
182. | Oyama Sibert was born on 30 September 1906. He died on 26 October 1917 and is buried in the Shilo Cemetery. [6] Oyama and Orville were working in a cotton patch and they had a .22 rifle. Orville was holding it and Oyama asked him to give it to him quickly as he wanted to shoot a bird, and he grabbed for it. The rifle was cocked and Orville's finger slipped and he shot his brother in the stomach. [6] |
183. | Orville Toga Sibert was born on 29 August 1908 and died on 15 October 1989. He married Florence Beatrice Brewer on 21 August 1940. She was born on 12 Sepember 1915 and died in December 1982. Orville and Florence are buried in the Chapelwood Memorial Gardens in Wake Village, Bowie county, Texas. [7] Orville's World War II draft registration card said that he was five feet 11 and a half inches tall and 144 pounds, with a light complexion, black hair and blue eyes. He worked for Dupont and the person who would always know his address was his brother M.A. Sibert. [7] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > Powell, dist. 20, image 17. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > AK > Craighead > Powell > dist. 33, image 1. "James N. 'Jim' Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711413. "Texas, Death Certificates, 1903–1982," database with images, Ancestry > St. Augustine > 1956 > Apr.–Jun., image 18.
2. Children's names and Oyama's death year in Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
3. "Llewellen Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711414. "Wilodean Sibert," Findagrave, no. 24711417.
4. "U.S., Social Security Applicatons and Claims Index," entry for Ariosta Sibert. "U.S., World War II Army Enlistment Records, 1938–1946," database, Ancestry, entry for Ariosta Sibert.
5. "Marcus Aurelius Sibert," Findagrave, no. 93292964. "Arkansas, County Marriage Indexes," entry for Marcus A. Sibert.
6. "Oyama Sibert," Findagrave, no. 26087732.
7. "Orville Toga Sibert," findagrave, no. 136699983. "Florence Beatrice Brewer Sibert," Findagrave, no. 136699979. "World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940–1947," database with images, Ancestry > TN > Shropshire, Lloyd Robert–Simmons, Richard, images 1461–2. "Arkasas, County Marriage Indexes," entry for O.T. Sibert.
60. CHARLSIE E. SIBERT (William3, David2, John David1) (1859 – 1915)
Charlsie E. Sibert was born on 15 April 1859 in Gadsden. She died on 8 August 1915 in Gadsden. She is buried in the Forrest Cemetry in Gadsden. Charlsie married first William W. Wright in 1875 in Cherokee county. She married second A.J. Blair on 17 February 1885 in Etowah county.. A. J. was born on 29 April 1850 and he died on 25 April 1889. He is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [1]
In 1900 William W. Wright, a 35-year-old bookeeper, was living in Gadsden with his 21-year-old wife Charlsie and their ten-month-old daughter Mary. [1]
In 1900 Charlsie Sibert was living it Gadsden with her three children, Bessie, age 11, Evelyn, age 9, and Nell, age 7 and two servants. She had had seven children and three were living. [1]
In 1910 Charsie was living in Gadsen with her three children: Bessie, a 21-year-old music teacher, Evelyn, age 19, and Nell, a 17-year-old college student. She had her own income. [1]
Children of William W. Wright and Charlsie Sibert: [2]
184. | Mary Wright was born on 22 July 1879. She died on 7 July 1880 and is buried in the Forest Cemetery. [3] |
Children of A.J. Blair and Charlsie Sibert: [2]
185. | William Sibert Blair was born on 6 December 1885. He died on 19 Setember 1887 and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [5] | |
186. | Addie Blair presumably died before 1900 and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [4] | |
+ | 187. | Elizabeth "Bessie" Blair was born in June 1888 in Alabama. She married Guy Louis Chamberlin on 11 June 1912 in Etowah County. [6] Children of Guy Chamberlin and Elizabeth Blair: (i) Guy Winthrop Chamberlin was born on 15 October 1913 in Maylene, Alabama. He died on 11 February 1995. He married Elizabeth Marie Peet. Elizabeth, the daughter of Gerald Dayton and Mary (Rouillet) Peet, was born in 1919 and 2002. Guy and Elizabeth are buried in the Christ Church Memorial Garden in Greenville, New Castle County, Deleware. [6] |
188. | Evelyn Blair was born on 10 August 1890 in Alabama. She died on 10 June 1916, reportedly of uremic poisoning, in Gadsden. She is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. She married W. Kirby Smith, a traveling salesman.7 Evelyn left her husband, an infant son, her sister Mrs. Guy Chamberlain of Mayline, Alabama and her sister Miss Nell Blair of San Francisco. [1] |
189. | Nell Blair was born on 15 January 1893 in Gadsden. She died on 31 December 1980 in Alan received his PhD from Johns Hopkins. He was a brilliant athlete and played for the New York Yankees until he joined the mathematics faculty at the University of North Carolina. Nell was working as a librarian at the university. In 1930 Alan became the first dean of the College of Liberal Arts, a position he held until his retirement. [8] Alan was six feet four inches tall with dark eyes and hair and a light complexion. [8] Alan and Nell had an adoped son. [8] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9. "Alabama, Death Index," entry for Mrs. Charlsie Blair "1880 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > district 71, image 16. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > dist. 148, image 29. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden, dist. 57, image 6. "Charlsea Sibert Blair," Findagrave, no. 146048505. "A.J. Blair," Findagrave, no. 46500826. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Charlsie Blair. "Alabama, Marriage Index," entry for Charlsie E. Sibert. "Alabama, Compiled Marriages from Selected Counties," entry for Charlsie Sibert.
2. The childrens' birth dates and Evelyn's death date and place in Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
3. "Mary Wright," Findagrave, no. 88560343.
4. "William Sibert Blair," Findagrave, no. 186E855541.
5. "Addie Blair," Findagrave, no. 149337762, daughter of A.J. and C.S. Blair, no dates.
6. "1900 U.S. Federal Census." "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Guy Louis Chamberlin. "U.S., Social Securty Applications and Claims," database, Ancestry, entry for Guy W. Chamberlin. "Guy W. Chamberlin," Findagrave, no. 26784308. "Elizabeth Marie Peet Chamberlin," Findagrave, no. 26787598. "U.W. World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > NJ > Chadwin, Alfred Charles–Chaplick, Peter, image 1102.
7. "1900 U.S. Federal Census." "Evelyn Blair Smith," Findagrave, no. 191533465, obituaries.
8. "1900 U.S. Federal Census." "New York, Passenger and Crew Lists, 1820–1957," database with images, Ancestry > T715 > roll 2292, image 359. "North Carolina, Death Index, 1908–2004," database, Ancestry, entry for Nell Blair. "Nell Blair Hobbs," Findagrave, no. 90074608. "Alan Wilson Hobbs," Findagrave, no. 18582748. "Alabama, County Marriage Records, 1805–1967," database with images, Ancestry. "U.S. Passport Applications" > Passport Applications, Jan. 2 1906–Mar. 31, 1925 > 1914–1915 > Roll 209, image 927. Guilford College, President's Annual Report for Guilford College 124th Year, June 1,1960–May 31, 1960 in Guilford College, Presidents Reports, digitized book, InternetArchive. Henry Hood, "Hobbs, Alan Wilson,"in William Powell, Dictionary of North Carolina (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1979–1996), online article NCPedia (
61. MAJOR GENERAL WILLIAM LUTHER SIBERT (William3, David2, John David1) (1860 – 1935)
William Luther Sibert was born on 12 October 1860 on his father's farm in Little Will's Valley, Etowah county.1 He died on 16 October 1935, age 75, in Bowling Green, Warren county, Kentucky. [2] He was buried in Arlington National Cemetery; the inscription on his gravestone says, "William Luther Sibert / Major General / United States Army / USMA 1884 / 1860 ... 1935."3 He married first Mary Margaret Cummings on 17 September 1887 in Brownsville, Cameron county, Texas.4
William married second Juliette Paschall Roberts in 1917. Juliette was the daugher of Thomas Paschall and Juliet Emma (Christy) Roberts. She was born in 1881 in Chambersburg, Franklin county and was baptized there on 18 December 1881 at the Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. She died on 1 October 1818 of pneumonia, after contracting influenza, at her home in Washington, DC. [5]
William married third Evelyn Clyne Bairsfather on 8 June 1922 in Bowling Green. Evelyn, the daughter of John Hugh Macintosh and Elizabeth Sharks (Waddell) Bairnsfather, was born on 1 December 1881 in Edinburgh, Scotland. She died on 22 October 1958 and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery in Gadsden. Evelyn emigrated to the United states on 8 September 1905 and was naturalized on 4 October 1919 in Cincinnati. She was a nurse and servied with the American Expeditionary Forces from 14 July 1918 to 15 March 1919. [6]
William entered the University of Alabama in 1878. He entered the U.S. military academy from Gadsden and graduated in June 1884. He was commissioned a second lieutenant of the engineers on 15 June 1884. Following graduation he entered the Engineer School of Application at Willets Point. He was promoted to first lieutenant on 7 April 1888 He was assigned to oversee improvements in the lock and dam system on the Green and Barren Rivers near Bowling Green. Four years later he was assigned construct a new lock in the lock and dam system which enabled ships to travel between Lake Superior and the lower Great Lakes. Two years later he had an independent command in charge of the river and harbor district at Little Rock. He was appointed to captain on 31 March 1896. At the outbreak of the Spanish American War he was named chief engineer of the Eighth Army Corp; his primary responsibility was to oversee the rehabilitation of the Manilla & Dagupan Railroad. [7]
In 1900 William returned to the United States to take charge of rivers and harbors in the Louisville district of Columbia. He was soon reassigned to Pittsburgh to supervise improvements in the Allegheny, Monongahela an Ohio Rivers. He was promoted to major on 23 April 1904. The New York Times commented that, "[W]ithin a few years [he] came to be recognized as the most efficient river and harbor engineer in the country. There is hardly a navigable river east of the Rockies with the development of which one way or another he has not been identified." [8]
In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt appoined Major Goethals to be the chief engineer of the Isthmian Canal Commission charged with building a canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Major William Sibert was appointed one his three engineers and assigned the the extremely complicated task of building the Gatun Locks and the Gatun Dam on the Chagres River. In addition, William directed construction of the breakwater in Colón Harbor and the excavation of the seven-mile-long channel from Gatun to the Caribbean Sea. On 21 September 1909 he was promoted to lieutenant colonel. [9]
In 1914 William was sent to China to work on flood control; he returned after a few months to be in command of the Pacific artillery in San Francisco. On 4 March 1915 a special act of Congress made William a brigadier general. Among those trained in warfare, the raising of an engineer to such a postion, caused some resentment. On 21 May, his wife Mamie died of meningitis in San Francisco. [10]
When World War I came in 1917, General Pershing found the supply of line generals limited and he selected William as his second-hand man and placed him in command of the the First Division, A.E.F.: "a man who knew about hydrodymanic pressure and the calculus of Pascal's law but had no battlefield experince." William was summed for active duty on 26 April and promoted to major general in June. On 12 December Pershing relieved William of his command and sent him back to the United States to be commanding general of the Southeastern Department of the Army at Charleston, South Carolina. [11]
In June 1918, William was named the commander of the newly formed Chemical Warfare Service. The New York Times wrote, "If an army officer was to have control and direction of the Chemical Services, which includes some of the leading scientists of the country, no more competent man than General Sibert could have been found." William was later awarded the U.S. Army's Distinguished Service Medal and the Legion of Honor from the French government for his work in the Chemical Warfare Service during the war. [12]
William retired from the army on 4 April 1920 and retired to his farm near Bowling Green. In 1923 in led Alabama State Docks construction project in Mobile. In 1928 he chaired an advisory board that was to investigate and report on the construction of the Boulder Dam—later the Hoover Dam—on the Colorodo River. [13]
biography from the Encyclopedia of Alabama
wikipedia article
more photos
William Luther Sibert's genealogy notes
Newspaper article
Obituary by Edward B. Clark: part one, part two
photo of marker: Historical Marker Database (
Children of William Luther Sibert and Mary Margaret Cummings:
190. | Charles Martin Sibert was born on 15 August 1888 and died on 18 August 1888 in Newport, Campbell, Kentucky. He is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery in Southgate, Campbell, Kentucky. [14] | |
+ | 191. | Colonel William Olin Sibert was born on 23 October 1889 in Bowling Green. He died on 12 December 1935 in Philapdelphia. He married Elizabeth Collins Carson. |
+ | 192. | Major General Franklin Cummings Sibert was born on 3 January 1891 in Bowling Green. |
193. | Professor Harold "Hap" Ward Sibert was born on 9 May 1892. He died on 17 December 1973 and is buried in the Arlington National Cemetery. He married first Marjorie Ann Doster on 9 February 1924 in Hamilton, Ohio. Marjory, the daughter of Jacob and Olive (West) Doster was born on 1 January 1898. She died on 10 December 1927 in Hamilton county, Ohio. He married second Florence Traver on 6 August 1930 in Hamilton. Florence, the daughter of Edgar B. and Esther E. (Stevens) Traver, was born on 30 October 1898. She died on 11 May 2000 and is buried with her husband. [15] Harold won the intercollegiate Clemens medal for foils in April 1911. [16] Harold was a lieutentant colonel in the airforce; he fought in World War II and in Korea. [17] Harold was a professor of aerospace engineering. "'Hap' Sibert joined the faculty [of the University of Colorado' in 1946 from the University of Cincinnati. ... He was a nationally know authority in aircraft power plants including jet engines, and perhaps the nation's top rocket scientist. [18] Children of Harold and Florence Sibert: (i) Harold Edgar Sibert was born on 13 September 1937. He died on 8 March 1988, age 50, and is buried in the Spring Grove Cemetery in Cincinnati. [19] |
194. | John Tracy Sibert was born on 28 May 1894 in Detroit. He died on 31 December 1894 in Little Rock and is buried in the Little Rock National Cemetery. [20] | |
+ | 195. | Major General Edwin Luther Sibert was born on 2 March 1894 in Little Rock. He died on 16 December 1977 in McClean, Fairfax, Virgina. He married Laura Carey. |
196. | Martin David Sibert was born on 11 September 1898 in Arkansas. He died on 29 April 1960 in Birmingham, Alabama and is buried in the Crestwood Cemetery in Gadsden. He married first Hannah White. He married second Velma Lorene Martin. Velma, the daughter of Oria and Catherine (Haubner) Martin, was born on 17 March 1908 and died on 31 July 1969. She is buried in the Crestwood Cemetery. [21] "Private Martin D. Sibert, twelfth United States Army infantry, increased greatly in prestige, following the discovery that he is the son of Major General William L. Sibert. Young Sibert, without the knowledge of his family, enlisted at Manhattan, Kan., and will be written down as an unassigned recruit for service in the Philippines." Tyrone Daily Herald (Tyrone, PA), 26 November 1917, 1. Martin was a corporal in World War I. He served overseas from 2 September 1918 to 16 June 1919. [22] Children of Martin Sibert: (i) Mary Katherine Sibert died on 26 September 1992. She married Robert A. Papoi. (ii) Martin Luther Sibert died on 10 April 1992. [23] |
197. |
Mary Elizabeth Sibert was born on 18 August 1899 in Fort Totten, Long Island, New York. She died on 1 November 1898. She married Edmund Sewall Smith on 14 September 1933 in New York state. Sewall was born on 26 July 1904 in Niagara Falls, New York and died on 27 December 1988 in Alameda county, California. [24] Sewall Smith was an architect. He invented a board game called Boom! Or Goldent Age! Eleanor Roosevelt commented on it, "If it will help peace, I am sure we will play it every day of the week." [25] Mary attended Mount Holyoke college. [26]
1. Clark, William L. Sibert, 17.
2. "Kentucky, Death Records, 1852–1965," database with images, Ancestry > Death certificates, 1911–1965 > 1935 > film 7019819: all counties, image 3000.
3. "William Luther Sibert: Major General, United States Army," Arlington National Cemetery (, photo of gravestone.
4. "Texas, Select County Marriage Records, 1837–2015" database with images Ancestry > Cameron > 1887, image 88, image of marriage certificate. Birth date and place (Etowah county); death date and place; wife Evelyn Bairnsfather; parents William Joshua, born in Gadsden and Marietta Ward, born in Alabama.
5. "Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669–21-3," database with images, Ancestry > PA-Franklin > Chambersburg > Episcopal > Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, image 36, image of church records. Parents: Thos. Paschall Roberts and Juliet E. Roberts. "Deaths," Washington Times, 9 October 1918, 20, date and cause of death. "Juliette Paschall Roberts Sibert," Findagrave, no. 91078610, photo of gravestone: "Juliette Paschall / Roberts / 1881–1918/ Wife of / Wm. L. Sibert / Major General U.S. Army." C.J. Schexnayder, "William Sibert," online article, Encyclopedia of Alabama ( Violet Wolford's diary.
6. "Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms," database, Ancestry, entry for Evelyn Clyne Bairnsfather, date of birth and parents' names. "Evelyn Clyne Bairnsfather Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88902680. "Service Weddings," Army and Navy Journal, 17 June 1922 in The American Army and Navy Journal and Gazette, vol. 59, part 2 (New York: n.p., n.d.), 1011. "U.S. Passport Applications"> passport apps., 2 Jan. 1906–31 Mar. 1925 > 1920 > roll 1110, images 98–99, birthdate, immigration details, naturalization details, photograph. "Ohio Soldiers in World War I, 1917–1918," database with images, Ancestry > B, image 73.
7. Clark, William L. Sibert, 24. "U.S. Military and Naval Academy Cadet Records and Applications, 1800–1908," database with images, Ancestry > Military academy registers, 1867–1894, vol. 18, image 7. "Army Registers, 1798–1969," database with images, Fold3 > 1886, p. 43. "Army Registers," 1934, p. 941. "William L. Sibert," Encylcopedia of Alabama (
8. "William L. Sibert," Encylopedia of Alabama. "General Sibert, Who Commands our First Camp in France," New York Times, 1 July 1917, p. 57.
9. William L. Sibert," Encyclopedia of Alabama. "General Sibert, Who Commands our First Camp in France." "Army Registers," 1934, p. 941.
10. "William L. Sibert," Encyclopeida of Alabama. "General Sibert, Who Commands our First Camp in France. Theo Emery, Hellfire Boys (New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2017), 97.
11. "William L. Sibert," Encyclopeida of Alabama. Emery, Hellfire Boys, 97, 182.
12. "William L. Sibert," Encyclopedia of Alabama.
13. "William L. Sibert," Encyclopedia of Alabama. "Army Registers," 1934, p. 941.
14. "Charles Martin Sibert," Findagrave, no. 107769125, inscription: "Our baby / Charles Martin / infant son / of /Lieut. Wm. & Mary C. / Sibert / born / August 12, 1888 / died / August 15, 1888."
15. "Harold Ward Sibert," Findagrave, no. 49314559, inscription: "Harold Ward Sibert / Kentucky / LTC / U.S. Air Force / World War II / Korea / May 9 1892 / Dec 17 1973." "Ohio County Marriage Records, 1774–1993," database, Ancestry, entries for Harold Ward Sibert, Marjories Ann Doster, Harold W. Sibert and Esther Floerce Traver. All entries give both parents' names. "Ohio, Births and Christenings," database, Ancestry, entry for Marjorie A. Doster. "Ohio Death Records," database, Ancestry, entry for Marjori [!] Sibert.
16. "Novice Foilsmen in Keen Contest," New York Times, 9 April 1911, 48.
17. "Harold Ward Sibert," Findagrave, inscription.
18. "Aerospace Engineering at the University of Colorado," online article, 7 December 2017,
19. "Ohio, Birth Index," database, Ancestry, entry for Edgar Sibert. "Harold Edgar Sibert," Findagrave, no. 7904037.
20. "John Tracy Sibert," Findagrave, no. 3143400. "U.S. National Cemetery Interment Control Forms," database with images, Ancestry > S > Shulz, B.–Sibree, George, B., image 782, John T. Sibert, child of W.L. Sibert.
21. "U.S. World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > AL > Shiver–Simmons, image 2781, birth date. "Martin D. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 149140722, inscription: "Martin David Sibert / Alabama / Cpl Co H 31 Infantry / World War I / Sept 11 1898 April 29 1960." "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for Martin D. Sibert and Velma Lorene Sibert. "Velma Lorene Martin Sibert," Findagrave, no. 154804483.
22. "U.S. Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925–1963," database with images, Ancestry, search for Martin David Sibert, corporal, Co. H, 57th infantry [31 handwritten]. "Pennsylvania, World War I Veterans Service and Compensation Files, 1917–1919," database with images, Ancestry > army > Shrader, Harry–Sickle, Martin, image 3490.
23. "Mary Katherine Sibert Papoi," Findagrave, no. 154810839. "Martin Luther Sibert," Findagrave, no. 154804701. "Alabama Marriage Index," entries for Mary K. Sibert and Robert A. Papoi.
24. "U.S., Passport Applications" > 1921 > roll 1594, images 475–6. "U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for Mary A.[!] Smith. "New York, Marriage Index, 1881–1967," database, Ancestry, entry for Mary E. Sibert. "California, Death Index," entry for Sewall Smith, mother's maiden name Day. "World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > New York > Smith, Robert F.–Smith, Stanley Russell, image 1684.
25. Wendy Kaplin and Staci Steinberger, "'It has to Sell': The Dissemination of California Design, 1945–1965," in W. Kaplin, ed., California Design, 1930–1965: "Living the Modern Way" (Cambridge: M.I.T. Press, c. 2011), 310.
26. "U.S., Passport Applications."
62. SAMUEL HOUSTON SIBERT (William3, David2, John David1) (1864 – 1936)
Samuel Houston Sibert was born in 1864 in Gadsden. He died on 12 February 1936 in Gadsden and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery in Gadsden. He married Emma L. Penney on 26 April 1891 in Etowah County. Emma, the daughter of James and Amanda (Stewart) Penney, was born in 1872 in Cherokee county and died on 10 January 1954, age 81, in Gadsden. She is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [1]
In 1900 Samuel and Emma were living in Hokes Bluff, Etowah county with Eugene, age eight, and Mason, age five. Samuel was a farmer and Emma had had two children and they were both living. In 1910 Samuel and Emma were living in Hokes Bluff with Eugene, age 18, Mason, age 15, and Martin, age one. Emma had had four children and three were living. In 1920 Samuel and Emma were living in Gadsden with with their son Eugene, age 27. Samuel was a farmer. In 1930 Samuel and Emma were living in Gadsden; Samuel described his occupation as "real estate."1
Children of Samuel Houston Sibert and EmmaL. Penney: [2]
198. | Eugene Sibert was born on 28 February 1892. He died on 12 June 1932 in Gadsden and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. He married Josephine Holcombe on 31 August 1924. Josephine, the daughter of John Henry and Leila Ann (Barret) Holcombe, was born on 10 November 1900. She died on 19 March 1987 and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. She married second Mendel Ellsworth Cusick. Mendel was born on 24 January 1898. He died on 5 March 1956 and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [3] Eugene's World War I draft registration card says that he was a purchasing agent for a department store and that he was tall and slender with light brown hair and blue eyes. He served in World War I, as a sergeant in the engineers department in Washington, D.C. In 1920 he was living with his parents in Gadsden and was a salesman at a hardware store. In 1930 he and Josephine were living in a boarding house in Atlanta and he was a broker with a realty firm. [3] |
199. | Mason Stewart Sibert was born on 15 February 1895. He died on 22 November 1956 in Los Angeles county and is buried in the Forrest Cemetery. [4]
Mason spent some time in a home for disabled volunteer veterans in California; he gave his occupation as salesman. In 1940 he was living with his mother in Gadsden and not working. [4] |
200. | Unknown Sibert was born and died between 1900 and 1910. | |
201. | Martin Luther Sibert was born on 1 December 1908. He died on 31 March 1937 in Gadsden and is buried in Forrest Cemetery.5 Martin studied mechanical engineering at the Georgia School of Technology and received his BSc in 1931. In 1932 to 1933 he was a merchant. After this he was employed by the U.S. Geological Survey as a draftsman and a computer. He was assigned the the Tennesee Vally Authority on 14 August 1934. [5] Martin was commissioned a second lieutenant in the 345th infantry reserve in 1930. On 24 June 1932 Martin was a lieutenant at Camp Beauregard when he was called to Gadsden by the sudden death of his brother [Eugene]. [5] |
1. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Saml. H. Sibert. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for Samuel Houston Sibert and Emma L. Sibert. "Samuel Houston Sibert," Findagrave, no. 19462965. "Emma L. Penney Sibert," Findagrave, no. 19462954. "1900 U.S. Federal Census"> AL > Etowah > Hokes Bluff > dist. 151, image 5. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Hokes Bluff > dist. 61, image 7. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden Ward 3 > dist. 93, image 36. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > dist. 1, image 15. Samuel and Emma's birth places from their son Martin's death record.
2. Birthdates of the children, Eugenes' marriage date and his wife's birthdate in Beeson, Sibert Family, 12.
3. "Eugene Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88901621. "Josephine Holcombe Cusick," Findagrave, no. 147944477. "Mendel Ellsworth Cusick," Findagrave, no. 147947440. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Eugene Sibert. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards," entry for Eugene Sibert. "George, World War I Service Cards, 1917–1919," database with images, Ancestry > army officer statement of service > McCallum–Stimpel, image 1880. "1920 U.S. Federal Census." "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Fulton > Atlanta > dist. 108, image 35.
4. "Mason S. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88974992. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Mason Stewart Sibert. "California, Death Index," entry for Mason S. Sibert. "U.S., National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866–1938," database with images, Ancestry > Sawtelle > Registers > S, image 3105. "1940 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > AL > Etowah > Gadsden > dist. 28–5, image 2. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AL > Etowah > draft card S, image 234. "U.S., Applications for Seaman's Protection Certificates, 1916–1940," database with images, Ancestry > D.C. > 1-Wash., D.C., image 520 (photo). "New York, Passenger and Crew Lists," various entries. "World War I: 1918 Promotion Lists ... ," webpage (
5. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (, Martin's death date and place, parents' and husband's names, birth date, parents' birth places and marital status. "Martin L. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 8897466. Transactions of the A.S.M.E. vol. 62, no. 7, Memorial Biographies (, 66. "Alabama, Death Index," entry for Martin L. Sibert. "U.S., School Yearbooks, 1900–1999," database with images, Ancestry > GA > Georgia School of Technology > 1930, image 90 (photo). "C.M.T.C. Camp at Beauregard is Down to Work," Rustan Daily Leader (Rustan, Louisiana), 25 June 1932, 2.
68. OLIN WARD SIBERT (William3, David2, John David1) (1878 – 1941)
Olin Ward Sibert was born on 23 December 1878. He died suddenly on 27 February 1941 in Selma, Dallas, Texas, while on a business trip. He married Emily Walker on 20 December 1905 in Allegheny county, Pennsylvania. Emily, the daughter of Thomas P. and Frances (Jones) Walker, was born about 1881 and died on 17 June 1969 in Gadsden. [1]
Olin's World War I draft registration card says that he was tall and stout with brown hair and eyes and that he was in the hardware business. [1]
Olin was a soldier in company C of the First Alabama Infantry in the Spanish-American War. [1]
Portrait by Bairnsfather.
Children of Olin Ward Sibert and Emily Walker: [2]
202. | William Joshua Sibert was born on 10 February 1908. He married Billie Louise Shute on 8 July 1934 in Etowah County. [3] William was a life-long resident of Gadsden and the owner of the Sibert hardware store there. [3] |
203. | Nancy Olin Sibert was born on 9 February 1910. She died on 21 February 1925, age 14, in Gadsden. [4] |
1. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for Olin Ward Sibert and Emily Sibert. "Olin Ward Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88975088. "U.S., Spanish-American War Volunteer Index to Compiled Military Service Records, 8989," database with images, Ancestry > Ship–Simo, image 1039. "Pennsylvania, Marriages, 1852–1968," database, Ancestry, entry for Olin W. Sibert. "Olin Sibert, 61, Dies Suddenly," image of a newspaper article, public member photos and scanned documents, Ancestry, shared by wcozart_1, 1 April 2017. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > AL > Etowah > draft card S, 235.
2. William's birthdate and Nancy's birth and death dates in Beeson, Sibert Family, 12. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for William J. Sibert.
3. "William Joshua Sibert," Findagrave, no. 201300579. " Obituary, Gadsden Times, 3 April 1990, B2.
4. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (https://www.americanancestors.ort/DB1569/rd/22612/2588/446482614), Nancy's death date and place and her father's name. "Nancy Olin Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88975040.
73. JOHN WESLEY BEESON (Mary3, David2, John David1) (1866 – 1956)
John Wesley Beeson was born on 31 March 1866. He died on 6 July 1956. He married first Annie Pauline Foster on 31 August 1887 in West Point, Mississippi. He married second Rosa Laura Foster on 8 June 1893 in McKinley, Alabama. Rosa was born on 9 July 1868 and she died on 3 August 1955. John and Rosa are buried in the Westview Cemetery in Atlanta. [1]
John received his BA in 1881 and his MA in 1888, both from the University of Alabama. He was president of Arcadia College, Louisiana from 1886 to 1891. He was president of the Marengo Female Institute from 1891 to 1896. He was president of East Mississippi College in 1896. [1]
In 1900 John and Rosa lived in Meridian with their children Marvin, age ten, and Ethel, age three. John was president of the East Mississippi Female College. In 1910 John and Rosa were living in Meridian with their children Marvin, age 20, Ethel, age 12, Ralph, age nine, and Dwight, age six. John was still the college president. In 1920 John and Rosa were living in Meridian with their children Ralph, age 19, Dwight, age 16, Ethel, age 22, and Ethel's husband Robert Moore, age 25. John and Robert were proprietors of an automobile company. In 1930 John and Rosa had moved to DeKalb county, Georgia and were living with their then single daughter Ethel, age 31, and their son Dwight, age 27. John was a manager for a life insurance company, Ethel was a clerk in a life insurance office and Dwight was a bookkeeper in a life insurance office. In 1940 John and Rosa were living in Emory, Georgia with their divorced daughter Ethel. John was still a manager of a life insurance office and Ethel was a secretary in a life insurance office.
Children of John Beeson Wesley and Annie Pauline Foster:
204. | Marvin Foster Beeson was born on 27 October 1889 in Arcadia, Louisiana. He died on 5 December 1975, age 86, in San Antonio and is buried in the Westview Cemetery. He married Frances Elizabeth Hunt on 29 May 1917. [2] Marvin graduated from Meridian college. He studed at the University of Jura in German and the University of Berlin. He received his PhD from the University of Leipzig in 1914. He was the author of scholarly articles on education. [2] Marvin's draft registration card says that he was a teacher at Meridian college; he claimed an exemption on the grounds of tuberculosis. Marvin's death certificate says that he was a college professor and that he lived the last 23 years of his life in San Antonio. [2] |
Children of John Beeson Wesley Rosa Laura Foster:
205. | John Wesley Beeson was born on 19 June 1895. He died on 31 July 1896 and is buried in the Westview Cemetery. [3] | |
206. | Ethel Foster Beeson was born on 18 June 1897. She died on 20 October 1953 and is buried in the Westview Cemetery. [4] | |
207. | Norman Carl Beeson waso born on 25 May 1899. He died on 9 April 1901 and is buried in the Westview Cemetery. [5] | |
208. | Ralph Waldo Beeson was born on 24 October 1900. He died on 15 October 1990. He married Orlean Bullard, the daughter of Charles Hugh and Lula (Brunson) Bullard, on 27 January 1940. She was born about 1901 in Meridian. He had no children. [6] Ralph graduated from Emory University in 1920 and joined the Liberty National Life insurance Company in Atlanta the following year. In 1923 he turned to automobile distribution at the Ford Motor Company. He returned to Liberty National in 1926 and was transferred to Birmingham in 1927. In 1940 Ralph and Orlean were living in Birmingham. Ralph was a secretary with the National Life Insurance company and had a salary of 5,000 dollars a year. [6] In 1942 he joined the Naval Reserve. When World War II ended, he became a director at the Veterans Administration in Richmond. [6] Ralph invested heavily in Liberty stock and left a 100 million dollar estate. He left 83 million dollars to educational institutions, in particular, he left 54.8 million dollars to Samford University. He also left 12 million dollars to a Presbyterian church. [6] |
209. | Dwight Moody Beeson was born on 1 August 1903 in Meridian. He died on 7 June 1985 and is buried in the Elmwood Cemetery in Birmingham. He married Lucille Stewart, the daughter of Frank I. and Mary Florence (Johnston) Stewart. [7] According to his World War II draft card, Dwight workd for Liberty National. In 1940 Dwight and Lucille D. were living in Emory and Dwight was an office manager for an insurance company. [7] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6 gives his birth date and the names of his wives. The names of his wifes and dates and places of his marriages are in "Alabama Surname Files Expanded, 1702–1981," database with images, Ancestry > Bedsole–Bell, image 135, citing records compiled from various sources by staff members at the Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery, Alabama. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for John Westly Beeson. "John Wesley Beeson, Sr.," Findagrave, no. 181860791. "Rosa Laura Foster Beeson," Findagrave, no. 181861773. "Alabama, Select Marriage Indexes," entry for J.W. Beeson. "Mississippi, Compiled Marriage Index, 1776–1935," database, Ancestry, entry for John W. Beeson. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for John W. Beeson. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > MI > Lauderdale > Meridien > dist. 13, image 49. "1910 U.S. Federal Cenus" > MI > Lauderdale > Meridian > dist. 37, image 7. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > MI > Lauderdale > Meridian > dist. 45, image 9. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > DeKalb > Militia District 531 > dist. 23, image 46. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > DeKalb > Emory > 44-16, image 30.
2. "Marvin Foster Beeson," Findagrave, no. 62528876. "Texas, Death Certificates" > Bexar > 1975 > Oct.–Dec., image 1082. "U.S., World War I Draft Registration Cards" > MI > Lauderdale > dist. 3, image 56. Henry Hart Beeson, A Genealogy of the Beeson-Beason Family (n.p.: H.H. Beeson, 19680, 253. Beeson, Beeson Genealogy, 33–34.
3. "John Wesley Beeson," Findagrave, no. 181862191.
4. "Ethel Foster Beeson," Findagrave, no. 181861953.
5. "Norman Carl Beeson," Findagrave, no. 181861953.
6. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Ralph W. Beeson. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Jefferson > Birmingham > 68-121, image 12. Beeson, Genealogy of the Beeson-Beason Family, 253. Samford University > Founders > Ralph Waldo Beeson ( Julie L. Nicklin, "4 Institutions Share Bequest of $83 Million," online article, Chronicle of Higher Educuation, 28 November 1990 ( Photo (cropped), by Andy Montgomery.
7. "Dwight Moody Beeson," Findagrave, no. 198144712. "U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850–2010," database, Ancestry, entry for Dwight Beeson. "U.S., WWII Draft Cards Young Men" > GA > Bection–Belcher, image 815. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > DeKalbe > Emory > 44-15, image 24. Beeson, Genealogy of the Beeson-Beason Family, 253.
74. JASPER LUTHER BEESON (Mary3, David2, John David1) (b. 1867)
Jasper Luther Beeson was born on 30 August 1867. He married Leola Selman on 13 September 1894 in Powder Springs, Georgia. Leola was the daughter of James Wilson and Katherine (Riley) Selman. [1]
Jasper received his AB in 1889 and his MA in 1890, both from the University of Alabama. He received a PhD in chemistry in 1893 from Johns Hopkins. He was an instructor of physics at the University of Alabama and a chemist of the Alabama Geological Survey from 1889 to 1890. He was a professor of chemistry at the Louisiana School of Sugar from 1893 to 1897. He was professor elect of chemistry at the Kansas Agricultural College in 1897. He was a professor of chemistry and physics and the Georgia Normal and Industrial College in 1897. He was chairman of the faculty of the American Chemical Society. [1]
Children of Jasper Luther Beeson and Leola Selman:
210. | Catherine Selman Beeson was born on 16 January 1900. She died on 11 November 2000. She married Samuel Brown Wright. Samuel, the son of Henry and Elizabeth (Campbell) Wright, was born on 16 December 1884 and died on 5 January 1956. Samuel and Catherine are buried in the Thornrose Cemetery in Staunton City, New Jersey. [2] Samuel was a veteran of World War II. In 1940 Samuel and Catherine lived in Staunton City with their children. Samuel owned a giftshop. At the time of his death, his most recent occupation was merchant of childrens' clothing. [2] Children of Samuel and Catherine: Samuel Henry Beeson Wright was born on 7 February 1931. He was a married dental student when he died of a cerebral glioma on 7 December 1956 in Richmond, Virginia. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6, gives his birthdate and wife's name. "Alabama Surname Files"> Bedsole–Bell, images 135–6 gives his wife's name, their marriage date and place and her parents' names. "Alabama Surname Files"> Bedsole–Bell, images 135–62. "Alabama Surname Files" > Bedsole–Bell, image 130. "1900 U.S. Federal Cenus," database with images > Ancestry > VA > Staunton City > Staunton > 121-9, image 14. "Catherine Beeson Wright," Findagrave, no. 39591897. "Samuel Brown Wright," Findagrave, no. 39591899."Virginia, Death Records, 1912–2014," database with images > 1956, #28863, image 144 and 1956, no. 1609, image 110.76. MARTHA ADA BEESON (Mary3, David2, John David1) (1871 – 1911)
Martha Ada Beeson was born on 30 December 1871 on her father's homestead in Big Wills Valley, Etowah County, Alabama. She died on 14 March 1911, while a missionary in China. She married Wilmuth Farmer.
As a young girl she was invited to live with her Uncle William and Aunt Marietta Sibert in Gadsden. She was close friends with [presumably] Fannie Sibert and attended school in Gadsden. In 1866 her brother John Wesley established a school in Arcadia, Louisiana —the Arcadia Female College—and she went there to study. Her brother left to take the presidency of the Marengo Female College in Demopolis, Alabama and she accompanied him, finishing her undergraduate and masters degrees at this school.
Upon graduation she accepted a teaching position for a year in Paradise, Texas. She then spent a year teaching in Chico [Texas?], two years working at the East Mississippi Female College in Meridian and two years teaching in Blountville, Alabama. After this she offered herself to the Mission Board of the South Methodist Mission Convention to be sent to China. She attended Missionary School in Nyack, New York and spent a year in Nashville.
On 11 January 1902 she sailed from San Francisco with a party of missionaries on the S.S. City of Peking. She landed in Shanghai on 8 February, traveled to Kuang Si [Guangxi] and on 24 February began to study the language.
Wilmoth Farmer came to China as a missionary in 1901 and he and Martha married on 26 January 1904 in Canton. On 31 April 1907—in hope of a rest for Wilmoth—Ada and Wilmoth set sail for home. In the United States, they visited Ada's family and in the spring they had a son who lived only briefly. On 17 January 1909 they departed Vancouver for China. On 5 January 1910 Ada complained of being ill with severe dysentery and on 14 March 1911 she died of the disease. She was buried in the foothills of the Western Mountains. [1]
Photo of Ada and Wilmoth at their wedding
Wilmouth, the son of James A. and Mary Elizabeth (Farmer) Farmer was born on 14 Ocober 1877 in Conyers, Georgia. He died on 30 October 1970 and is buried in the Santa Clara Mission Cemetery in Santa Clara, California. [2]
After Ada's death, Wilmoth returned to the United States. The Methodist church sent him back to China, but he found himself drawn to Catholicism there and the church dispatched him back home. In the United States he converted, and was later ordained a Jesuit priest, renamed Father Francis X. Farmer. He returned to China as a Jesuit missionary and served there from 1926 to 1949—he was held prisoner by the Japanese from December 1941 to August 1945. He spent the years 1949 to 1966 at Loyola University. [2]
Children of Wilmoth Farmer and Martha Ada Beeson:
211. | Unknown son Farmer was born and died in Spring 1907. |
1. Reverand Wilmoth Farmer, Ada Beeson: A Missionary Heroin of Kuang Si (Atlanta: Foote & Davies Co., 1912). Her biogaraphy is from this book.
2. "U.S. Passport Applications" > 1919, image 515. "California, Death Index." "Fr. Francis X. Farmer," Findagrave, no. 32582597. Rita H. DeLorme, "Adventures of Father Francis X. Farmer, SJ (formerly Reverend Wilmoth A. Farmer)," Southern Cross (
77. WILLIAM JAMES BEESON (Mary3, David2, John David1) (1874 – 1951)
William James Beeson was born on 16 February 1874 in Alabama. He died on 5 Septermber 1951 in Los Angeles County. He married Auline Moore on 22 June 1898 in Moore, Alabama. [1]
William recieved his BS in 1896 and his MA in 1897, both from the Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical College. He was principal of the Ninth District Agricultural School at Blountsville from 1897 to 1899. He was chair of history and economics at the State Normal School at Jacksonville from 1899 to 1905. He was head of the department of English and History at the Meridian Male College in Meridian Mississippi. [1]
In 1920 William and Auline were living in Pasadena with their children William, age 18, Martin, age 17 and Carroll., age 16—all born in Alabama. William was a high school teacher. In 1930 William and Auline were living in Los Angeles with their granddaughter Patricia, age seven. William was a school teacher. [1]
Children of William James Beeson and Auline Moore:
212. | William M. Beeson was born on 12 March 1901 in Alabama and he died on 26 September 1968 in Los Angeles county. He married first Alice May Ingram on 16 July 1920 in Los Angeles. Alice, the daughter of Peter B. and Margaret (McLean) Ingram, was born on 5 July 1902 in Massachusets. She died on 25 October 1994 in California. He married second Evelyn C. Shamhart on 18 June 1931. She was born on 6 August 1887 and died on 13 March 1967. William and Evelyn are buried in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, Los Angeles county. [2] Children of William and Alice: (i) Patricia Auline Beeson was born on 27 February 1923 in Glendale, Los Angeles county. She died in January 1984. She married Robert F. Pattison. They divorced in May 1971 in San Bernardino county. [2] |
213. | Martin L. Beeson was born on 21 July 1902 in Jacksonville, Alabama. He died on 5 August 1970 and is buried in the Inglewood Park Cemetery in Inglewood, Los Angeles county. He married Florence Helen Johnson. Helen, the daughter of Abram Close and Katie Johnson, was born on 19 July 1904 in Los Angeles City. She died on 30 August 1983 and is buried in the Inglewood Park Cemetery. [3] Children of Martin and Florence: (i) William Martin Beeson was born on 28 May 1930 in Los Angeles county. He died on 14 July 1999. [3] |
214. | Carrol Menefee Beeson was born on 13 December 1903 in Jacksonville, Alabama. He married Helen E. Booher on 4 January 1924 in Los Angeles county. Helen was born on 11 May 1904 in Tennessee and she died on 26 August 1971 in Los Angeles. [4] In 1940 Carrol and Hellen were living in Los Angeles and Carrol was a chemist for an oil company. [4] |
215. | Hoyt S. Beeson was born on 13 February 1908 and died on 16 February 1908 in Worcester, Massachusetts. [5] |
1. "Alabama Surname Files"> Bedsole–Bell, images 136. "California, Death Index," entry for William James Beeson. "Alabama, Marriage Index," entry for William Beeson. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > CA > LA > Pasadena > dist. 525, image 13. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > CA > LA > LA dists. 501–750 > dist. 570, image 24.
2. "William M. Beeson," Findagrave, no. 69393836. "Evelyn C. Beeson," Findagrave, no. 69393828. "California Death Index," entry for William M. Beeson. "Massachusetts, Birth Records, 1840–1915," database, Ancestry, entry for Alice May Ingram. "California, County Birth, Marriage and Death Records,1849–1980," database, Ancestry, entries for Wm. M. Beeson, William M. Beeson. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entries for Alice M. Rogers, Patricia Auline Beeson. "California, Divorce Index 1966–1984," database, Ancestry, entry for Patricia A. Beeson.
3. "World War II Draft Registration Cards" > CA > Beebe–Beeson, image 2070. "Martin L. Beeson," Findagrave, no. 78693718. "U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Martin L. Beeson. "California, County Birth, Marriage and Death Records," entry for Florence Helen Johnson. "Florence H. Beeson," Findagrave, no. 78798134.
4. World War II Draft Registration Cards" > CA > Beebe-Beeeson, image 1888. "California, County Birth Marriage and Death Records," entry for Carrol B. Beeson. "California, Death Index," entry for Helen E. Beeson. "1940 U.S. Federal Census," database with image, Ancestry > CA > Los Angeles > Los Angeles > 60-209, image 39.
5. "Massachusetts, Death Records, 1841–1915," database with images, Ancestry > 1908 >Worcester, image 1930.
79. MALCOLM ALFRED BEESON (Mary3, David2, John David1) (1879 – 1971)
Malcolm Alfred Beeson was born on 20 June 1879. He died on 1 September 1971. He married Effie Harrison. Effie eas born on 16 June 1882 and died on 10 April 1971. Malcolm and Effied are buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in Ponca City, Kay county, Oklahoma. [1]
Malcolm received his BS in 1900 from the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. He was chair of science at the Meridian Female College from 1900 to 1901. He was president of the Meridian Male College in 1903. [1]
Children of Malcolm Alfred Beeson and Effie Harrison:
216. | Evelyn Beeson was born on 22 April 1907 and she died on 5 Februay 2000. She married Robert Alexander Parker. Robert, the son of Harvey Leroy and Laura May (Hickman) Parker, was born on 23 June 1905 and died on 20 August 1986. Evelyn and Robert are buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery. [2] | |
217. | William Malcolm Beeesonwas born on 3 Febuary 1911 in Meridian, Mississippi and he died on 24 October 1988 in Lafayette, Tippicanoe, Indiana. He married Laura Louise Neff. Laura, the daughter of Grover C. Neff, was born on 12 June 1912 and died on 19 June 1999. William and Laura are buried in the Davids Cemetery in Kettering, Montgomery county, Ohio. [3] William was a professor of animal science. [3] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Alabama Surname Files" > Bedsole–Bell, images 136. "Malcolm Alfred Beeson," Findagrave, no. 33703557. "Effie H. Harrison Beeson," Findagrave, no. 33707523.
2. "Evelyn Beeson Parker," Findagrave, no. 33707438. "Robert Alexander Parker," Findagrave no. 33707470.
3. "William Malcom Beeson," Findagrave, no. 111401958. "Laura Louise Neff Beeson," Findagrave, no. 39422600. "Indiana, Death Certificates, 1899–2011," database with images, Ancestry > Certificate > 1988 > 83, image 1957.
81. IDA AUGUSTA SIBERT (Isaac3, George2, John David1) (1857 – 1940)
Ida Augusta Sibert was born on 8 November 1857 in Abbeville, South Carolina. She died on 15 August 1940 in Georgia. She married John S. McArthur in 1890. John, the son of Peter and Eliza (Beals) McArthur was born on 29 December 1849 in Georgia. He died of influenza on 14 December 1932 in Georgia. John and Ida are buried in the West View Cemetery in Atlanta. [1]
In 1910 John and Ida lived in Quitman, Brooks county, Georgia with their daughters Bessie, age 18 and Sarah age 11. John was a furniture salesman and Bessie was a jewellry sales person. Ida had had three children and two were living. In 1920 John and Ida were living in College Park, Fulton county, Georgia with their daughters Bessie and Sarah. John was a salesman, Bessie was a clerk typist and Sarah was a billing clerk. In 1940 Ida, Bessie and Sarah lived in Decatur, Georgia. Bessie was a billing clerk and Sarah was a stenographer. [1]
Children of John S. McArthur and Ida Augusta Sibert:
218. | Bessie Victoria McArthur was born on 28 February 1892 in Georgia. She died on 16 February 1985 in DeKalb county, Georgia. [2] | |
219. | Ada Virginia McArthur was born and died in 1894. [3] | |
220. | Sarah Eliza McArthur was born on 26 March 1897 in Valdosa, Georgia. She died on 30 November 1981 in DeKalb county, age 84. [4] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. Georgia Death Index, 1919–1998," database with images, Ancestry, entries for John S. McArthur and Ida Seibert Mcarthur. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Brooks > Quitman > dist. 16, image 22. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Fulton > College Park > dist. 172, image 6. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > DeKalb > Decatur > 44-9B, image 14.
2. "Georgia Death Index," entry for Bessie V. McArthur. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Bessie V. McArthur.
3. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14.
4. "Georgia Death Index," entry for Sarah E. McArthur. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Sarah Eliza McArthur.
83. GEORGE LEONARD SIEBERT (Isaac3, George2, John David1) (1866 – 1947)
George Leonard Siebert was born on 12 January 1866 and died on 26 July 1947. He married Cornelia Farrell. She was born on 16 July 1872 and died on 2 March 1962 in St. Lucie county, Florida. George and Cornelia are buried in the Riverview Memorial Park in Fort Pierce, St. Lucie county. [1]
In 1900 George and Cornelia ("Nellie") were living in Quitman, Brooks county, Georgia with George's parents and their children Lorena, age seven, George, age six, Ruth, age four and Leonard, age one. George was a clerk for a railroad. In 1910 George and Cornelia were living in Loundes county, Georgia with George's parents and their children Evelyn, age 18, George, age 16, Ruth, age 13, Isaac, age seven, and Margaret, age five. George, Sr. and Evelyn were telegraph operators and George, Jr. was a clerk in a bakery. [1]
Children of George Leonard Siebert and Cornelia Farrell:
221. | Evelyn Lorena Siebert was born in September 1892 in Florida. Evelyn is probably the "Evelyn Lorentz Siebert" who married Walter R. Rogers on 28 October 1915 in Irwin county, Georgia. This Evelyn died on 4 August 1966 in Saint Lucie county and is buried in the Riverview Memorial Park. Walter was born on 18 October 1883 and died on 23 June 1965. He was born in the Riverview Memorial Park. [2] | |
222. | George L. Siebert was born on 2 August 1893 in Georgia. He died suddenly on 15 August 1953 in Louisville, Jefferson county, Kentucky and is buried in the Riverview Memorial Park. At the time of his death, George was a widowed restaurant worker. [3] George served in World War I. [3] |
223. | Ruth Siebert was born in October 1895 in Georgia. She is possibly the Ruth Elizabeth Siebert who married William M. Knight in Loundes county on 29 December 1919. This Ruth died on 18 July 1973 in Crispe, Georgia.4 | |
224. | Leonard Robert "Sam" Siebert was born on 14 February 1899 in Quitman. He died on 1 June 1984. He married first Sarah Augusta Wright in 1927. Sarah was born about 1906 and died on 13 May 1965. He married second Agnes Allen. She was born on 8 May 1904 and died on 4 June 1991. Leonard and Sarah are buried in the Arlington Memorial Park in Sandy Springs, Fulton county, Georgia. [5] Leonard received a law degree from the University of Georgia in 1922. He was the executive secretary of the Georgia Board of Regents. [5] |
225. | Isaac Cornelius Siebert was born on 23 March 1902 in Georgia. He died on 15 June 1980 in DeKalb county, Georgia and is buried in the Floral Hills Memory Gardens in Tucker, DeKalb county. [6] Isaac served in the army in World War II from 27 November 1942 to 31 March 1943, prior to that he was working in the depot restaurant at Union Station in Tifton, Georgia. [6] |
226. | Margaret Siebert was born about 1905 in Georgia. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Brooks > Quitman > dist. 5, image 19. This source gives the birth months of George, Cornelia and the children. "George Leonard Siebert," Findagrave, no. 37845079. "Cornelia F. Siebert," Findagrave, no. 37845143. "Florida, Death Index," entry for Cornelia Farrell Siebert. It is presumed, but not certain, that Cornelia's maiden name was Farrell.
2. "Georgia, Marriage Records from Select Counties," entry for Evelyn Lorentze [!] Siebert. "Florida, Death Index," entry for Evelyn S. Rogers. "Evelyn Siebert Rogers," Findagrave, no. 37920272, born 7 September 1891. "Walter Rogers," Findagrave, no. 37920341.
3. "Geo. L. Siebert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 37825530. "Kentucky, Death Records" > death certificates 1953 > film 7041799, image 1556. "Alabama, Military Card Files, 1917–1918," database with images, Ancestry > Mobile, image 53.
4. "Georgia, Marriage Records from Select Counties" > Lounds > Record of marriages (white), Book H, image 176. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for Ruth S. Knight. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Ruth S. Knight, born October 1897.
5. "Leonard Robert 'Sam' Siebert," Findagrave, no. 37845079. "Sarah Augusta Wright Siebert," Findagrave, no. 208133838. "Agnus [!] Allen Siebert," Findagrave, no. 208133974.
6. "Isaac C. Siebert," Findagrave, no. 171224472. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for Isaac Sibert. "U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File," entry for Isaac Sibert. "World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > GA > Shumate–Sikes, image 604, born 23 March 1904.
85. ARTHUR HAMPTON SIEBERT (Isaac3, George2, John David1) (1872 – 1964)
Arthur Hampton Siebert was born on 1 September 1872. He died on 23 March 1964 in Taylor county, Florida. He married Minna June Etter on 19 September 1901. She was born on 9 June 1874 and died on 16 November 1953 in Taylor county. Arthur and June are buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery in Perry, Taylor county. [1]
In 1910 Arthur and Minnie were living in Perry with their children Arthur H., age seven, Junilla [!], age four, and Jack, age one. Arthur was an agent at a depot. In 1920 Arthur and Minnie were living in Perry with their children Henry, age seven, June, age 13, and Jack D., age ten. In 1930 Arthur and Minnie were living in Perry with their sons Henry and Jack and their daughter June and her husband, Wilson. June was a society editor for a newspaper and Wilson was a chiropractor. In 1935 Arthur and Minnie were living in Taylor county and Arthur was a telegraph operator. Wilson and June lived near or perhaps with them. [1]
Children of Arthur Hampton Siebert and Minna June Etter:
+ | 227. | Arthur Henry Seibert was born on 18 November 1902 in Quitman, Georgia. He died in December 1978 in New Orleans. He married Helen Catherine Millet on 3 June 1935 in Florida. She was born in 1905 and died in 1992. Arthur and Helen are buried in the Garden of Memories, Metairie, Jefferson Parish, Louisiana. [2] In 1940 Arthur and Helen were living in New Orleans with their daughter Susan, age one. Arthur was a chemist in a laboratory. [2] Children of Arthur and Helen: (i) Susan Taylor Seibert was born and 24 October 1938 and died on 26 August 1992. She is buried in the Garden of Memories. She married [possibly living]. [2] |
228. | June Etter Siebert was born on 24 July 1905 in Perry. She died on 16 June 1983 in Glynn county, Georgia. She married Doctor Wilson Towles Hendry on 28 Octoeber 1928 in Taylor county. Wilson was born on 1 July 1900 and died on 14 October 1966. He is buried in the Cooks Hammock Cemetery in Cooks Hammock, Lafayette county, Florida. [3] In 1940 Wilson and June were living in Taylor county with their three children. [3] |
229. | Jack Davis Siebert was born on 25 May 1909 in Perry. He died on 13 September 1988 and is buried in the Woodlawn Cemetery. He married Frances C. Lingle. She was born on 10 April 1915 and died on 1 August 2009. She is buried inthe Brooksville Cemetery in Brooksville, Hernando county, Florida. [4] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "Florida, Death Index," entries for Arthur Hampton Siebert and Minna June Siebert. "Arthur Hampton Siebert," Findagrave, no. 156113112. "Minna June Etter Siebert," Findagrave, no. 156114796. "1910 U.S. Federal Census" > FL > Taylor > Perry > dist. 158, image 22. " 1920 U.S. Federal Census" > FL > Taylor > Perry > dist. 163, image 44. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > FL > Taylor > Perry > dist. 1, image 7. "Florida, State Census," database with images, Ancestry > 1935 > Taylor > precinct 1, image 17.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for Arthur Siebert. "Arthur Henry Seibert," Findagrave, no. 139968089. "Florida, County Marriage Records, 1823–1982," database with images, Ancestry, entry for Arthur H. Seibert. "Helen L. Millet Seibert," Findagrave, no. 8521484. "Susan Taylor Seibert Meriwether," Findagrave, no. 8521484. "1940 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > LA > Orleans > New Orleans > 36-279, image 26.
3. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for June Hendry. "George, Death Index," database, Ancestry, entry for June S. Hendry. "Florida, County Marriage Records," entry for June Etter Jechert [!]. "1940 U.S. Federal Census," database with images, Ancestry > FL > Taylor > other places > dist. 62-15, images 15–16. "Dr. Wilson Towles Henry," Findagrave, no. 34828520.
4. Beeson, Sibert Family, 14. "Jack Davis Siebert," Findagrave, no. 70927535. "Frances C. Lingle Siebert," Findagrave, no. 70927535.
94. GEORGE THOMAS SIBERT (John Henry3, George2, John David1) (1876 – 1934)
George Thomas Sibert was born on 4 March 1876 in Greenwood, Greenwood, South Carolina. He died on 6 February 1934 in Greenwood. He married Mary Elizabeth McCrery on 6 November 1890. Mary was the daughter of Dr. James Harvey and Selma Theresa (Rich) McCrery. She was born on 17 November 1870. She died on 4 February 1948 at the home of her son in Augusta. George and Mary are buried together in the Ceder Springs A.R.P. Cemetery. [1]
Children of George Thomas Sibert and Mary Elizabeth McCrery: [2]
+ | 230. | James Henry Sibert was born on 10 August 1891. He died on 13 December 1962. He married Eleanor Coleman. Eleanor was born on 2 January 1895. She died on 23 June 1978. James and Eleanor are buried together in the Magnolia Cemetery in Augusta, Georgia. [3] Children: (i) Laura Shirley Sibert was born on 5 August 1933. She died on 5 June 2003, age 69. She married Unknown Peters. She is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. [4] |
231. | George Thomas Sibert was born on 24 October 1893. He died on 4 March 1925, age 31, at his parents' home and is buried in the Cedar Springs Cemetery. [5] George was a soldier in World War II. He served in Franced and was gassed near St. Quentin on 29 October 1918 and never fully recovered. He later worked as a telephone opertor in Buena Vista, Georgia. [6] |
232. | Lillie Beatrice Sibert was born on 19 October 1899. She died of pellagra on 9 April 1923, age 23, and is buried in the Ceder Springs Cemetery. [7] In the early 1900s this disease was common in the south. It was only in 1937 that it was shown that the vitamin niacin prevented the disease. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15, George and Mary's birth dates, their marriage date. "George Thomas Sibert," Findagrave, no. 95548735, birth and death dates in inscription (photo), marriage date and spouses name in an image of a newspaper marriage notice. "Mary Elizabeth McCrery Sibert," Findagrave, no. 144189522, birth and death dates in inscription (photo), death place and parents names in an image of a newspaper obituary. "South Carolina, Death Records" > 1925–1949 > 1934 > Greenwood, image 34, death date, burial place, parents' names.
2. Births of the children and deaths of George and Lillie in Beeson, Sibert Family, 15
3. "James Henry Sibert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 111215702, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Eleanor Coleman Sibert," Findagrave, no. 111215869, birth and death dates in inscription.
4. "Laura Shirley Sibert Peters," Findagrave, no. 111216582, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
5. "George Thomas Sibert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 95548694, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
6. Ibid., image of a newspaper obituary.
7. "Lillie Beatrice Sibert," no. 121191154, birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
"South Carolina, Death Records" > 1923 > Greenwood, image 128.
95. JAMES ISAAC SIBERT (John Henry3, George2, John David1) (1868 – 1902)
James Isaac Sibert was born on 11 October 1868. He died on 22 August 1902. He married first Emma Bracknell on 28 December 1890. She died in 1891. He married second Lora Babb in 1895. Lora was born in January 1877 in Georgia. [1]
In 1900 James and Flora were living in Augusta with their children Hamilton and Rosco. James was a carpenter. [2]
Children of James Isaac Sibert and Lora Babb:
+ | 233. | Hamilton Phynezy Sibert was born on 10 November 1896. He died on 17 January 1971 in Gardendale, Jefferson County. He married Arlene Deas Mobley by a license dated 1 May 1923. [3] In 1920 Hamilton, 23, was living with his mother Fannie L. and his stepfather Hines M. Edwards in Macon, Georgia. He was working as a clerk for a railroad company. In 1940 Hamilton, 43, was living in Birmingham, Alabama, with his wife Arlene, 37, and children Hamilton P., Jr., age 16, James Morris, age 12, and David M., age 64. Children: (i) Samuel Pierce married Elizabeth Carolyn Bell on 8 August 1946 in Jefferson County. Elizabeth was the daughter of Willie Vaughn and Ester Bell. [5] (ii) Hamilton P. was born about 1924. (iii) James Morriss was born on 1 June 1927 in Birmingham. He died on 25 April 1996. He married first as her second husband Lucille Genice Barber on 21 August 1951 in Norfolk, Virginia. Lucille was the daughter of Travis and Cora Lucille (Adkins) Barber. He married second Ann Martha Labieniec in September 1957 in Florida. He was described as five foot seven and a half inches tall, with blue eyes, brown hair and a ruddy complexion. He served in the navy in World War II. [6] (iiv) David Milton was born on 29 April 1933. He died on 26 November 2009, age 76. He married Sharon L. Studebaker, age 53, on 7 October 1995 in Harris, Texas. [7] |
234. | Rosco Sibert was born in September 1898. He died on 20 September 1902 and is buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. [8] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Augusta Ward 5 > E.D. 70, image 29, James born October 1867, Lora born January 1877, married four years.
2. "1900 U.S. Federal Census."
3. "1900 U.S. Federal Census," birth month. "U.S. Social Security Death Index," entry for Hamilton Sibert, birth and death dates. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Hamilton Sibert, death date and place. "Alabama, County Marriage Records" > Jefferson > 1923, image 873, wifes's name, license date.
4. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Bibb > Macon Ward 4 > E.D. 45, image 13. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > Jefferson > Birmingham > 68–84A, image 22.
5. "Alabama, County Marriage Records" > Jefferson > 1946–1947, image 2270, marriage date and parents' names.
6. "U.S. Social Security Death Index," entry for James M. Sibert, birth and death dates. "U.S. Veterans' Gravesites, ca. 1775–2006," database Ancestry, entry for James Morriss Sibert, birth and death dates, military service. "Virginia, Marriage Records," 1936–1401," database with images, Ancestry > 1951 > 23833-24098, image (certificate), 241, parents' names and date, James never married, Lucille second marriage. "Florida, Marriage Indexes, 1822–1875 and 1927–2001," database, Ancestry, entry for James Morriss Sibert, wife's name and marriage date. "World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > AL > S > Si > Sibert, James, birth date and place, description.
7. "U.S. Social Security Death Index," entry for David Milton Sibert, birth and death dates. "U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850–2010," entry for David M. Sibert, birth and death years. "Texas, Marriage Index, 1824–2014," database, Ancestry, entry for David Sibert, born about 1933.
8. 1900 Census, birth month. "Rosco Sibert," Findagrave, no. number 141894853.
98. JOHN WINTON SIBERT (John Henry3, George2, John David1) (1875 – 1946)
John Winton Sibert was born on 4 June 1875. He died on 14 August 1946 in Richmond County, Georgia. He married Ethel Armstrong on 7 June 1899 in Richmond County. Ethel was born on 24 June 1883 in Georgia. She dieds on 12 October 1960. John and Ethel are buried in the Magnolia cemetery. in Augusta. [1]
John was described as of medium height and build with blue eyes and black hair. [2]
In 1900 John Walter and Ethel Lee were living in Augusta. In 1920 John W., 42, was living in Augusta with his wife Ethel, 36, his children Gertrud, 18, and John W., 17, and his niece Helen A., 2, in Augusta, Georgia. He was a contractor. In 1930 John, 54, and Ethel, 46, were living in Augusta with John W., 26, and Helen, 12. In 1940 John W., 64, and Ethel, 57, were living in Augusta. John was a building inspector who had completed the eighth grade. [3]
Children of John Winton Sibert and Ethel Armstrong:
235. | Gertrude Sibert was born on 14 June 1901. She died on 4 April 1980, age 77, in Richmond. She married Ware Frederick Schiefer. Ware was born on 20 February 1889 in Pennsylvania and died on 16 February 1964 in Buncombe, Asheville County, North Carolina. Ware and Gertrude are buried in the Magnolia Cemetery. [4] | |
236. | John Winton Sibert was born on 9 August, about 1903, in Georgia. He died on 8 May 2005. He married Caroline Stephens of Metropolis, Illinois. She was born in March 1908 in Illinois.5 In 1935 John W. lived in Canton, Lewis County, Missouri. In 1940 John W., age 30, and Caroline, age 32, lived in Peoria, Peoria County, Illinois with their two-year-old son John W., born in Missouri. John was an engineer with the water department. John was an engineer with the US Army Corps of Engineers working on locks and dams along the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers, In 1940 he was transferred to Panama to begin the expansion of the Panama Canal which was terminated in late 1942 by World War II.6 |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15. "U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards" > GA > Augusta City > 2 > Draft Card S, image 196, birth date. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for John W. Sibert, date and place. "George, Marriage Records from Select Counties" > Richmond > Marriages, Book W, 1872–1999, image 188, names and date. "John W. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 94452609, birth and death dates. "Ethel N. Armstrong Sibert,"Findagrave, no. 111963069, birth and death dates.
2. "U.S. World War I Draft Registration Cards."
3. "1900 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta Ward 5, E.D. 7, image 3. "1920 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta Ward 6, E.D. 101, image 9. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta > E.D. 40, image 32. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > GA > Richmond > Augusta > 121–61, image 20.
4. "Georgia, Death Index," entry for Gertrude S. Schiefer, date, place and age. "North Carolina Death Certifiates" > Ashville > Buncombe > 1964 > February ., image 87. "Gertrude Sibert Schiefer," Findagrave no. 111963484, birth and death dates and husband's name in inscription (photo). "Ware Frederick Schiefer," Findagrave, no. 111963484, birth and death dates.
5. "U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for John W. Sibert, birth date 9 August 2002. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > IL > Peoria > Peoria > 104–37, image 4, John, Caroline and son John's ages and birth states, John's occupation, presumed 1935 residence. John Winton's son says that his father was born on 11 August 1902 and that his was was Caroline Stephens of Metropolis, born March 1908, private correspondence.
6. Private correspondence with John Winton's son
102. MARGARET ADALINE SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (b. 1867)
Margaret Adeline Sibert was born on 4 May 1867. He married Edgar Lee Ralls on 28 March 1888. Edgar was born on 22 June 1865 and he died on 15 October 1920. [1]
Children of Edgar Lee Ralls and Margaret Adeline Sibert: [2]
237. | Edger Lee Ralls was born on 19 February 1890. He married Esther Alsup. | |
238. | John Perkins Ralls was born on 16 May 1892. He married Dorothy A. Warner. | |
239. | Marion Annette Ralls was born on 10 December 1896. She married Rodgers Stadden Wilson. | |
240. | Margaret Agnes Ralls was born on 28 February 1899. She married first Charles R. McClintock. She married second Harry J. Geiss. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15.
2. Birth dates of the children and the names of their spouses in Beeson, Sibert Family, 15.
105. GEORGE MILLER SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (1872 – 1934)
George Miller Sibert was born on 7 August 1872. He died on 2 January 1934 and is buried in the Sumter Cemetery in Sumter, South Carolina. He married Julia Helen Brown on 30 June 1904. She died on 28 April 1906. [1]
Children of George Miller Sibert and Julia Helen Brown:
241. | George Brown Sibert was born on 31 March 1906 in Florence, South Carolina. He maried Martha Jane Sutherland on 28 October 1934 in Anderson County, South Carolina. [2] According to his World War II Draft Card, George worked at Sibert's Drug Store in Sumter. [2] Children of George Brown Sibert and Martha Jane Sutherland: (i) Doctor George Brown Sibert, Jr. was born on 3 February 1937. He died on 29 June 1972. [3] George was in the naval reserves and served on the the U.S.S. Midway during the Viet Nam war. [3] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "George Miller Sibert," Findagrave, no. 132107064.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "U.S. World War II Draft Cards Young Men" > SC > Shumpert–Simpkins, image 106. "S.C., County Marriage Records" > Anderson > 1911–1955 Marriage Register, image 5673.
3. "Dr. George Brown Sibert," Findagrave, no. 131548992.
106. THOMAS JEFFERSON SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (1874 – 1960)
Thomas Jefferson Sibert was born on 12 December 1874 in South Carolina. He died on 4 July 1960. He married Mary Alice Corley on 12 April 1904. Mary was born on 1 January 1880. She died on 10 November 1973. Thomas and Mary are buried in the McCormick City Cemetery in McCormick, McCormic county, South Carolina. [1]
Thomas was a farmer and merchant. In 1940 he was was the mayor of McCormick. [1]
Children of Thomas Jefferson Sibert and Mary Alice Corley:
242. | Infant Daughter Sibert was born on 5 May 1905 and died the next day. [2] | |
243. | Thomas Jefferson Sibert was born on 20 October 1906 in South Carolina. He died on 13 March 1897. He married Sarah Frances Watkins, Sarah, the daughter of George Pressley and Lucretia Virginia (Henderson) Watkins, was born on 15 October 1916 and died on 4 May 2004. Thomas and Sarah are buried in the McCormick City Cemetery in McCormick. [3] | |
244. | Mack Marion Sibert was born on 15 August 1909 and died on 14 June 1910. He is buried with his sister in the McCormick Cemetery. [2] | |
245. | Joseph Augustus Sibert was born on 25 February 1912 in McCormick, South Carolina. He died on 8 June 1957 and is buried in the McCormick Cemetery. [4] Joseph was a pharmacist and worked for the People's Drug Store in McCormick. He enlisted as a private in the army on 20 February 1942 for the duration of the war plus six months. [4] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "Thomas Jefferson Sibert, Sr.," Findagrave, no. 26450799. "Mary Alice Corley Sibert," Findagrave, o. 26450816. "South Carolina, Death Records" > 1906 > McCormick, image 43. "World War I Draft Registration Card" > SC > McCormick County > Draft Card S, image 136. "1940 U.S. Federal Census" > SC > McCormick County > McCormick > 33-1, image 15.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "Mack Marion Sibert," Findagrave, no. 135551819.
3. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "Thomas Jefferson Sibert, Jr.," Findagrave, no. 26450849. "Sarah Frances Watkins Sibert," Findagrave, no. 26450904.
4. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16. "Joseph Augustus Sibert," Findagrave, no. 26450370. "U.S. WWII Army Enlistment Records," entry for Joseph A. Sibert. "U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men" > SC > Shumpert–Simpkins, 124.
107. SARAH LEE SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (b. 1877)
Sarah Lee Sibert was born on 4 May 1877. She married George Ernest Holland on 20 June 1906. [1]
Children of George Ernest Holland and Sarah Lee Sibert: [2]
246. | Mary Evelyn Holland was born on 21 December 1908. | |
247. | George Ernest Holland was born on 1 January 1911. | |
248. | Margaret Carson Holland was born on 29 March 1914. | |
249. | Martha Lousise Holland was born on 2 March 1917. | |
250. | John Sibert Holland was born on 29 August 1921. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
2. Birth dates of the children in Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
109. VIRGINIA REID SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (b. 1880)
Virginia Reid Sibert was born on 4 September 1880. She married J.Z. Sexton on 15 July 1909. [1]
Children of Virginia Reid Sibert and J.Z. Sexton:
251. | Charles David Sexton was born on 1 October 1910. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
111. LOUISE SOLOMON SIBERT (George Moore3, George2, John David1) (b. 1887)
Louise Solomon Sibert was born on 6 August 1887. She married George Clarence Patterson on 5 June 1907. [1]
Children of George Clarence Patterson and Louise Solomon Sibert: [2]
252. | Margaret Frances Patterson was born on 2 July 1909. | |
253. | George William Patterson was born on 18 March 1916 in McCormick, South Carolina. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
2. Margaret's birth date and George's birth date and place in Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
122. LILLIE SIBERT (David Wesley3, George2, John David1) (b. 1874)
Lillie Sibert was born on 25 May 1874. She married Eugene Bismark Moore on 25 September 1892. [1]
Children of Eugene Bismark Moore and Lillie Sibert: [2]
254. | Harland Moore | |
255. | Marion Louise Moore | |
256. | Eugenia Moore | |
257. | Frances Moore |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
2. Names of the children in Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
124. FLORA CORINNE SIBERT (David Wesley3, George2, John David1) (b. 1883)
Flora Corinne Sibert was born on 20 March 1883. She married Thomas Seals on 25 April 1906. [1]
Children of Thomas Seals and Flora Corinne Sibert:
258. | Thomas Nelson Seals [1] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 16.
146. JAMES W. SIBERT (Robert E.4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (1889 – 1947)
James W. Sibert was born on 11 October 1889 in Collinsville. He died on 20 September 1947 in Cherokee County and is buried in the New Bethel Baptist Church Cemetery in Cherokee County. He married Amanda Rebecca Bobo. Amanda, the daughter of Jessie and Sarah (Behring) Bobo, died on 17 October 1956, age 67, in Cherokee County. [1]
James was of medium height with dark hair and grey eyes. He was a farmer. [1]
Children of James W. Sibert and Amanda Bobo:
259. | Robert Rosco Sibert married Minnie L. Sarratt. Minnie, the daughter of Booth and Margaret (Pruitt) Sarratt, died on 2 November 1964, age 54, in Gadsden. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "U.S., World War I Draft Cards" > AL > Cherokee Co. > Draft Card S, image 86. "James W. Sibert," Findagrave no. 101314639. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for James W. Sibert and Amanda Rebecca Silbert [!]. "Alabama, Select Marriages Indexes," entry for J.W. Sibert. "U.S., World War I Draft Cards" > AL > Cherokee Co. > Draft Card S, image 86. "James W. Sibert," Findagrave no. 101314639. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for James W. Sibert and Amanda Rebecca Silbert [!]. "Alabama, Select Marriages Indexes," entry for J.W. Sibert.
2. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (, Minnie's death date and place, parents' and husband's names
149. DAVID MADDEN SIBERT (Adolphus4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (1884 – 1955)
David Madden Sibert was born on 25 December 1884. He died on 24 December 1955 in Oak Grove, De Kalb County. He married Eppie Arkie Bell Wilson on 3 June 1904 in DeKalb County. Eppie, the daughter of Harvey Burt and Martha Frances (Kirtland) Wilson, was born on 24 May 1885 and died on 27 August 1951, age 61, in Grove Oak. David and Eppie are buried in the Tenbroeck Baptist Cemetery in Tenbroeck, DeKalb county. [1]
In 1920 David and Eppie were living in Graham, DeKalb country with their children Vasco, age 15, Bernard, age 14 Ramell, age 11, Dennis, age nine, Teddie, age two and Charles, age one. David was a farmer. In 1930 David and Eppie were living in Graham with their children Vasco B., age 24, Jessie B., age 23, Willie D., age 18, David R., age 13, Charlie C., age 11, Opal M., age eight, Wallace G., age seven, and Jimmie R., age three and a half. David was a farmer. [1]
Children of David Sibert and Eppie Wilson: [2]
260. | Vasco Bert Sibert was born on 27 May 1905 in Fyffe, Alabama. He died on 16 August 1990 in Seminole county, Florida and is buried in the Tenbroeck Cemetery.. He married first Mollie B. Clements on 7 March 1933 in DeKalb County. Mollie, the daughter of William D. and Dolly (Lee) Clements, was born on 27 December 1904 in Talledge county, Alabama. She died, apparently by suicide, on 30 August 1947 in Hixon, Hamilton, Tennessee. Vasco married second Ruth Millican on 7 January 1949 in Tennessee. Ruth was born on 10 February 1927 and died on 8 September 2016. She is buried in the Valley Head Cemetary in Valley Head, DeKalb county. [3] Mollie's gravestone in the Tenbroeck Cemetery says, "Mollie C. Sibert Dec. 27, 1904 professor of religion 1918 graduate Snead Seminary 1925 married Vasco B. Sibert 1933 graduate Alabama S. T. College B.S. 1941 educational and social worker benefactress of mankind 1925–1947 lived a continuous unselfish Christian life possessed an innocence and unassumed beauty beyond words. A phenomenal example of companionship, brotherly love, and sympathetic kindness. Succumbed while mentally unconscious during fatal nervous and gland infection. Aug. 30, 1947." [3] |
261. | Jessie Bernard Sibert was born on 7 August 1906 or 1907 in DeKalb country. He died on 28 November 1948. He married Susie Stanfield. Susie was born on 25 June 1905 in Langson, Jackson county, Alabama. She died on 17 January 1948. Jessie and Susie are buried in the Tenbroeck Cemetery. [4] | |
262. | Martha Ramell Sibert was born on 15 April 1909. She died on 11 August 1994. She married Clyde Shannon Dotson. Clyde was born on 14 October 1894. He died on 30 May 1962. Clyde and Ramell are buried in the Tenbroeck Cemetery. [5] | |
263. | William Dennis Sibert was born on 26 May 1912 in Alabama. He died on 21 February 1991 and is buried in the Valley Head Cemetery. He married Helen Elizabeth Smith on 16 December 1943 in Calhoun county, Michigan. Helen was the daughter of Raymond H. and Rhea (Lindsay) Smith. [6] Dennis enlisted in the army as a private for the duration of the war plus six months on 9 September 1942. Capt. Dennis and Mrs. Helen E. Sibert and their three children returned to the United States from Frankfurt in 1955. He retired as a major. [6] "In 1946 he twice ran a full page ad in The Numismatist announcing a new book on the silver dollars of China, to be co-authored by himself and H. Chang, a coin dealer in Shanghai. Another ad in Numismatist in 1948, placed by his wife, said that due to Sibert's ill health, the book plan had been cancelled and advance payments had been refunded. I came across these advertisements some time ago, and put a card in my bibliography in case any other information turned up. Last night I discovered that I have the manuscript and many of the photos for that book. It came from the Howard F. Bowker library in the form of a binder, but with no title page or author shown." [7] |
264. | Ted R. Sibert was born on 14 August 1917 in DeKalb country. He died in October 1969 in Saint Lucie, Florida. He married first Marjie Evolia Unknown. Ted and "Evolia Mae" divorced in 1948 in Broward county, Florida. Ted and "Evolia B." [remarried and redivorced?] divorced in December 1951. Ted married "Dorothy M." and they divorced in October 1963 in St. Lucie. [8] | |
265. | Charles Clarence Sibert was born on 27 November 1919 in Grove Oak, Alabama. He died on 8 November 1992 in Broward county, Florida. He married Faith Cornelia Kinsman after 3 June 1942, when they obtained a licence in Queens, New York. Faith, the daughter of Arthur H. and Cornelia O. (Bourque) Kinsman, was born on 17 December 1920 in Fall River, Massachusetts. She died on 1 July 2006. [9] On 26 March 1944, Charles arrived in New York from Curaçao as the second mate on the S.S. Arizona. [9] |
266. | Opal Maxine Sibert was born on 23 February 1922 in Grove Oak. She died on 4 July 1994 in Saint Lucie. She married John Ansel Berry. John was born on 9 November 1919 and died on 27 September 1998. John and Opal are buried in the Florida National Cemetery in Bushnell, Sumter county, Florida. [10] John was a corporal in World War II. [10] |
267. | Wallace G. Sibert was born on 23 November 1923 in Grove Oak. He died on 20 April 2002. He married Sarah L. Harris. Sarah, the daughter of Ollie Lee and Annie Laura (Moore) Harris, was born on 7 September 1923 and died on 18 June 2013. Wallace and Sarah are buried in the Tenbroeck Cemetery. [11] | |
268. | Jimmie Ruth Sibert was born on 1 September 1926. She died on 2 May 2010. She married Tommie Jones. Tommie, the son of James C. and Ada Jones, was born on 5 July 1923 and died on 2 November 2015. Tommie and Jimmie are buried in the Mountain View Memory Gardens in Fort Payne, DeKalb county. [12] Tommie served in the navy during World War II. [12] Children of Tommie Jones and Jimmie Ruth Sibert: (i) Charles Wayne Jones was born on 17 January 1954 and died on 14 March 2008. He is buried in the Mountain View Memory Gardens. [12] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for David Madden Sibert. "David M. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 64006027. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (https://www.americanancestors.ort/DB1569/rd/22651/2272/446796500), Eppie's death date and place, parents' names. "Eppie Arkie Bell Wilson Sibert," Findagrave, no. 64006080. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Dave Sibert. "World War I Draft Registration Card" > AL > DeKalb > draft card S, image 133. "1930 U.S. Federal Census" > AL > DeKalb > Graham > dist. 24, image 47.
2. Childens' names and birthdates in Beeson, Sibert Family, 7. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Vasco B. Sibert.
3. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Vasco Sibert. "Florida, Death Index," entry for Vasco Bert Sibert.
"Mollie Clements Sibert," Findagrave, no. 64006190. "Tennessee, Death Records, 1908–1965," database with images, Ancestry > death certificates > Hamilton > 1947, image 1757, "hanged by neck." "Tennessee, Marriage Records, 1780–2002," database with images, Ancestry > May 1938–July 1950: marriages 26-28, image 531. "Ruth Millican Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88533546.
4. "J. Bernard Sibert," Findagrave, no. 64006134. "U.S, WW II Draft Registrations Young Men" > AL > Shiver–Simmons, image 2771. "Susie Stanfield Sibert," Findagrave, no. 64006260. It is possible that Stanfield is a middle name.
5. "Martha Ramell Sibert Dotson," Findagrave, no. 20056446. "Clyde Shannon Dotson," Findagrave, no. 20056443. "U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for Ramell S. Dotson.
6. "Dennis W. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 88533702. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Dennis Willie Sibert.
"Michigan, Marriages Records, 1867–1952," database with images, Ancestry > Certificates, 1926–1944 > Calhoun–Emmet > Calhoun (1930–1934), images 3047. "U.S., World War II Enlistment Records." "N.Y., Passenger and Crew Lists" > T715 > roll 8563, image 1252. Vasco B. Sibert, The Sibert Family of South Carolina and Alabama (n.p.: n.p., about 1967?), no page numbers.
7. Bruce W. Smith, "Query Information on Dennis W. Sibert Sought," The E-Sylum 16 (13 January 13, 2013), article 30, online article (
8. "U.S., WWII Draft Registration Young Men" > AL > Shiver–Simmons, image 2791. "Ted R. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 154521061. "Florida, Death Index," entry for Ted R. Sibert. "Florida, Divorce Index,
1927–2001," database, Ancestry, two entries for Ted R. Sibert. "Alabama, Divorce Index, 1950–1959," database, Ancestry, entry for Ted R. Sibert.
9. "U.S. Social Security Death Index," entry for Charles C. Sibert. "U.S. Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entries for Charles Clarence Sibert and Faith Cornelia Kinsman. "Florida, Death Index," entry for Charles C. Sibert. "New York, Marriage License Indexes, 1907–2018," database with images, Ancestry, entry for Charles C. Sibert. "New York, Passenger and Crew Lists" > T715 > roll 6790, image 42.
10. "Opal Maxine Berry," Findagrave, no. 362070. "John Ansel Berry, Findagrave, no. 361891. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims," entry for Opal Maxine Berry.
"U.S., Social Security Death Index," entry for Opal. M. Berry.
11. "Wallace Grady Sibert," Findagrave, no. 154621222. "Sarah L. Harris Sibert," Findagrave, no. 112598289. "U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index," entry for Wallce Grady Sibert. "U.S. World War II Army Enlistment Records,"entry for Wallace Grady Sibert.
12. "Jimmie Ruth Sibert Jones," Findagrave, no. 64239737. "Tommie Jones," Findagrave, no. 154593309. "Charles Wayne Jones," Findagrave, no. 83559608.
150. HORACE PAUL SIBERT (Adolphus4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (b. 1887)
Horace Paul Sibert was born on 7 August 1887. He married Minnie Bertie Dickerson on 17 January 1909 in DeKalbe County. Minnie, the daughter of John and Martha (Makay) Dickerson, was born in 1890. She died on 21 December 1951, age 62, in Dawson, DeKalbe County. [1]
Children of Horace Paul Sibert and Minnie Bertie Dickerson: [2]
J.D. Sibert was born in 1909 and died in 1913. | ||
Janette Sibert was born on 14 February 1912. She married Fred E. Whitfield on 18 April 1933 in DeKalb County. | ||
Berthell Sibert was born on 11 November 1918. | ||
Olan C. Sibert was born in October 1927. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 6, birth and death date and wife's name and birth date. "Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Paul Sibert. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index,"entry for Minnie Bertie Sibert, gives the date and place, her parents' names and her age.
2. Childrens' names and birthdates in Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
"Alabama, Marriage Indexes," entry for Janet Sibert, Janette's marriage record.
151. JESSIE CARL SIBERT (Adolphus4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (1889 – 1967)
Jessie Carl Sibert was born on 15 September 1889. He died on 17 December 1967, age 78 in Piedmont, Calhoun County, Alabama. He married Laura Bell Ryan by a license dated 14 September 1910 [!]. Laura, the daughter of John B. And Arose (Richie) Ryan, was born on 10 May 1887. She died on 19 November 1961, age 73 in Piedmont. [1]
Children of Jessie Carl Sibert and Laura B. Ryan: [2]
Boston L. Sibert was born on 12 March 1910. He married Caroline Frances Summers on 23 September 1938 in Cherokee County, Alabama. [3] | ||
Dorcus C. Sibert was born on 2 September 1911. | ||
Margaret Catherine Sibert was born on 30 July 1914 and died on 6 December 1924, age 10, in Puchamville, Calhoun County. She was buried at Four Mile. [4] | ||
Lieutenant Colonel Ray Sam Sibert was born on 10 August 1916 in Sand Mountain, Alabama. He died on 3 January 2009 in Anniston, Alabama and is buried in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardens. He married first Stella Inez Elrod. Stella, the daughter of Robert and Mary Lou (Ford) Elrod, died on 3 May 1968, age 50, in Ft. Mcclellan, Calhoun county. He married second Bronwyn Elrod. [5] | ||
Frederick Edward Sibert was born on 9 March 1918 or 1919 in DeKalb County. He married Mary Virginia Reece by a license dated 25 January 1940 in Anniston, Calhoun County. Mary was the daughter of Eli and Ida (Dickerson) Reece. [6] Children: (i) Freddie Edward Sibert, Jr. died on 26 July 1959, age 1,2 in Anniston. |
Latham N. Sibert was born on 22 April 1922. | ||
Jessie Carl Sibert was born on 6 March 1925. He died on 8 April 1983. He married Eloise Unknown. Eloise was born on 13 October 1926. She died on 10 September 2013. Jessie and Eloise are buried together in the Greenlawn Cemetery. [7] | ||
Bettie J. Sibert was born on 3 July 1927. | ||
Sarah Louise Sibert was born on 15 October 1929 in Jacksonville, Alabama. She died on 28 November 2011. She married Unknown Kuh. He died and she married second Irby Ray Swords of Jacksonville on 12 January 1951 in Calhoun County. Irby, the son of Dallas D. and Lula Ophelia (Connally) Swords, was born on 6 February 1926 in Albertville. He died on 6 October 2016. Sarah and Irby are buried together in the Greenlawn Memorial Gardensn. [8] |
1. Birth date, wife's name, marriage date and wife's birthdate in Beeson, Sibert Family, 6. Jessie and Laura's marriage license date is from "Alabama Marriage Records" > Jackaon > 1905–1912, image 323. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entries for Jesse C. Sibert and Laura Bell Sibert, gives the dates, places, their parents' names, theirs spouses names and their ages.
2. Names and birthdates of the first seven children and Margaret's death date in Beeson, Sibert Family, 8, gives Fred's birth year as 1919.
3. "Alabama Marriage Records," entry for L.B. Sibert, age 28.
4. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (, Catherine's death date and place, burial place, parents' names.
5. Obituary for Ray Sam Sibert, online article 9 January 2009, Anniston Star, (, birth and death dates and places, parents' and wives' names. "Alabama: Deaths, 1908–1974," (, Stella's death date and place, parents' and husband's names.
6. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Freddie Edward, Jr., date, place, age, parents' names.
7. "Sgt. Jessie C. Sibert," Findagrave, no. 15702311, Jessie and Eloise's birth and death dates in inscription (photo).
"Alabama Marriage Records" > Calhoun > 1938–1940, image 175, gives Frederick's parents' names and his birth year as 1918. "Sarah Louise Sibert Swords," Findagrave, no. 135316257, birth and death dates in inscription (photo). "Irby Ray Swords," Findagrave, no. 135316305, birth and death dates in inscription (photo), parents' names. "Alabama Marriage Records" > Calhoun > 1949–1950, image 531, gives Sarah's parents' names.
152. DAVID ERASTUS SIBERT (David4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (b. 1888)
David Erastus Sibert was born on 3 July 1888. He married Mary Virginia Holland in November 1910. Mary was born on 14 September 1899 in Nashville, Tennessee. [1]
Children of David Erastus Sibert and Mary Virginia Holland: [2]
Thomas Elrod Sibert was born on 8 September 1911. He married Willedith Gleaves Petitt by license dated 27 March 1939 in Colbert County. Willedith was the daughter of G.A. and Myrtle Louise (Byrd) Petitt, born on 10 Februarary 1919 in Lebanon, Tennessee. [3] | ||
Mary Elizabeth Sibert was born in November 1920. | ||
David Erastus Sibert was born in May 1923. He married Reuben Katherine Brunson of Greenville on 9 May 1945. Reuben was the daughter of James Reuben Brunson of Greenville. David entered the merchant marine in 1942. [4] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
2. Names and birthdates of the chilren in Beeson, Sibert Family, 8. There were also three children who died in infancy. David's wife's name, the date of their marriage and her father's name is from "Alabama Surname Files" > Bruce–Bryan, image 319, newspaper clipping.
3. "Alabama Marriage Record" > Colbert > 1936–1942, image 367, says Thomas was born on 14 September 1910 in Albertville.
"Alabama Surname Files" > Bruce–Bryan, image 319, newspaper clipping.
162. DOCTOR OLIN D. SIBERT (Jefferson4, Henry3, David2, John David1) (b. 1894)
Olin D. Sibert was born on 10 February 1894. He married Martha May Ballard. She was born on 30 May 1919 in Atlanta, Georgia. [1]
Children of Olin D. Sibert and Martha May Ballard:
Olin D. Sibert was born on 25 August 1920. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 8.
179. LLEWELLEN SIBERT (James4, Jasper3, David2, John David1) (b. 1896)
Llewellen Sibert was born on 9 January 1896. He married Wilodean Pickler in 1920. [1]
Children of Llewellen Sibert and Wilodean Pickler: [2]
Victor J. Sibert was born in 1922. | ||
Wayne Sibertwas born in 1924. | ||
Dorotha Sibertwas born in 1927. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
2. Children's names and birth years in Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
181. MARCUS AURELIUS SIBERT (James4, Jasper3, David2, John David1) (b. 1904)
Marcus Aurelius Sibert was born in 1904. He married Dixie Schultz. [1]
Children of Marcus Aurelius Sibert and Dixie Schultz:
James Orville Sibert was born in 1927. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 9.
191. COLONEL WILLIAM OLIN SIBERT(William4, William3, David2, John David1) (1889 – 1935)
William Olin Sibert was born on 23 October 1889 [Ref,
p. 11] in Bowling Green [Ref].
He died on 14 December1935 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, age 46.
[Ref] He married Elizabeth Collins
Carson on 12 April 1916. [Ref, p. 11] Elizabeth
was the daughter of Dr. James Oliver [Ref] and Margaret (Poindexter) Carson. [Ref,
p. 63-64] She was born on 8 July 1897 in Bowling Green. [Ref]
Maj. William Sibert was awarded a silver star for gallantry in action while
serving with the 77th Division, American Expeditionary Forces, in the Argonne
Forest, France on 26 September 1918. [Ref] William
was a colonel in the Chemical Warfare Service. [Ref] He worked for the Bulova Watch company. [Ref]
William Sibert was born on 23 October 1889. He married Elizabeth Collins Carson on 12 April 1916. [1]
Children of William Olin Sibert and Elizabeth Collins Carson:
William Luther Sibert was born on 24 May 1925. [2] |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 11.
2. Beeson, Sibert Family, 11.
192. MAJOR GENERAL FRANKLIN CUMMINGS SIBERT (William4, William3, David2, John David1) (1891 – 1980)
Franklin Cummings Sibert was born on 3 January 1891 [Ref, p. 11][Ref]
in Bowling Green. [Ref][Ref][Ref, Note 4] He died on 24 June 1980 in Escambia county, Florida. [Ref] He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. [Ref]
He married Helen Mildred Rogers on 4 March 1913. [Ref,
p. 11][Ref] She was born on 13 June 1893 [Ref, says 1892][Ref, says 1892, Note 4] in Beloit, Wisconsin
and died on 18 May 1959 [Ref] in Washington,
DC. [Ref][Ref, Note 4] She was buried on 20 May
1959 in Arlington National Cemetery. [Ref][Ref, Note 4]
Franklin Sibert graduated from West Point in 1912. [Ref]
He was a Major General on the staff of Joseph W. Stilwell, taking part in
the retreat from Burma. [Ref]
He commanded the 6th Division and X Corps in the Pacific Theater of World
War II. [Ref] He retired on 30 June 1946. [Ref, Note 4]
Franklin Sibert was born on 3 January 1891. He was married Helen Mildred Rogers on 4 Marach 1913. [1]
Children of Franklin Cummings Sibert and Helen Mildred Rogers2:
Franklin Rogers Sibert was born on 6 February 1914. | ||
Katherine Mary Sibert was born on 27 April 1917. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 11.
2. Birthdates of the children in Beeson, Sibert Family, 11.
195. MAJOR GENERAL EDWIN LUTHER SIBERT (William4, William3, David2, John David1) (1897 – 1977)
Edwin Luther Sibert was born on 2 March 1897 in Little Rock, Pulaski, Arkansas. [Ref][Ref][Ref][Ref, p. 11][Ref] He died on 16 December1977 [Ref] in McLean, Fairfax, Virginia. [Ref][Ref] He is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. [Ref] Click here to see a photo of his grave on the Findagrave website. He married Laura Carey[Ref] on 10 May 1919 [Ref, p. 11] at the Church of the Incarnation in New York, New York. [Ref][Ref, Note 1]
The 1900 U.S. federal census lists Edwin L. Sibert, age 3, born in March 1897 in Arkansas, as living with his parents William L. and Mary C. Sibert in Fort Totten, Queens, New York. [Ref, note 2]
On 6 August 1908 Edwin arrived in New York from Cristobal, Canal Zone on the Esperanza. He was travelling with Mrs. Mary, Harold, Martin and Mary. [Ref] On 3 September 1909 Edwin L., age 12, arrived in New York from Cristobal on the Advance. He was travelling with Mary C. and Martin D. [Ref] On 22 Nov 1910 Edwin L., age 13, arrived in New York from Cristobal on the Coban. He was travelling with Martin. [Ref] On 11 April 1911 Edwin L., age 14, arrived in New Orleans from Bocas del Toro, Panama on the Abangarez. [Ref] On 25 September 1911 Edwin L., age 14, arrived in New York from Cristobal on the Cristobal. He was traveling with Harold W. [Ref] On 16 August 1913 Edwin L., born on 2 March 1897 in Little Rock, arrived in Nw York on the Ancon. At the time he was living at the New York Military Academy in Cornwall, New York. [Ref]
The 1920 U.S. federal census lists Edwin L., age 22 and born in Arkasas, as living with his wife Laura, age 21 and born in Washington, and a servant in the Fort Myer Military Reservation in Alexandria co., Virginia. Edwin was a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Arny. His parents are described as born in Alabama and Texas. [Ref, note 3] The 1925 New York State census lists Edwin L., age 28, as living with his wife Laura C., their two children and a lodger in Ithaca, Tompkins, New York. Edwin was a Lieutenant in the U.S. Army. [Ref, note 4] The 1930 U.S. federal cenus lists Edwin L., age 32, born in Arkansas and married at 22, as living with his wife Laura C., age 32, born in Washington and married at 21, and their three children on the Fort Sill Military Reservation in Lawton Township, Comanche co., Oklahoma. Edwin was a First Lieutenant in the U.S. Army and a veteran of the World War. His parents are described as born in Alabama and Texas. [Ref, Note 5]
On 29 June 1932 Laura C., born on 15 January 1898 in Spokane, Washington, and her three children arrived in New York from Cristobal on the Chateau Thierry. [Ref] On 5 July 1933 Laura C. and her three children arrived in New York from Cristobal on the Chateau Thierry. [Ref]
The 1940 U.S. federal census lists Edwin L., age 43 and born in Arkansas, as living with his wife Laura C., age 42 and born in Washington, and two of their children in Washington, DC. Edwin was a major in the U.S. Army. In 1935 he had lived in West Point, New York. [Ref, Note 7]
On 25 March 1947 Edwin arrived in New York on the Queen Mary, which had departed from Southampton. [Ref, Note 7] On 2 August 1947 Edwin arrived in San Francisco on the Pan Am clipper "Red Jacket", which had departed from Shanghai. [Ref, Note 8] On 27 August 1950 Edwin, age 53 and born in Alabama [!], arrived in New York from San Juan, Puerto Rico on Pan Am flight 528-27. At the time he was living in Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts. [Ref] On 3 February 1952 Edwin L. of Washington, D.C. arrived in New York from Bogota, Columbia on and Avianca flight. [Ref] On 30 March 1955 Edwin L., born in Arkansas, and Laura C., born in Washington State, arrived in New York from Alexandria, Egypt on the S.S. Exeter. [Ref]
More photos, advice to his son
Details of his military career can be found on his wikipedia page.
Children of Edwin Luther Sibert and Laura Carey:
1. Certificate #13534, Click here to see image.
2. Roll: 1149, Page: 8A, E.D.: 0821, FHL microfilm: 1241149.
3. Roll: T625-1879; Page 1B; E.D.: 11; Image: 896.
4. Election District: 04; Assembly District: 01; City: Ithaca Ward 04; County: Tompkins; Page 16.
5. Roll: 1899; Page: 10A; E.D.: 0036; Image: 679.0; FHL microfilm: 2341633.
6. Roll: T627-562; Page: 9B; E.D.: 1-284.
7. Sibert, Edwin, born 2 March 1897, Little Rock, Arkansas.
8. Sibert, Edwin, born 2 March 1897, Little Rock, Arkansas.
227. ARTHUR HENRY SIEBERT (Arthur Hampton4, Isaac3, George2, John David1)
Arthur Henry Seibert
Children of Arthur Henry Seibert:
230. JAMES HENRY SIBERT (George Thomas4, John Henry3, George2, John David1) (b. 1891)
James Henry Sibert was born on 10 August 1891. He married Eleanor Coleman on 1 January 1917. [1]
Children of John Henry Sibert and Eleanor Coleman: [2]
i. James Henry Sibert was born on 23 February 1919. | ||
ii. Ruth Eleanor Sibert was born on 4 January 1921. |
iii. Grace Eliazabeth Sibert was born on 12 June 1925. | ||
iv. Thomas Wallace Sibertwas born in September 1927. |
1. Beeson, Sibert Family, 15.
2. Births of the children in Beeson, Sibert Family, 15
233. HAMILTON PHYNEZY SIBERT (James Isaac4, John Henry3, George2, John David1) (d. 1971)
Hamilton Phynezy Sibert died on 17 January 1971, age 74, in Gardendale, Jefferson County. He married Arelene D. Mobley. [1]
Children of Hamilton Phynezy Sibert and Arlene D. Mobley:
+ | i. Samuel Pierce Sibert was born on 11 March 1924. He married Elizabeth Carolyn Bell by a license dated 8 August 1946. Elizabeth, the daughter of Willie Vaughn and Esther Bell, was born on 4 July 1927 in Alabama. [2] |
1. "Alabama, Deaths and Burials Index," entry for Hamilton Phynezy Sibert, date, place, father's name (John [!]) and age.
2. "Alabama Marriage Records" > Jefferson > 1946–1947, image 2279.
06-Oct-2021 2:22 PM
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